Episode 871
Vertical Relationship – Melia Diana pt 2
Vertical Relationship
Melia Diana pt 2
As you have gone through trials in life, I’m sure some good meaning Christian tried to give you words of encouragement such as, “All things work together for good with God…” or “God has a plan in all of this…” or “God will not put more on you than He knows you are able to handle…”
Have you been told things like that while working through major issues in life? Did those kind words of inspiration encourage you? Or were you thinking you’d like to wring the persons neck who said them?
Everybody goes through problems. Sometimes, they are problems of our own making. Other times, they are problems that life just throws at us. But either way, they are problems. So the question becomes, “How do we, not only cope with the current situation, but overcome?”
We don’t want to just endure – we want VICTORY! Right?
Melia Diana is an International Best-Selling author; a Certified Christian Counselor, speaker and relationship & dating coach. She specializes in helping you to receive that inner healing transformation who unashamedly loves the Lord and is indefinitely serious about her Faith walk with Jesus. Amen!
Melia’s entire career has been devoted to serving and helping others. She has spent over 14 years in the fitness and medical field as a Certified Physical Trainer and as a Licensed Physical Therapy Assistant. She was handpicked as a Global Honoree and by invitation only, to be an Executive Contributor to “Brainz Magazine,” a 500 Global list of entrepreneurs, influential leaders and small businesses for their success and dedication to helping others. Starting this year, she will be a contributing writer for the Christian magazine, “His Favor Magazine.”
All of this has inspired Melia to use her Faith, knowledge, experience and personal development to design her own Signature Coaching Programs to help women to identify the missing links and core issues that hinder God’s best in your life.
She is also the author of a great book titled, “Vertical Relationship: 4 Steps to Salvation & Getting Right with God.” We discussed her background and the writing of this book in the prior episode. Today we will do a deep dive into her book and how it will bless you!
This book, “Vertical Relationship,” is for both, men and women, but you only personally coach women, is that correct?
You participated in a joint book with several other women, that became an International Best Seller, titled “Overcomer: Redeemed Masterpiece (Inspired Stories of Real People with Unconquerable Will to Thrive and Be Alive). How did you become associated with that work?
What was your chapter about in this book?
How hard is it to keep your personal feelings in check as you are helping others work through their issues and you are pouring yourself into ministering to them?
As you are helping these people, I’m guessing the Lord will show you something…something that needs to be addressed in their life. Maybe something they are, either not aware of our possibly have buried deep in their soul. How do you know that this is something the Lord wants you to bring to the surface in their life?
Have you received an testimonials about how you have impacted and helped others through your ministry?
Do you only help single women, married women or both?
You said this book could be used by men also. How so?
You said this book was many years in the making. What held you back and what kinds of obstacles did you, personally, have to fight through to fulfill this mission?
By writing this book, how this helped your Faith to grow?
Where can someone get a copy of your book, “Vertical Relationships?” Is it available on Amazon?
I viewed the trailer you have on YouTube. It’s awesome.
I’ll put links to both books and the trailer in the show notes below…
Folks, this book is so impactful, you just have to get a copy. If you are a woman listening to us right now, you NEED to get a copy of Melia Diana’s book, “Vertical Relationship: 4 Steps to Salvation & Getting Right with God.”
Even if you don’t feel you need it right now – you do! Amen! Even if you feel everything in life is great right now – there will come a time when you will begin to wonder…and you will need this information. You also probably know of at least one other woman, maybe even two or three, that could use the information Melia Diana has put together in this book.
Go down into the show notes and order a couple of copies…One for you and one each for two or three others you want to bless. Be a blessing! Amen!
And, if you are a man listening to this today, as you heard us talk about, this book is for men also. If you want to be blessed – or maybe you just want to bless your wife or girl-friend – go down into the show notes and order this book right now, as well.
Email: Use the Contact Form on the Website: https://meliadiana.com/contact/
Website: https://meliadiana.com
Book: “Vertical Relationship: 4 Steps to Salvation & Getting Right with God” - on Amazon
Book: “Overcomer: Redeemed Masterpiece (Inspired Stories of Real People with Unconquerable Will to Thrive and Be Alive) – on Amazon
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