Episode 1514
Victorious Spiritual Warfare So Simple Grandma Can Do It – Maureen Broderson pt 1
Victorious Spiritual Warfare So Simple Grandma Can Do It – Maureen Broderson pt 1
How many grandmothers out there are interceding for their children and grandchildren? Let’s not just leave it grandma’s – how many grandfathers are out there interceding, too? Praise God! I’m a grandpa to 7 grandkids – and I pray for them every single day, often multiple times a day! Amen!
The reason I ask this question is simple… out guest today is the author of a magnificent book titled, “Victorious Spiritual Warfare – So Simple, Grandma Can Do It!” Amen!
I’m telling you folks, I read this book through and, don’t tell anyone, but there’s stuff in there that will preach…amen! Praise God!
Maureen Broderson is the author of this great book and is an ordained minister in the Foursquare Church and serves on the pastoral ministry team at “The Church on the Way” in Van Nuys, California. She is also a Certified John Maxwell Team Coach, speaker, trainer and a Certified Human Behavior Consultant with Personality Insights, Inc.
I’ve been looking forward for today ever since she sent me this book. I’m telling you folks, there is some great stuff in here that you will want wrap your spiritual minds around… but more on that in a bit… One person wrote that Maureen, “takes the subject of Spiritual Warfare off the shelves of theology books and onto the coffee table of every believer.” Praise God!
Help me welcome to the program, Maureen Broderson!
Maureen, it is a blessing to have you join us today! Thank you for taking the time out of your schedule to come on the program today and talk all about your great book and Spiritual Warfare…
First question I always start with is this… Other than that brief information I just shared, can you tell is in your own words, “Who is Maureen Broderson?”
How long have you been involved with Spiritual Warfare… let me rephrase that… EVERYONE is involved in Spiritual Warfare our entire life… but how long have you been teaching people about how to be victorious in Spiritual Warfare?
As you have outlined in your book, Jesus secured the victory for us in Spiritual Warfare at Cavalry. We fight FROM victory, not for victory. But how can someone who may not be as actively involved in ministry and spiritual warfare gain the wisdom to “know how to fight this battle?”
In the military, we trained as we would fight. In other words, make the training as tough as we could and as realistic as we could. Then, when the real battle erupts around us, we are going through, basically muscle memory tasks that we know will bring us to a place of victory.
How can Christians learn this type of reaction in the Spiritual Warfare realm and gain the experience to “know that you know that you know” what to do in situations that require you to “take a stand” in Spiritual Warfare?
I’ve known a few ministers that, let’s just say, “wanted to engage in Spiritual Warfare” and thought they had it all figured out. But, once they engaged in the actual battle – found out they were not as prepared as they thought
Being in the military for so long, and then my career in law enforcement, I often found myself in some, let’s say interesting situations that could have gone south in an instant. But, through training, I had the ability to read certain situations, tell-tale signs that an individual would start to do which indicated something was about to happen – and I would be prepared for it and react almost instantaneously. Praise God for that training…
In Spiritual Warfare, I guess we could relate that to “hearing the voice of the Holy Spirit” telling us “something is up…” Is it possible to learn to hear that “inner voice” well enough to protect us from demonic attacks, etc.?
To be honest, sometimes (and more often that most people would admit to), we are “our own worst enemy” when it comes to putting ourself in a situation that allows the enemy to attack us. Have you seen this in your ministry as you help folks identify problems, etc. with Spiritual Warfare?
Folks, we may have a little fun with the topics here today… but I want you to realize, Spiritual Warfare is real. 100% real. It is not something to “dabble with” or “have some fun with.” It is life and death. That is not meant to scare you off… absolutely not.
It is meant to have you understand the seriousness of the situation. We can see evidence all around us of the magnitude of the spiritual battle taking place. It’s all over the news, social media, in the schools, etc. This is not a time to go and hide our heads in the sand. No, it is a time to stand up and fight.
Drop down into the show notes right now and click the links there to get in touch with Maureen Broderson – and be sure to click the link to get this great book, “Victorious Spiritual Warfare – So Simple, Grandma Can Do It!” into your hands right now! I’m can’t stress the importance of this enough. Do it right now. Drop down below and click the links…
Email: maureen@maureenbroderson.com
Website: https://www.maureenbroderson.com/
Book: “Victorious Spiritual Warfare – So Simple, Grandma Can Do It!” - on Amazon
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