Episode 887
Ministry of Unfailing Grace – Julie Carrick pt 2
Ministry of Unfailing Grace
Julie Carrick pt 2
We have a very special guest for you today. She has ministered all over the world and is Internationally known for her music and her speaking engagements. Julie Carrick is one of the most effective speakers and artists in the Catholic Church today. She brings a passionate message of faith, hope, and love masterfully woven together through her music and personal witness about living the faith. A veteran singer and composer, She has been featured at countless local, national and international events. As a Radio host heard on stations across the U.S., she boldly shares her faith at every opportunity. With 15 awe-inspiring recordings, her music shares the emotional element that takes the message of God’s love from the head to the heart. She has over 25 years of ministry experience and is the co-founder of the Carrick Ministries Foundation and she is here with us today in part two of a great four part interview!
I read that you had a supernatural intervention of sorts on September 11, 2001. Would you share with us what happened with you on that tragic day?
You’ve had some health issues along the way, as we all have. You are a lung cancer survivor. But you use the phrase, “the gift of cancer.” That is an unusual phrase. Would you expound on that for us? Because this not just a healing issue for you, correct?
Have you found this allows you to connect on a deeper, spiritual level, with others that may have issues going on in their lives? Healing, emotional, etc.?
Tell us about the outreach of your ministry, “Carrick Ministries Foundation.” You support work in Guatemala, I believe…
You have 15 music recordings, many have won you awards and recognition in the music industry. Do you have your own, for lack of a better word, your own “group” that you record with, rehearse with, etc. on a regular basis?
My first ministry related job was working with a national concert ministry with Dr. Vernard Johnson. I worked for him for a little over two years. I was his concert coordinator and would travel with him, setting up the event halls, arenas and was the stage manager and director for the concerts. We did 48 concerts in 48 cities in a year. I know what it is like to be on the road…but ours was spread out over a year…
I read that, for several years running, you held an average of 65 concerts over 90 days! In addition to ministering in local parishes, etc. How did you do that? I’d have collapsed working like that!
I urge you to reach out to Julie Carrick. Email her, visit her website. Order her book – most definitely, you need to order her music! Praise God! Music is one of the most powerful spiritual forces in the world. Why do you think the devil tries to keep control of the music industry? But when you put the Faith of God and Word of God into music, as Julie has, you can experience the same victory that David used to experience. The Peace of God, the Power of God the Blessings of God can surround you, protect you, guide you – and you will accomplish more for the Kingdom than you could ever have imagined! Amen! Just look at what God has accomplished with Julie Carrick because she yielded herself and gave herself to serve Him in music. Praise God!
EMAIL: Julie@CarrickMinistries.com
Website: http://www.juliecarrick.com
CD’s Of Julie Carrick Music (her website store)
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