Episode 981
When Things Go Wrong – Tom Donnan pt 1
When Things Go Wrong
Tom Donnan pt 1
If you’ve been watching the news lately, the major story has been about mandates issued by the government that people be forced to get their vaccinations. There have been threats issued by businesses and even the military, that if you do not get vaccinated, you lose your job or your career.
Who is it that is forcing this issue? It is none other than the government of the United States. You know, the one’s who are supposed to protecting the right of “free choice” and “personal freedom…” The one’s who are concerned about individual rights, etc. Unless, of course, it does not fit their political agenda.
Despite the science that says there is only a 0.0001 % chance of dying from COVID – even without a vaccination. I wonder if big pharma, you know, the companies that have developed the vaccinations themselves, are behind the political push to make sure every person in the world is going to get a vaccination. I wonder how much money they will make from various governments per shot. Interesting to think about, isn’t it?
Well, to talk about all of this and more, is our good friend, Tom Donnan! Now, far warning, every time Tom Donnan comes on the program, we have an outline of what we will discuss – but the Holy Spirit sometimes leads us down some rabbit trails that are unplanned and, well, let’s just say “adventurous.” So fasten your seat belts because we are about to take off! Amen!
Help me welcome back to the program, our good friend, Tom Donnan!
Tom, before we get into the issue of government overreach, I want to venture a little farther out. Like, “outer space.” Then work our way back to planet earth and ultimately, to the decline of the United States of America.
We always discuss signs in the heavens, including stars and other such things. But you found out there might be some stars that have gone missing, right?
That covers what is happening in space. But there are things going on right here on earth that has caused some great concern. Such as the recent volcanic activity in the Canary Islands, correct? https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=OilLXhW12CE
Some of the volcanic activity has caused tsunami warnings as well.
And all of this is in addition to the turmoil taking place all over the planet. Riots, protests and things like that. Basically, do you think society itself is starting to break down?
It’s not just in the United States either. Australia has, basically, gone full on authoritarian government. Have you seen this? https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=-yAq_8w-CI8
They actually have people quarantined and refuse to let them go, despite them having the vaccines! https://rumble.com/vm5ud4-absolutely-chilling-video-from-inside-australian-hotel-quarantine.html
Have you heard anything about something called “shielding camps?” Kind of like a new style of concentration camp under the guise of “protecting us” from the unvaccinated.
And these “shielding camps” are beginning to appear in the USA, correct?
This goes to the case that we’ve made that the left, basically the Democrats and Joe Biden, are pushing their one world government agenda on this nation.
Folks, we have only scratched the surface of things going on all around us. Tom and I could talk for hours on any one of these topics that we just covered. The point behind this discussion is not “how bad it’s gotten.” No. Our point is that these things have been called out to us in the Bible. Every single thing can be referenced in some form or fashion as foretelling, what many call, “the end times.” Amen!
Use the contact information below to get in touch with Tom Donnan, order his books (they're awesome)!
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Pastor and the Presence of God
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