Episode 1609
2025 Prophetic Almanac – Bill Jenkins
2025 is poised to be a year characterized by "grace quintupled," as Pastor Bill Jenkins shares profound insights from his latest release, the Prophetic Almanac. This year's focus emphasizes the importance of extending grace to others, highlighting the need for forgiveness and compassion in a world increasingly filled with challenges and division. Pastor Jenkins reflects on the tumultuous events of 2024 and encourages listeners to look ahead with hope and expectation for spiritual growth and revival. Throughout the conversation, he delves into scriptural foundations that support this theme, examining key verses and chapters that provide guidance for personal and communal growth. Join Pastor Bob Thibodeau and Pastor Jenkins as they explore the prophetic vision for 2025, encouraging listeners to embrace a year of abundant grace and renewed purpose.
- 2025 is being emphasized as a year of quintupled grace, requiring believers to extend extra grace to others.
- Pastor Bill Jenkins highlights the importance of journaling to track prayers and God's responses throughout the year.
- The 2025 Prophetic Almanac focuses on biblical principles from chapter 25 in various books of the Bible.
- Pastor Bill believes this year will bring significant spiritual and financial blessings to those who are open to receiving them.
- Grace is not just for receiving but also means forgiving others and letting go of grudges.
- The podcast encourages listeners to magnify God and not their problems, shifting perception for a better outlook.
Website: https://destinylandcc.org
Website: https://www.pastorbilljenkins.org/
BOOK: “2025 Prophetic Almanac” – on Amazon
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Welcome to the Kingdom Crossroads podcast with Pastor Bob Thibodeau.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Pastor Bob conducts personal interviews with Christian influencers from around the globe, helping Christian authors, recording artists, CEOs, entrepreneurs, non profit leaders, and yes, pastors and ministry leaders to get the word out about what they are doing to impact the world with the gospel.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Our podcast has been rated in the top 1/2% of all podcasts in the world by ListenNotes.com so you know your message will be heard.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Now here is your host with today's interview, Pastor Bob Thibodeau.
Pastor Bill Jenkins:Hello everyone, everywhere.
Pastor Bill Jenkins:Pastor Bob Thibodeau here.
Pastor Bill Jenkins:Welcome to the Kingdom Crossroads podcast today.
Pastor Bill Jenkins:We're so blessed that you're joining us.
Pastor Bill Jenkins: Well,: Pastor Bill Jenkins:It's been an interesting year, to say the least.
Pastor Bill Jenkins:We've seen Christianity attacked in this nation like never before.
Pastor Bill Jenkins:We've seen politicians just basically surrendering the sovereignty of the nation.
Pastor Bill Jenkins:And we've seen natural disasters on a scale that, well, some say hasn't happened for hundreds, if not sometimes thousands of years, depending on who you're listening to.
Pastor Bill Jenkins:And you know, we have Israel at war.
Pastor Bill Jenkins:And mounting pressures from nations all around the world are continuing to condemn Israel for defending themselves rather than condemning the attackers and the nations supporting terrorism and all that.
Pastor Bill Jenkins:And can I just add though that that's what the Bible says will happen.
Pastor Bill Jenkins:Amen.
Pastor Bill Jenkins:But for believers, though, this is not a time of doom and gloom.
Pastor Bill Jenkins:Oh, so far from it.
Pastor Bill Jenkins: We're told by Jesus in Luke: Pastor Bill Jenkins:Amen.
Pastor Bill Jenkins:With all that's happening, wouldn't it be nice to have just a, a peek at what could be happening in the Spirit this year?
Pastor Bill Jenkins:It takes someone with a special gift from God to be able to do that without sounding like a soothsayer or a nut job, Right?
Pastor Bill Jenkins:It takes someone anointed by God with this gift to lay things out in a logical format.
Pastor Bill Jenkins:That's what my guest is going to do today.
Pastor Bill Jenkins:Our guest day is Pastor Bill Jenkins of the Destiny Land Christian Center, Rancho Cucamonga, California.
Pastor Bill Jenkins:Love that name.
Pastor Bill Jenkins:Every year he releases a new book titled the Prophetic Almanac.
Pastor Bill Jenkins:And, and if you've ever heard of the Farmers Almanac, well, the Prophetic Almanac is the spiritual equivalent that will release a, a spiritual vision for your personal life and it gives a basic prophetic forecast for our nation as well.
Pastor Bill Jenkins: Pastor Bill is a: Pastor Bill Jenkins:And he's been in ministry well over 30 years.
Pastor Bill Jenkins:He has had his own television program on the TBN network and hosted Praise Lord himself a few times.
Pastor Bill Jenkins:Praise God.
Pastor Bill Jenkins:And he's written numerous books and has become well known as a modern day apostle of God with a prophetic voice.
Pastor Bill Jenkins:He and his wife Britain, they work extremely hard to release the message of hope into a world in a very needful time such as this, I might add.
Pastor Bill Jenkins:And Pastor Jenkins takes some of the toughest passages of scripture and he can explain them in a practical and and interesting way.
Pastor Bill Jenkins:He's quickly becoming the go to guy when it becomes biblical interpretation.
Pastor Bill Jenkins:And he also has a radio program on evangelism rail.
Pastor Bill Jenkins:He's had that for several years now.
Pastor Bill Jenkins: to: Pastor Bill Jenkins: ophetic Almanac for this year: Pastor Bill Jenkins: ave a very hectic and chaotic: Pastor Bill Jenkins: As we move into: Pastor Bill Jenkins:Pastor, thank you for taking time out of your schedule to visit with us today.
Speaker C:Oh man, I always love being with you, love your heart and just I'm so proud of what all you're doing.
Speaker C:And so it's an honor to be on the program today.
Pastor Bill Jenkins:Amen.
Pastor Bill Jenkins:I just want to jump right into this.
Pastor Bill Jenkins:I mean we'll get into the election results and all that stuff in a moment, but I want to just rewind a little bit first.
Pastor Bill Jenkins: of that applies to this year: Pastor Bill Jenkins: Now last year you said: Pastor Bill Jenkins:What is the Lord showing you that this year is going to be?
Pastor Bill Jenkins: guess you call it a theme for: Speaker C:Well, the main theme for this year is going to be grace, because when you look in the Bible, remember the easiest way to get to 25 is 5 times 5.
Speaker C:So 5 is the number of grace.
Speaker C:5 was used in the tabernacle, one of the best stories about the foolish and wise virgins in the New Testament.
Speaker C:So we get to 25.5times5.
Speaker C:So it's Grace, but it's grace quintupled.
Speaker C:So it's grace upon grace upon grace upon grace upon grace.
Speaker C: t come into your Life here in: Speaker C:And remember, God gives us grace, so we need to learn how to give other people grace.
Speaker C:So if there's one thing that I could break down of all the things that I have in this book for a vision for year, it's going to be that this is a year of grace quintupled, where we need to have five times as much grace as we've ever had before to make it successfully through this year.
Pastor Bill Jenkins:Amen.
Pastor Bill Jenkins:Amen.
Pastor Bill Jenkins:Extreme grace.
Speaker C:Yes.
Pastor Bill Jenkins:Yeah, amen.
Pastor Bill Jenkins:Amen.
Pastor Bill Jenkins: So: Speaker C: Well,: Speaker C:So, for instance, there are 66 books in the Bible, and only 17 of those books have a chapter 25.
Speaker C:So one of the things that I do is I look at every chapter 25 in the Bible, and then I break it down for you.
Speaker C:I give you a verse, and I give you a scripture.
Speaker C:I give you that little story that's a part of what's in that chapter to help to release a vision for us for the year.
Speaker C: think are going to happen in: Speaker C:And that's one of my favorite parts of the book.
Speaker C:It always is, is when I look at these Chapter 25s, because I think, you know, the best way to give a prophetic word is when it's based upon the word of God.
Speaker C:So when you look in Genesis, it's about the power of prayer.
Speaker C:When you look in Exodus, it's about giving to God.
Speaker C:Exodus 20:5 is about really.
Speaker C:They started a building fund to build the tabernacle, but they needed money to do it.
Speaker C:You need money to do what you're doing.
Speaker C:Every church needs money to do what they need to do to build the kingdom of God.
Speaker C:So we started a building fund this year and are believing God to continue to grow our church here in Rancho Cucamonga, California.
Speaker C:So when you look at these books of the Bible that have a chapter 25 in them, I believe they reveal God's plan to us.
Speaker C: You mentioned: Speaker C:Well, we're continuing that because in 1st Chronicles, chapter 25.
Speaker C:It's all about worship, worshiping God.
Speaker C:There's only two books of the Bible in the New Testament, Matthew and Acts, that have a chapter 25 in them.
Speaker C:And Matthew, chapter 25 is about being prepared, and then Acts 25 is about responding correctly when you're falsely accused.
Speaker C:You know, Paul faced that.
Speaker C:You and I are going to face that.
Speaker C:But how do we respond to people who don't like us?
Speaker C:And we're going to have enemies.
Speaker C:You know, Brother Bob, I always believe this, that, you know, sometimes we ask people, well, do you have enemies?
Speaker C:And they say, no, I don't trust people who don't have enemies.
Speaker C:If you don't have enemies, you ain't do anything.
Speaker C:Jesus had enemies, and you're going to have enemies.
Speaker C:And our enemies are meant to be not stumbling blocks, but stepping stones.
Speaker C:Remember, your friends are there to comfort you, but your enemies are there to promote you.
Speaker C:So if you use, you know, the proper procedures according to the word of God, by blessing those who curse you and doing the right thing, when people attack you, you're going to get elevated whether do or not, because you're not responsible for what they do to you.
Speaker C:You're responsible for what you do back to them.
Speaker C:And so this is such a key year.
Speaker C:I'm telling everybody that I can.
Speaker C:This could be the best year of your life, but it's really not about, you know, other people or God.
Speaker C:God wants you to have the best year, but do you want to have the best year?
Speaker C:And if you do, there's things that you have to do.
Speaker C: to have great success here in: Pastor Bill Jenkins:Amen.
Pastor Bill Jenkins:Amen.
Pastor Bill Jenkins:That's good.
Pastor Bill Jenkins:Yeah.
Pastor Bill Jenkins:You're.
Pastor Bill Jenkins:You're talking about here.
Pastor Bill Jenkins:If.
Pastor Bill Jenkins:If someone says they don't have any.
Pastor Bill Jenkins:Any enemies, that means they're friends with the enemy.
Speaker C:Yeah.
Pastor Bill Jenkins:You are who you hang around with.
Speaker C:Yeah, that's right.
Speaker C:And you are going to become five.
Pastor Bill Jenkins:People you hang around with, you know?
Speaker C:Yeah.
Speaker C:And you'll become a product of your environment.
Speaker C:So whatever you're around is what you're going to end up becoming.
Speaker C:And so that's why it's important to hang around people that are going to elevate you, people that are going to help.
Speaker C:You know, it's tough enough.
Speaker C:If I stood on a chair, it'd be easy for you to pull me down.
Speaker C:It'd be a lot harder for me to pull you up.
Speaker C:And yet sometimes we're wasting our time on people who aren't ready to be helped.
Speaker C:And this is a year when we got to help those who want to be helped.
Speaker C:If people don't want to be helped, it doesn't mean we give up on them and we just, you know, absolutely avoid them.
Speaker C:But what it does mean is we can't help people unless they want help.
Speaker C:We know that.
Pastor Bill Jenkins:Exactly.
Speaker C:And so don't waste your time on people who don't want help.
Speaker C: eople out there, I believe in: Speaker C:They're going to be part of the harvest and we need to go after them, use our time wisely and make sure that we are positioning ourselves in a place of prosperity so that we can have really what I'm saying is the best year of our life.
Pastor Bill Jenkins:Amen.
Pastor Bill Jenkins:Amen.
Pastor Bill Jenkins:You know, this is, I believe the, the, if I'm did my research correctly, the 10th year that you've been publishing the Prophetic Almanac, that that's one thing I love to see in ministry is leaders inconsistency.
Pastor Bill Jenkins:And I appreciate your consistency, not just publishing in this book every year, but in your consistency and serving the Lord, preaching the gospel as well.
Pastor Bill Jenkins:Was there anything special you included in this edition that's not usually included in prior years?
Speaker C:Well, this is actually the 11th year I've been doing the book.
Speaker C:I've been doing this for a long time, but I've been writing the book, the prophetic almanacs for 11 years in a row.
Speaker C:And so, you know, sometimes I feel like maybe I shouldn't.
Speaker C:But as long as God keeps giving me the Word, I'm going to keep giving it to everybody else.
Speaker C:And so just like in every other book, I stay true to that pattern.
Speaker C:You know, I'm consistent.
Speaker C:People say, well, you must live an exciting life.
Speaker C:Well, really I'm a boring person.
Speaker C:You know, I get up early in the morning, I pray, I have my prayer time, I spend time with my wife, I do my job, I work, I do what I got to do in life.
Speaker C:I'm not really, if you hang around, you know, you're not going to find that much excitement.
Speaker C:I'm going to be pretty busy and doing a lot of things.
Speaker C:But that's okay.
Speaker C:I'm not mad at that.
Speaker C:I'm not, you know, looking down at that.
Speaker C:It keeps me out of trouble and it keeps me focused in on God.
Speaker C:And so, you know, I put These things in the book, we look at the number 25, we talk about things historically that's happened in 25, political things, just things in general, maybe things in entertainment, things in the Bible.
Speaker C:We give people who are born on the 25th day of the month a little word in there specifically for them.
Speaker C:We go and look at every state.
Speaker C:So we take 50 states, break it down into five regions, give every state a word and then break down these regions.
Speaker C:And I'm believing for revival to hit America.
Speaker C:I'm not just believing for revival to hit California.
Speaker C:I'm believing revival to hit our nation like never before.
Speaker C:You know, you mentioned earlier about living in the last days.
Speaker C:Well, I'm believing for that end time revival.
Speaker C:I'm believing for it to happen this year.
Speaker C:And I'm expecting God to pour out his spirit upon all flesh that is truly pursuing him.
Speaker C:And so in the book, I put things in there that, you know, God has given me to give to the people, to give them a vision.
Speaker C:The Bible says without a vision, the people perish.
Speaker C:I don't like people don't have a vision.
Speaker C:If you don't have a vision, that's a surefire way to get into trouble.
Speaker C:And you know, the devil can bring other things to cause you to focus in on.
Speaker C:And you know, we were talking about this before we ever started the program.
Speaker C:You know, you're a focused man.
Speaker C:I'm a focused man.
Speaker C:Jesus was so focused that even one of his close friends, he had to call him Satan.
Speaker C:He said to Peter, Satan, get behind me.
Speaker C:Why?
Speaker C:Because there's a lot of good things that we could do, but there's not a lot of God things that we can do.
Speaker C:And so you mentioned consistency.
Speaker C:I want to be consistent.
Speaker C:That's the only way I know how to be.
Speaker C:I want to be consistent.
Speaker C:This book is really the same sort of pattern of consistency that it's always been where I lay these things out.
Speaker C:I give you scriptures, we release to you some different, you know, resolutions, commitments that we can make for the year according to the word of God.
Speaker C:And I love digging in the word.
Speaker C:I love getting into the Bible and seeing those secret things that God wants to give us to help us to be all we can be in that coming year.
Pastor Bill Jenkins:Yeah, amen.
Pastor Bill Jenkins:Amen.
Pastor Bill Jenkins:Yeah, I love what you're just talking about.
Pastor Bill Jenkins:You know, we were talking before the recording started, you know, my exciting life day in.
Pastor Bill Jenkins:But that's what I'm happy doing.
Pastor Bill Jenkins:You know, it's, it's consistent.
Pastor Bill Jenkins:I know what is expected.
Pastor Bill Jenkins:I know what I'm doing.
Pastor Bill Jenkins:And that, that is, you know, when you, if you wake up knowing what the Lord's plan is for you for that day, that's a whole lot better than saying, well, I guess I don't have nothing to do today, because that's where you start getting into trouble.
Pastor Bill Jenkins:You know, by remaining focused, you continue to serve the Lord each and every day.
Pastor Bill Jenkins:Amen.
Pastor Bill Jenkins:I love, I love the intention of your book as well.
Pastor Bill Jenkins: ion for things to look for in: Pastor Bill Jenkins:In fact, I've heard you use this example before.
Pastor Bill Jenkins:Perception by looking at something through a magnifying glass before.
Pastor Bill Jenkins:Could you share that idea with our audience?
Speaker C:Yeah, I mean, we need to always magnify the right things.
Speaker C:If I take a quarter and put it under a magnifying glass, the quarter doesn't become bigger.
Speaker C:The perception of that quarter becomes bigger.
Speaker C:And so we need to magnify the right things.
Speaker C:That's why throughout the scripture, we're encouraged to magnify God.
Speaker C:Because when we magnify God, God doesn't get any bigger than he already is.
Speaker C:He's not like us.
Speaker C:We have good days, bad days.
Speaker C:God has good days every day.
Speaker C:So God is okay.
Speaker C:We don't need to worry about him or have a prayer meeting for the Lord.
Speaker C:But what we do need to understand is that, you know, when it comes to these things that are in the Bible, God wants us.
Speaker C:Man, God, he longs for us to search out things in the Bible and to get things from Him.
Speaker C:He wants to reveal stuff to us.
Speaker C:It's never a problem with, with God's voice.
Speaker C:It's always a problem with our ears.
Speaker C:So we need to listen and open up our ears and hear what God has to say and magnify the right things.
Speaker C:Because when we magnify God, God doesn't get bigger, but our perception of God gets bigger.
Speaker C:And I often wonder, do we have problems or do we have perception problems?
Speaker C:If your perception changed, maybe your problems would go away.
Speaker C:If we had more faith in our life.
Speaker C:And I'm not talking about faith and faith.
Speaker C:I'm talking about faith in God.
Speaker C:You can't just have faith and faith and expect everything to work out.
Speaker C:Out.
Speaker C:That's ridiculous.
Speaker C:You gotta have faith in the right places and you gotta put your faith in the Lord.
Speaker C:So when you do that, I think you know that God responds.
Speaker C:We think that crying and yelling and screaming and all this other mumbo jumbo stuff helps, but God only responds to faith.
Speaker C:He doesn't respond to your need.
Speaker C:He doesn't respond to your tears, he responds to your faith in him.
Speaker C:And so when we magnify God, then our perception gets bigger.
Speaker C:God doesn't, but our perception doesn't.
Speaker C:When our perception does, we look at things through the lens of the word of God, and we start believing that what is impossible can now be possible.
Pastor Bill Jenkins:Amen.
Pastor Bill Jenkins:Amen.
Pastor Bill Jenkins:You know, as you're saying that, I was thinking, you know, being in the military, you know, we use binoculars to scout things out, of course.
Pastor Bill Jenkins:And like I said, that makes the perception a lot clearer for us to look at.
Pastor Bill Jenkins:And if you think about it, this just popped in my mind.
Pastor Bill Jenkins:When we bring our problems to God, we're magnifying the problems.
Pastor Bill Jenkins:God's looking at them through the other ends.
Pastor Bill Jenkins:If you turn binoculars around and look at it, everything becomes real tiny.
Pastor Bill Jenkins:And God's looking at like, that's not a problem.
Pastor Bill Jenkins:If you turn around to him, I mean, he can fix the problem, because to him, it's.
Pastor Bill Jenkins:That's just something small, minor.
Pastor Bill Jenkins:Yeah, we'll take care of that.
Pastor Bill Jenkins:Be healed.
Pastor Bill Jenkins:Boom.
Speaker C:Done.
Pastor Bill Jenkins:You're done.
Pastor Bill Jenkins:You know?
Pastor Bill Jenkins:Yeah.
Pastor Bill Jenkins:Amen.
Pastor Bill Jenkins:Amen.
Speaker C:Well, I think a lot of times what can happen is, you know, we don't accelerate ourselves out of problems the right way.
Speaker C:If you want to accelerate yourself out of an issue that you're going through that you've had for a long time, it may not be the devil, it may not be God, it may be you.
Speaker C:You may not be doing the things that God has told you to do.
Speaker C:So if you start to obey God, yield yourself and surrender to him, what can happen is that's one of the best ways to accelerate yourself out of that situation and take it from where you're at to where God wants you to be.
Pastor Bill Jenkins:Yep.
Pastor Bill Jenkins:Amen.
Pastor Bill Jenkins:Amen.
Pastor Bill Jenkins: as you were studying for the: Speaker C:Oh, man, I tell you what, I got so thrilled in my spirit.
Speaker C:You know, it's a year of grace.
Speaker C:And when I first heard grace, I thought, man, you know, this is going to be wonderful.
Speaker C:You know, this is much easier than some of the previous years.
Speaker C:The problem with that is it grace is not easy.
Speaker C:It's easy to ask God to give us, but it's certainly not easy for us to give other people.
Speaker C:And this is a year where I think we have to draw a circle around ourselves and not point the finger at everybody and understand that grace is maybe deeper in some ways than what we have somewhat looked at it.
Speaker C:You know, if you Take the word grace, G R A C E.
Speaker C:You break it down.
Speaker C:It's God's riches at Christ's expense.
Speaker C:We love that, you know, that's great, that's awesome.
Speaker C:But what is grace when you really break it down?
Speaker C:I had written some things that God has given me down in the book about, you know, grace is about forgiveness instead of holding a grudge.
Speaker C:It's about unconditional love.
Speaker C:It's about understanding instead of being understood.
Speaker C:Grace is about compassion.
Speaker C:Compassion moves us to bring change to a situation.
Speaker C:It doesn't just cause us to feel sorry.
Speaker C:It's about giving people a break when they do wrong.
Speaker C:You know, we're so quick to judge, judge people in the church sometimes.
Speaker C:And grace is about giving them a break and understanding they're not always perfect.
Speaker C:You're not always perfect.
Speaker C:That doesn't give us permission to sin.
Speaker C:But what it does do is it helps us to understand we're not judge and jury.
Speaker C:We're not the ones who decide.
Speaker C:You know, I think when we get to heaven, there's probably going to be people there, you know, that we're going to be like, wow, you know, hey, brother Bob, they made it, you know, and then there's going to be other people like, where are they at?
Speaker C:You know, where are they at?
Speaker C:And it's a matter of the heart in some of these issues.
Speaker C:And so when we talk about grace, it's about believing the best, not assuming the worst.
Speaker C:And I also put in there things that grace is not like.
Speaker C:It's not a free pass to go out there and do whatever you want to and then expect, you know, the Lord to forgive you of everything that you do.
Speaker C:There are still consequences to sin.
Speaker C:And it's not a license.
Speaker C:Grace is not some license to sin.
Speaker C:And so when I begin to look at it, I guess, you know, one of the things that I got the most out of it when I began to study and the Lord began to speak to me is that God really loves me.
Speaker C:I've been in this thing a long time, just like you.
Speaker C:I sometimes have a hard time believing that maybe I'll even go to heaven, you know, I don't deserve heaven.
Speaker C:And I still believe that.
Speaker C:You know, when I was a sinner, I did a lot of things I shouldn't have done.
Speaker C:So, you know, I wouldn't blame God for sending me to hell because I deserve a devil's hell.
Speaker C:But because of God's grace, I don't have to get what I deserve.
Speaker C:And so I think that, you know, this is a year when God wants to free us up, he wants to free us up of the spiritual bondage we have placed and put ourselves under the law with and to allow us to experience that love, to love him and to serve him and to go to church and to pay our tithes and give unto God, but to do it because we want to, not because we have to.
Speaker C:So I really believe in many ways this is a year of freedom for people who, you know, will actually receive and embrace and apply this word to their life, where they can get free from that bondage, whether it be spiritual bondage or whether it be some addiction they have in their life that God can set them free and set them up for success.
Speaker C:You know, I think that, you know, God wants us to walk in forgiveness.
Speaker C:Forgiveness isn't about, you know, you know, saying that what somebody did to us is okay.
Speaker C:It's not even about other people.
Speaker C:When you think about forgiveness and grace, I don't give.
Speaker C:I don't forgive you for you.
Speaker C:I forgive you for me.
Speaker C:So I don't have to be bound to what you did to me forever.
Speaker C:And so I think when we understand that it's not about, you know, who is right, it's about what is right.
Speaker C: fly high in the lord here in: Pastor Bill Jenkins:Amen.
Pastor Bill Jenkins:Amen.
Pastor Bill Jenkins:Praise God.
Pastor Bill Jenkins: results for a moment in your: Pastor Bill Jenkins:What did you see that you put in that book that came true during the election process?
Pastor Bill Jenkins: o you see moving forward into: Speaker C:Well, if you remember, last year, you asked me the same thing about the political question.
Speaker C:And I told you very clearly, Grover Cleveland was the 22nd and the 24th president.
Speaker C:He was the only president up to today who was elected, had a, you know, four year absence, and then came back into office.
Speaker C:Office.
Speaker C:And so I told you last year and I believed it with all my heart, even when the polls were down.
Speaker C:We don't go by polls.
Speaker C:We go by what God says, that there was going to be a shift in the politics.
Speaker C:It got worse before it got better.
Speaker C:But we're seeing now Trump is now the 55th and the 57th president.
Speaker C:History repeated itself.
Speaker C:So when we talk about these things, you know, these are things that, hey, I'm not sitting there, you know, declaring, thus saith the Lord.
Speaker C:I'm just Revealing truth to you, that's coming to pass.
Speaker C:I don't take credit for that stuff.
Speaker C:I give credit just in studying, in learning, in digging, and letting God speak.
Speaker C:All that is to the credit and the glory of God.
Speaker C:Now, this is a year when people are going to get what they wanted.
Speaker C:Okay?
Speaker C:Now think about that.
Speaker C:That could be good, that could be bad.
Speaker C:I don't know.
Speaker C:It's up to that individual person.
Speaker C:I don't control whether you get blessed or cursed.
Speaker C:You do that.
Speaker C:And so I believe people are going to get what they want.
Speaker C:So we voted.
Speaker C:We had an election, we put a person in office, we changed some things.
Speaker C:Now we have to make sure that we are doing the right thing Biblically.
Speaker C:I don't vote for people because they're Republican or Democrat.
Speaker C:I vote for issues.
Speaker C:I vote for policy.
Speaker C:I vote for principle.
Speaker C:I vote for people who vote for God.
Speaker C:You don't vote for God.
Speaker C:I can't vote for you.
Speaker C:And it can't be, you know, somebody who's, you know, in one day and out the next.
Speaker C:And I don't expect these politicians to be perfect because in many ways I think they all a little crooked.
Speaker C:But I do believe that there's people that God places and put in office for certain times.
Speaker C:And so I think you're going to see things change.
Speaker C:I think you're going to see, you know, the interest rates go down.
Speaker C:I think you're going to see the economy improve.
Speaker C:I think you're going to see people get blessed financially.
Speaker C:I think you're going to see a better spirit in our nation.
Speaker C:Is there still going to be problems and, you know, terror attacks like we've already had this year?
Speaker C:Sure there is, but you're going to see a paradigm shift.
Speaker C:You're going to see a change in the atmosphere, and I believe it's going to be able to be felt.
Speaker C:So I think that we're entering into a season of prosperity, not because of a politician, by the way, but because of God.
Speaker C:And so I think this is a time and a season where God is shifting things in the spiritual.
Speaker C:And because he shifted into the spiritual, it's going to manifest in our natural realm.
Speaker C:And as a result, I think we're going to see a lot of things change for the better, for the people of God and for our world.
Speaker C:And I think that, you know, we're going to see some of the benefits come to pass.
Speaker C:Now listen, if you want bad things to happen, keep on declaring it, keep on calling it.
Speaker C:It'll come.
Speaker C:Whatever you declare out of your mouth.
Speaker C:You're going to search.
Speaker C:Sooner or later, you're going to get it.
Speaker C:But if you will be challenged to accept the Word and prove the Word.
Speaker C:I'm okay with proving the Word.
Speaker C:I'm okay with putting it to the test, man.
Speaker C:When God answers our prayers, when God comes through, quit questioning God and accept it for what it is.
Speaker C:And so I believe that we're entering a time of change.
Speaker C:And it's a change for good.
Speaker C:It's an atmospheric change, it's a spiritual change.
Speaker C:And I believe that this next season of our life is going to be.
Speaker C:It's just going to be prosperous, and it's going to be a season of blessing for us in the church.
Pastor Bill Jenkins:Amen.
Pastor Bill Jenkins:Amen.
Pastor Bill Jenkins:In your book, you usually recommend that we take some time to pray, seek the Lord.
Pastor Bill Jenkins:Well, for this year be the 25th day of every month and year during the year.
Pastor Bill Jenkins:What are some of the scriptures that come to mind right now that led you to say that?
Speaker C: that we do is I look at every: Speaker C: I look at every: Speaker C:So when I look at those things, I just let God speak.
Speaker C: scriptures say, whatever the: Speaker C: ok in the word at some of the: Speaker C:One of the best stories of the Bible is in 2nd Chronicles 20, where Jehoshaphat was surrounded by the enemy.
Speaker C:He praised the Lord, he called a prayer meeting.
Speaker C:And when he prayed, there was a word that was given.
Speaker C:When they followed and obeyed that word and gave God praise, the enemies ended up turning on themselves.
Speaker C:And so they got the victory.
Speaker C: And so in second chronicles: Speaker C: to be one of the Scriptures,: Speaker C:And that's one of the things I'm believing it for it to be a year of bountiful blessings for the church.
Speaker C: In job: Speaker C:You know, Job had so called friends, right?
Speaker C:Who needs friends like Job?
Speaker C:You know, we don't need friends like that.
Speaker C:And they criticized him.
Speaker C:And In Job chapter 25, one of his friends gave his last speech.
Speaker C:It was his last ditch effort to prove to Job that he was wrong, you know, in what he was doing, he deserved what he was getting.
Speaker C: And you know, in job: Speaker C:This is a year.
Speaker C:Don't fear.
Speaker C:God's not giving us a spirit of fear, but power, love, and of a sound mind.
Speaker C: First Samuel: Speaker C: Second Samuel: Speaker C: Judges: Speaker C:So be a peacemaker.
Speaker C: Exodus: Speaker C: Leviticus: Speaker C:And so when we look at these things, I think it sets the table for us to see what God has for us.
Speaker C:When we walk in obedience, do the right thing, apply the word to our life.
Speaker C:These things are ours.
Speaker C:So these scriptures aren't just thrown in there to add pages to a book.
Speaker C: to come to pass in this year: Speaker C:It's not an accident.
Speaker C:We look at these chapter and verses and then whatever in there, good or bad, we put it in there so you can see and have an expectation of what God wants to release in our lives this year.
Pastor Bill Jenkins:Amen.
Pastor Bill Jenkins:Amen.
Pastor Bill Jenkins:You just mentioned journaling.
Pastor Bill Jenkins:I know you always encourage us that we need to be journaling what God's sharing with us in our thoughts and prayers.
Pastor Bill Jenkins:Why is that important for us to do?
Speaker C:Well, it's important because what is the Bible?
Speaker C:It's more or less like a little journal that you know, these people had, they wrote down, they kept these things when God said they would do different things.
Speaker C:And so it's important for us to document stuff.
Speaker C:And when we document it, it sort of helps us.
Speaker C:You know, the Bible said, write the vision, make it clear so they that read it can run with it.
Speaker C:Every year in our church, I pass out a piece of paper for people to write their vision, write the, their goals down.
Speaker C:Professionally, physically, mentally, emotionally, maritally, professionally, every way, in every realm.
Speaker C:I have them write that out.
Speaker C:They make a copy, keep it for themselves, put it in an envelope, and then at the end of the year, I'm going to give it back to them so they can see if they reach their goals.
Speaker C:To me, goals are important.
Speaker C:If you don't have a goal, you don't know.
Speaker C:You know, how do you know if you're doing good?
Speaker C:You got to measure yourself.
Speaker C:You got to judge yourself.
Speaker C:The Bible said, if you judge yourself, you have no need to be judged.
Speaker C:And so this is something I've been doing all my Christian life.
Speaker C:And I believe it's important to document, write things down, write the vision, make it clear.
Speaker C:You know, nowadays with all the, you know, improvements and all the technology we have, people don't write anymore the way they used to.
Speaker C:We need to write things down and document things so that when God comes to pass, my middle son, he's 22, he.
Speaker C:He did a little prayer picture, and he put on there.
Speaker C:There's five different areas where he's putting things in, things that he's praying for.
Speaker C:And in the middle, it's answered prayers.
Speaker C:So when one of those prayers on one of those sides get answered, he puts it in the answer prayer.
Speaker C:And then he'll look back, and what it does is it stirs his spirit to say, man, if God did this once, he can do it again.
Speaker C:If he did it for somebody else, he can do it for me.
Speaker C:And it just reminds us that God is there, God cares, and God will come through, and it encourages us and it builds our faith.
Speaker C:When we write things down and we see them come to pass in our.
Pastor Bill Jenkins:Lives, man, that's good.
Pastor Bill Jenkins:Amen.
Pastor Bill Jenkins:Praise God.
Pastor Bill Jenkins: ow, last year, you closed the: Pastor Bill Jenkins: Do you have those for: Speaker C:Absolutely.
Speaker C:You know, I end the book by just giving you little things that God wants us to sort of have in our life and sort of do and keep.
Speaker C:These things, they're all based upon things that I've already put in the.
Speaker C:In the book, but little things that we can do.
Speaker C:25 different, what I call prophetic principles that we can cling to.
Speaker C:And it's just as simple as life is short.
Speaker C:So live in the moment, you know, don't worry about tomorrow.
Speaker C:Tomorrow's going to take care of itself.
Speaker C:Just focus in on today.
Speaker C:Practice forgiveness, premeditate love, pay it forward.
Speaker C:You know, don't always let your past dictate your future.
Speaker C:But, you know, look forward, man.
Speaker C:Pay it forward.
Speaker C:Embrace what you cannot control.
Speaker C:What a big sermon sentence that is, right?
Speaker C:If you can't control it, maybe God wants you to embrace it.
Speaker C:Speak well of yourself.
Speaker C:Quit being negative about who you are.
Speaker C:Speak well of yourself.
Speaker C:And you know why.
Speaker C:God speaks well of you.
Speaker C:So don't contradict.
Speaker C:Predict what God says.
Speaker C:You're the apple of his eye.
Speaker C:Don't treat yourself like a rotten, spoiled apple.
Speaker C:Look for solutions.
Speaker C:Don't always focus in on problems.
Speaker C:Don't take everything so personal.
Speaker C:People wear their feelings on their sleeves sometimes get offended over every little thing.
Speaker C:I know you know, people who are like that and they're just, they're not fun to be around.
Speaker C:They get offended at every little thing.
Speaker C:Don't major on the minors.
Speaker C:Worry is wasteful.
Speaker C:Reset your life.
Speaker C:Go the extra mile.
Speaker C:Eliminate the unnecessary from your life.
Speaker C:Help those who are ready to be helped.
Speaker C:We talked about that earlier.
Speaker C:Earlier.
Speaker C:And then here's a good one.
Speaker C: Mind your own business in: Speaker C:Don't worry about everybody else.
Speaker C:You said, well, is that a God word?
Speaker C:Is that a God thought?
Speaker C:Absolutely.
Speaker C:I can prove to you from the scripture that you need to just mind your own business.
Speaker C:Quit getting in everybody else's business and focus in on you.
Speaker C:Draw a circle.
Speaker C:Don't point the finger.
Speaker C:And so I continue to put in here things like you are what you think.
Speaker C:So whether if you think it here, you are what you think.
Speaker C:So we always tell people you are what you eat, but spiritually speaking, you are what you think.
Speaker C:So if you think you're ugly, you might be the most beautiful person in the world.
Speaker C:But if you think you're ugly, if you believe you're ugly, then you're ugly no matter what the truth is.
Speaker C:So don't allow your thoughts to surpass the truth of the word of God.
Speaker C:Your thoughts can never surpass truth.
Speaker C:So decisions determine your destiny.
Speaker C:Be a lesson or a blessing.
Speaker C:So in your life, be a lesson.
Speaker C:You know, if you've done something wrong, let somebody learn from that or be a blessing to somebody.
Speaker C:Set some boundaries.
Speaker C:Understand life is not, not fair.
Speaker C:Give grace, not judgment.
Speaker C:And then last of all, God is in charge.
Speaker C:Every day this year, God is in charge.
Speaker C:He's not going to take a day off.
Speaker C:He's not going to take a sick day.
Speaker C:He's not going to call in and be absent.
Speaker C:He's not taking a vacation.
Speaker C:God is in control.
Speaker C:God is in charge.
Speaker C:So make sure that you are letting God be in control.
Speaker C:He doesn't need, you know, a co pilot.
Speaker C:He doesn't need a backseat driver.
Speaker C:He just needs you to surrender, submit, let go, and let God have his way here in 20, 20, 25.
Pastor Bill Jenkins:So true.
Pastor Bill Jenkins:You know, as you're talking about, you know, the mind your own business thing, as soon as you said that, the scripture popped my head where, you know, Peter was, you know, the him and John seeing Jesus on the shore and said, okay, come with me, Peter.
Pastor Bill Jenkins:He said, what about him?
Pastor Bill Jenkins:He goes, don't worry about him.
Pastor Bill Jenkins:You know, don't worry about him.
Pastor Bill Jenkins:I got something for you to do, you know, don't worry about him.
Pastor Bill Jenkins:Amen.
Pastor Bill Jenkins:Amen.
Pastor Bill Jenkins: der a copy of your book, Book: Speaker C:Well, they can go to right, Amazon, download it on ebook, Kindle.
Speaker C:They can go to ebay.
Speaker C:We sell a lot of books on ebay.
Speaker C:They can also go to walmart.com and target.com so that's pretty awesome that Walmart and Target has picked up our books.
Speaker C:You can order it through them and you can get it through Barnes and Noble.
Speaker C:Anywhere books are sold, you can get a copy of the book.
Speaker C:And all of my books.
Speaker C:I've written 22 books and so you can get any and all of them, including this latest and greatest book.
Speaker C:I got another book coming out about signs in around Easter time.
Speaker C:And so go and check it out.
Speaker C: ok, the Prophetic Almanac for: Speaker C:You can get all 22 of my books, listen to all of our radio podcasts, and then connect with me on social media like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, TikTok and YouTube to get what we call the minute that matters.
Speaker C:It's one minute, Brother Bob.
Speaker C:One minute.
Speaker C:There's 1,000, 440 minutes every day.
Speaker C:I'm asking for one.
Speaker C:It might be one of the most important minutes of your day.
Speaker C:So go check it out.
Speaker C:We give you a little prophetic word to start your day, get through your day, end your day, whatever it may be.
Speaker C:But it's such a valuable thing.
Speaker C:You know, I love to get up in the pulpit and preach for 45 minutes.
Speaker C:Most people love that minute more than they love the 45 minutes.
Speaker C:And so go check it out.
Speaker C:We're everywhere on social media and we give you, you one minute.
Speaker C:That's all we do.
Speaker C:One minute, 60 seconds.
Speaker C:It's a video devotional.
Speaker C:You don't know how to find us on the individual social media websites.
Speaker C:Go to pastorbilljenkins.org and then we make it easy for you to connect with us to get that minute that matters.
Speaker C:So pastorbilljenkins.org is the best place to get the books, get the podcast, and get the minute that matters.
Pastor Bill Jenkins:Amen.
Pastor Bill Jenkins:Amen.
Pastor Bill Jenkins:I'll put links all this in the show notes below.
Pastor Bill Jenkins:Praise God, folks.
Pastor Bill Jenkins:2025 is already shaping up to be, let's just say, an interesting year again.
Pastor Bill Jenkins:Amen.
Pastor Bill Jenkins:Pastor Bill was writing this book.
Pastor Bill Jenkins:He didn't know a lot of things were happening right now, but yet here it is, January, and they're already starting to come to pass.
Pastor Bill Jenkins:Praise God as you go through this book.
Pastor Bill Jenkins:The Lord has shown him what we're seeing right now.
Pastor Bill Jenkins:You might be watching this program six months from now.
Pastor Bill Jenkins:I can guarantee there's something happening that was in that book that he wrote last year that's coming to pass right now.
Pastor Bill Jenkins:Amen.
Pastor Bill Jenkins:It's not a prophetic thing like, you know, thus saith the Lord God, doom and gloom over everyone.
Pastor Bill Jenkins:No, you heard him explain what it's about from scripture.
Pastor Bill Jenkins:Praise God.
Pastor Bill Jenkins:Pastor Bill's come on this program the last five or six years running.
Pastor Bill Jenkins:It's always astounding to me how accurate his books are.
Pastor Bill Jenkins:I mean, you need to get your hands on this book right now.
Pastor Bill Jenkins:Just drop down the show notes, reach out to Pastor Bill, get your own copy.
Pastor Bill Jenkins:Start reading it right alongside your Bible.
Pastor Bill Jenkins:Put it out there.
Pastor Bill Jenkins:Start reading it.
Pastor Bill Jenkins:Look at the scriptures he's talking about.
Pastor Bill Jenkins:Go to your Bible, read it.
Pastor Bill Jenkins:Study it for yourself.
Pastor Bill Jenkins:Pastor Bill, again, I appreciate you taking the time out of your schedule.
Pastor Bill Jenkins: e program and share all about: Pastor Bill Jenkins:I do appreciate it, brother.
Speaker C:Well, I always love being with you.
Speaker C:I love your heart, I love your passion, and, you know, you're a true warrior for the Lord, and so I love that kindred spirit that we have, and I love your heart for the Lord.
Speaker C:It's always an honor to be with you and to talk about these things.
Speaker C:The only problem is I want to go out there and preach now.
Speaker C:You know, I want to go out there, have an audience.
Speaker C:And so thank you so much, man.
Speaker C:We just love you.
Speaker C:You're doing such a good job, and, you know, we just appreciate your heart for the Lord.
Pastor Bill Jenkins:Amen.
Pastor Bill Jenkins:I appreciate that, folks.
Pastor Bill Jenkins:That's all the time we have for today, man.
Pastor Bill Jenkins:As time goes so fast, when you're with Jesus, time just flies by.
Pastor Bill Jenkins:It's almost like he supersedes time.
Pastor Bill Jenkins:Folks, that's all the time we have for today.
Pastor Bill Jenkins:Pastor Bill James, myself, this is Pastor Bob reminding you to be blessed in all that you do.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Thank you for listening to today's episode of the Kingdom Crossroads Podcast.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Please subscribe to our podcast so you can be notified when another episode is published.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau: interviews and: Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Please visit our website@www.podcastersforchrist.com.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:that web address again is www.podcastersforchrist.Com.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:for more information.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Until next time, be blessed in all that you do.