Episode 569
The Verse After The Verse – John (Doc) Shear pt 2
The Verse After the Verse – John (Doc) Shear pt 2
We all have our favorite verses we quote, or can quote, from the Bible. One in particular, just off the top of my head is, “All things work together for good for those that love God…” How many times have you used that one?
But, since the Word of God is a “living” text it is important to look at scripture in context. Often examining the verse immediately after a selected verse will enhance the meaning. Take that verse from Romans [8:28] and you find it says, “All things work together for good for those that love God AND are “called according to his purpose.” So just because you LOVE GOD does not mean everything is going to work out for you – if you are operating in an area you have not been called to work in! AMEN! Don’t shout me down when I’m preaching good!
That is the premise which Doc Shear used to write his book, “The Verse After the Verse.”
John (Doc) Shear examines throughout the book, twelve familiar scriptures. He also looks at the verse immediately after to see how it might create a new dynamic in understanding the more familiar verse that is often quoted.
As a preacher, and also a published writer, Doc Shear is called a “storyteller”. He uses examples of experiences which have happened in his life, observations from his years in ministry and stories he has accumulated from preaching well over a thousand sermons. Doc Shear wrote this book in a style that is easy to read for the average Christian in the pew. The book also comes with a study guide and can be used for small group discussions and even as a sermon series. One of the endorsers to the book put it this way, “Doc Shear demonstrates both his ability as a faithful biblical interpreter and his talent as a story telling preacher”.
Rev. Dr. John Shear is the head of staff and pastor of John Calvin Presbyterian Church for the last fifteen years. He is a gifted speaker and teacher of the Word. His sermons are always deeply based on scripture, but, as he unfolds his message, he loves to interject stories that provide understandable and sometimes humorous anecdotes to help better understand the points being made. He finds this helps people to better live out the Word of God in their life.
How did John [3:16]-17 help you come to the point where you knew it was God’s will for you to write this type of book?
How can a Christian make a statement of disagreement with someone or something in our culture with out “judging” someone? Expressing our disagreement but doing so in a loving way?
How did you select the verses you wanted to include in the book?
Another popular verse in Romans is Romans [3:23] and 24. “All of sinned and come short of the Glory of God.” What can you encourage us with from verse 24?
I started off with Romans [8:28]. What can you tell us about a deeper meaning with verse 29?
Give us a couple of examples of how, in reading a scripture, a verse after the one being quoted can change the dynamics of the verse.
When I was wondering about my future, I was losing my law enforcement career due to an on the job injury. I was wondering if this was a door that was being opened for me to enter full time ministry, as I am doing today. And Jeremiah [29:11] gave me hope. “I know the plans I have for you. Plans to prosper you, not harm you. Plans to give to you a hope and a future.” That gave the courage to face the unknown that was coming. What else could verse 24 give us?
While you were going through your physical problems, how did scripture give you hope and encouragement to continue your walk with God while overcoming your situation?
Folks, I love interpretive Bible Study. Dr. Shear’s book, “The Verse After the Verse” is going to be a great addition to my library of study materials. I believe it will be a huge blessing to you as well. Use the link down below and order your copy today. As a matter of fact, order TWO COPIES! Christmas is coming! You should order a copy for your pastor as well. Or at least someone on your Christmas Shopping list! I can guarantee you, somebody needs this book!
Website: www.docshearpubs.com
Use the website information above to email / contact Dr. Shear and also to order his book!
The post The Verse After The Verse – John (Doc) Shear pt 2 appeared first on Kingdom Cross Roads Podcast.
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