Episode 1610
Portals and Time Travel - Tom Donnan part 1
Portals and Time Travel
Tom Donnan part 1
This episode delves into the intriguing intersection of cutting-edge science, unexplained phenomena, and biblical prophecy, exploring how recent advancements in quantum computing and rising UFO disclosures may be linked to the spiritual battles of the end times. Pastor Bob Thibodeau and his guest, Tom Donnan, discuss the implications of these technologies, such as quantum encryption, and the potential threats they pose to our security and understanding of reality. They also examine how these developments might be preparing the world for greater spiritual deception, drawing parallels between current events and biblical prophecies. The conversation highlights concerns about humanity's quest for control and the possible ramifications of accessing other dimensions, particularly through experiments at CERN. With a blend of insightful commentary and scriptural references, this episode challenges listeners to consider the spiritual impact of these scientific advancements and the importance of discernment in a rapidly changing world.
- Pastor Bob Thibodeau explores the intersection of science, spirituality, and biblical prophecy in this episode.
- The advancements in quantum computing raise questions about humanity's quest for control and technological limits.
- CERN's experiments may have profound spiritual implications, including the potential opening of portals.
- The discussion highlights the connection between UFO phenomena and biblical prophecies of deception.
- Listeners are encouraged to remain discerning and grounded in scripture amidst rapid technological changes.
- The conversation emphasizes the importance of understanding spiritual battles in light of modern advancements.
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Welcome to the Kingdom Crossroads podcast with Pastor Bob Thibodeau.
Speaker A:Pastor Bob conducts personal interviews with Christian influencers from around the globe, helping Christian authors, recording artists, CEOs, entrepreneurs, non profit leaders, and yes, pastors and ministry leaders to get the word out about what they are doing to impact the world with the gospel.
Speaker A:Our podcast has been rated in the top 1/2% of all podcasts in the world by ListenNotes.com so you know your message will be heard.
Speaker A:Now here is your host with today's interview, Pastor Bob Thibodeau.
Speaker B:Hello everyone, everywhere.
Speaker B:Pastor Bob Thibodeau here.
Speaker B:Welcome to the Kingdom Crossroads podcast.
Speaker B:Today we're so blessed that you're joining us and today's.
Speaker B:Let me just describe it as a fascinating episode.
Speaker B:We're gonna dive into the intersection of cutting edge science, unexplained phenomena and biblical prophecy all in one session.
Speaker B:Praise God.
Speaker B:From quantum computing breakthroughs and the mysteries of CERN's, portals, to rising UFO disclosures, missing people in national parks, AI driven psychological operations, we're going to explore how these so called advancements and anomalies may be connected to the spiritual battle of the end times that are, if not here now, will soon be upon us.
Speaker B:Amen.
Speaker B:Join us in this conversation.
Speaker B:Our good friend Tom Donnan is back with us today and he's going to help us to unpack these extraordinary developments through a biblical lens.
Speaker B:Praise God.
Speaker B:Help me.
Speaker B:Welcome back to the program, Tom Donna.
Speaker B:Tom, it's a blessing to be talking to you again, brother.
Speaker C:Hey, Pastor Bob.
Speaker C:I've been chomping at the bit, you know, been up a storm waiting for this day.
Speaker C:You know, normally I do it a little bit earlier, but I figured, okay, I'll give me more time to prepare and be able to pray.
Speaker C:You know, have a little bit later interview time.
Speaker C:No.
Speaker C:And so we'll have to see how the Holy Spirit responds.
Speaker C:I'm looking forward to this.
Speaker C:Thank you for having me.
Speaker B:Amen.
Speaker B:Amen.
Speaker B:Let's jump right into this because as we see on the news and on the Internet about the quantum computing advances, this can disrupt not just technology, but the technological equilibrium, but also the spiritual equilibrium in the world as well.
Speaker B:Correct.
Speaker C:Oh, now the computing power, right?
Speaker A:Yeah.
Speaker C:Okay.
Speaker C:So they developed this thing that is called Willow.
Speaker C:It's a computer chip for design for quantum computers.
Speaker C:And so when they did this, what happened is that they decided to give it a test.
Speaker C:So they gave it a human, by human standards, would have, would have taken like a thousand generations in succession to solve this problem.
Speaker C:They gave the computer this problem and it solved it in five minutes, right?
Speaker C:So now we're thinking, okay, this is way beyond human capabilities now.
Speaker C:This is going to be like the overtone of the whole thing is that mankind is now getting into the God scenario where we're, we're stepping beyond ourselves with technologies and advancements that I don't think we're even going to know how to handle.
Speaker C:Because, you know, something gets created and it's good till it gets corrupted, right?
Speaker B:Yep.
Speaker B:Amen.
Speaker B:Amen.
Speaker B:Your own computers do that, you know.
Speaker B:Oh this, this is great.
Speaker B:This is great.
Speaker B:And then something happens and it's doing weird stuff.
Speaker B:Weird stuff.
Speaker C:Yeah, yeah.
Speaker B:So I remember, I remember some hearing some people.
Speaker B:This is long time, probably 20 years, maybe more ago where one guy had stolen so much money from a bank he was working for because what he was doing was he put.
Speaker B: st going to pick a number out.: Speaker B:Now.
Speaker B:00 is your dollars.
Speaker B:00 more is infamil.
Speaker B:And then another 01 after that.
Speaker B:I mean you're talking, you know, on a million dollar transaction he makes, he makes 10 cents maybe something like that.
Speaker B:I mean it doesn't even show up on spreadsheets and stuff.
Speaker C:Right.
Speaker B:But when a bank is doing a billion dollars in transactions and he's getting, you know, 10 bucks every time a billion dollars flows through over the course of 20 years, he's racked up pretty good chunk of change, you know, and somehow or other he got caught.
Speaker B:And when they went back to see how it was, he said, how did he.
Speaker B:Wow, he can do that.
Speaker C:Yeah.
Speaker B:That's just one guy, you know.
Speaker B:Yes.
Speaker C:The creative power of the mind.
Speaker C:And so it worked out to be nefarious as far as he was concerned.
Speaker C:No.
Speaker C:And so now with the current technology of this quantum chip, the thing is, is that what is it going to do for our encryption codes that use.
Speaker C:That is used on the Internet so that we can do our banking safely, we can purchasing with our credit card safely.
Speaker C:And if they could solve this problem in a flash, now what's going to happen?
Speaker C:In order to be able to have our bank accounts protected, we're going to need quantum encryption.
Speaker C:Otherwise they can steal it in a.
Speaker B:Flash or, or the biometric stuff, you know, like a computer chip in our hand or something like that.
Speaker B:Well, and so see, that's a connection.
Speaker C:You, you drew that right in there.
Speaker C:That was good.
Speaker B:Yeah, like that, that, you know, where they, you have to scan your eyes.
Speaker B:So you withdraw stuff and you know.
Speaker C:That'S not too far away.
Speaker C:No, that's going to be needed problem.
Speaker C:It's going to be needed in orders is five.
Speaker B:Yep.
Speaker B:Mark, there's already talk about, you know, all this.
Speaker B:How are we going to secure the banking system because computers are so technologically advanced now.
Speaker B:You know, I mean you see movies, let me just throw that out.
Speaker B:You see movies where they're trying to break into, you know, locked doors or offices or something and they got this huge, you know, maybe a 16 digit encryption code or something.
Speaker B:They hook up their little device and you see the numbers 1-799-743 and 2 minutes.
Speaker B:The door opens, you know, I mean that's, that's what you're talking about with these computers nowadays.
Speaker B:You know, a 12, 15 digit password should not be easy to crack.
Speaker C:But.
Speaker C:Right.
Speaker B:With the computer power they have nowadays, they can run through that list so fast.
Speaker C:Yeah.
Speaker B:Like you said, it takes two minutes.
Speaker C:Maybe if that, that like you re you alluded to there is that it's going to come to where in order that we have some kind of common security is that the all, all knowing leadership is going to devise something like the mark of the beast to ensure, ensure that we're have our ability to watch over our, our digital dollars.
Speaker B:Yeah, well, they're already passing the, the rumor control around about how you know, this next administration, whether they do it or not, but they're talking about or at least they're putting it out.
Speaker B:Usually when the government wants to do something, they put out boom and let's see what the feedback is like, you know, before anything really gets done.
Speaker B:Right.
Speaker B:And that's about the, where we're at now with maybe we just need to stop the, the federal dollar and adopt, you know, something like Bitcoin for our national currency.
Speaker B:You know, not Bitcoin itself, but our own crypto dollar.
Speaker B:And yeah, that way it's more secure, you know, and it can't be, you know, counterfeited as easy and all this stuff.
Speaker C:Right, right.
Speaker B:And gee, now every single transaction is going to be trackable.
Speaker C:Yes.
Speaker B:Well, that's better.
Speaker B:That's better for us because nobody can steal our stuff, you know.
Speaker B:Okay, you know, be careful what you ask for.
Speaker C:Well, and that becomes a problem like the developing of the bitcoin and the crypto technology was based off of the blockchain technology.
Speaker C:Right.
Speaker C:Well, this Willow chip blows that blockchain technology out the window.
Speaker C:So what are they going to do there?
Speaker C:They're going to have to come up with some kind of super, super system.
Speaker C:That we're going to have to all be joined into.
Speaker C:And so we're looking at a lot of change.
Speaker C:That's the problem.
Speaker C:And it's coming so fast.
Speaker C:Now.
Speaker C:We talked about birth pains, right?
Speaker C:This is an intense, serious birth pain we're talking about today.
Speaker B:Yeah, exactly.
Speaker B:Well, how should Christians interpret these developments.
Speaker C:Signs that we are at the end?
Speaker C:You know, we have brought this up before.
Speaker C:You know, the Book of Daniel in Chapter 12, it says, Seal up the book until the time of the end.
Speaker C:When now it increases.
Speaker C:Now it just increased so much.
Speaker C:We are seeing advancements in science that nobody would have expected.
Speaker C:As a matter of fact, I don't think they got.
Speaker C:Got some stuff out there that the human brain can't even wrap their head around right now if, if it was brought out into the open.
Speaker C:And so that's going to start being, shaking.
Speaker C:I think it's going to shake us mentally, spiritually, emotionally.
Speaker C:When we start to see some of this stuff.
Speaker C:We're going to get down to the bottom of the list on.
Speaker B:Yeah, amen.
Speaker B:Amen.
Speaker C:But I think we're at the end of days.
Speaker B:We have to be, because I sure wouldn't want to see what comes after.
Speaker C:Oh, no.
Speaker B:We talk about quantum computing.
Speaker B:That raises questions about, you know, our humanity's quest for control, you know, which is another topic capturing global attention is the growing acknowledgment of quote, unquote, UFOs or extraterrestrial life, and that the potential for that, setting the stage for an even greater level of spiritual deception.
Speaker C:Oh, oh, that's scary.
Speaker C:All right, Remember we brought this up before.
Speaker C:Pastor John Kilpatrick has a wonderful video out there called what do you.
Speaker C:I'm jumping ahead a little bit, but we'll get down to that in the bottom.
Speaker C:No, and it's, it's more or less set up that to prepare us for the deception because they're going to use something to shake the world and scare us off of our foundation.
Speaker C:And it seems as though this reality of UFOs, which they say has been around for a long time, and now all of a sudden it's starting to come out into the open, not necessarily through the front door, but through the back door to side door, the bottom door.
Speaker C:You know, this information is starting to come out.
Speaker C:And then you have like a Harvard, Harvard professor who says that UFOs are an imminent threat.
Speaker C:Okay?
Speaker C:So now it's starting to become a reality.
Speaker C:Now if you got quantum computers that have this, all this power and you have AI that's got all that power, and then somebody above them shows up with more intelligence.
Speaker C:Right.
Speaker C:Oh, that would shake humanity to its core.
Speaker B:Yep.
Speaker B:Amen.
Speaker B:Because, you know, if they're able to travel huge distances of space from galaxy to galaxy in seconds or minutes, what's their technology like compared to ours?
Speaker B:You know, I mean, and, you know, so whenever I dwell on something like that, and they're like, well, like you said, well, these are eminent threats to our society.
Speaker B:Okay, so back when the Indians were using arrows and the Civil War is over.
Speaker B:As the expansion of the west, out of the Civil War came what was called the Gatling gun.
Speaker C:Oh, yeah.
Speaker B:And.
Speaker B:And here they are trying to fight with arrows and spears and that Gatling gun in the back of the wagon, just mowing them down, you know?
Speaker B:Yeah, that.
Speaker B:That's what we're talking about.
Speaker B:Our.
Speaker B:If we can't travel expanses of galaxies in just a few moments of time, how are we going to fight against somebody who can?
Speaker B:And the technology they have compared to what we have, you know, so, I mean, by bringing, you know, like.
Speaker B:Well, it's a threat.
Speaker B:Okay.
Speaker B:What are you going to do about it?
Speaker B:You know, what can you do about it?
Speaker B:Absolutely nothing yet.
Speaker B:They want to tell.
Speaker B:They want you to think, oh, well, we're going to develop the technology to protect us.
Speaker B:Okay, just give us the money for it.
Speaker C:Yeah.
Speaker C:As if the.
Speaker C:Well, that's another rabbit trail.
Speaker C:No, boy, where the money is created and where it goes is, you know, a mystery.
Speaker C:Yeah.
Speaker C:It's being funneled somewhere, and someday maybe we'll know.
Speaker B:Yeah.
Speaker B:Amen.
Speaker B:Amen.
Speaker B:Well, you know, with all the growing claims about UFOs and extraterrestrials that we see going on right now, could this be the actual groundwork for the great deception prophesied in scripture?
Speaker C:Personally, I think that this connection to UFOs has a direct connection with the demonic.
Speaker C:And in a demonic, you know, in the spiritual realm, we talk about warp drive and the speed of light, you know, but when you get into the spiritual realm, it's by the speed of thought.
Speaker C:It's a whole different thing.
Speaker C:Right.
Speaker C:So within the spiritual realm, you know, I watch that show because I want them to find out how in the world this is happening.
Speaker C:And that is Skinwalker Ranch, right?
Speaker B:Yeah.
Speaker B:Yeah, me too.
Speaker C:They bring all these technologies and they're discovering stuff with this lidar detection that the human eye can't see.
Speaker C:And they know it's a funnel, you know, and they got time delays where it shouldn't.
Speaker C:You shouldn't have a time delay.
Speaker C:And they Got time delays.
Speaker C:And they're trying to.
Speaker C:They're trying to wrap their human mind around this until they get too close.
Speaker C:One time they were up in an elevator.
Speaker C:Elevator, huh?
Speaker C:Yeah.
Speaker C:Well, it's a helicopter that elevated them.
Speaker C:Right.
Speaker C:And they're up there and they.
Speaker C:They got too close to something and all four of them in the elevator felt a heavy, dark presence that scared them to the point where they said, we got to abort this.
Speaker C:And they, they came down.
Speaker C:And so.
Speaker C:But yet they're touching that type of thing.
Speaker C:But there, it's clear, clearly there is some kind of dark issue that seems to be behind these things that is going to break into humanity, which then seems to be a whole lot like a book of revelations.
Speaker B:Yeah, Amen.
Speaker B:Amen.
Speaker B:That is so true.
Speaker B:And you know, you just.
Speaker B:The thought, I mean, the ability that some being would have to have and looks at us like we look at a colony of ants.
Speaker C:Yeah, exactly.
Speaker C:Yeah.
Speaker B:You know, I mean, that's the, you know, the ants, they're all organized, they're working to one goal.
Speaker B:You know, they got.
Speaker B:Every one of them has a job, they're performing a job to the best of their ability.
Speaker B:And they don't even know we're here really, until they get stepped on.
Speaker B:I mean, and the ant can do nothing to stop that from happening.
Speaker B:Just throw that thought out there, you know.
Speaker C:Yeah.
Speaker C:It's a scary one because people will be thinking they're trying to grapple with what's going on around us.
Speaker B:Yeah.
Speaker C:If the reality of that actually hits, that's going to occur.
Speaker B:Yeah.
Speaker B:And like I said, you know, we, we have the scriptures that talk about the end days, the cataclysmic events that are going to happen, and we're saying it's from God.
Speaker B:Now if these UFOs, and I'm not saying they're God, I'm saying the UFOs come in in a show of force, something like that, that we're talking about, and they say we are who you call God.
Speaker B:There'll be a lot of people that believe.
Speaker B:There'll be a lot of people that say, yep, that's right, they're God.
Speaker C:Well, look at when Jesus was on the scene, Right.
Speaker C:Why did people believe him?
Speaker C:Because of the signs and the wonders, the healings, the deliverances.
Speaker C:There's knowledge about the scriptures, the depths and stuff like that.
Speaker C:That was proof to them that he was something that from above, that he was from God.
Speaker C:Now you have somebody like you just described doing the same thing.
Speaker C:And with all of our knowledge and education and, you know, experiences and stuff like that are going to drop our jaw and go, oh, we might have to listen to this.
Speaker C:Right.
Speaker C:In order to, to align with this new paradigm.
Speaker C:And it's going to be a disaster.
Speaker B:Yeah, Amen.
Speaker B:A complete disaster.
Speaker B:You know, and just, just the thought of that, if you don't acknowledge me as God, will kill you.
Speaker B:Gee, where'd I read that before?
Speaker C: It happens on the: Speaker C:In the seven year tribulation.
Speaker C:Yeah, yeah.
Speaker B:Amen.
Speaker C:It's got a predetermined date already.
Speaker B:Yeah.
Speaker C:Man, oh man.
Speaker B:Well, how could Christians remain discerning when, when faced with this kind of widespread, just call it narratives about these extraterrestrial beings?
Speaker C:Well, it's getting harder, you know, and the thing is, we, we have talked about this about with the AI and, and the computers and how they can create pictures that aren't there but are real.
Speaker C:What was it, a Senator Cruz?
Speaker C:Ted Kennedy?
Speaker C:No, no, Ted Cruz.
Speaker C:He has initiated a new bill making it a law that if they do this and it harms somebody, that they can now have recourse because there's no rules right now saying that they can't do that.
Speaker C:So this young girl was, was put in a very bad way.
Speaker C:And when it was brought to his attention, that's when he realized, oh, we got to do something.
Speaker C:Right.
Speaker C:And so, but the deception is getting to the point where if you don't know the word of God, you're going to be deceived.
Speaker B:Yeah, yeah, that's, that's the bottom line right there.
Speaker B:And that's why it's important to get in the Bible every single day.
Speaker B:You got to refresh that word.
Speaker B:Now.
Speaker B:As the conversation around the extraterrestrial life continues to grow, another scientific pursuit raising spiritual and physical concerns actually, is the experimentation going on at the cern.
Speaker B:CERN and its potential to open what's been termed as portals to other dimensions.
Speaker B:Did you say anything about that?
Speaker C:Yeah, I saw that in videos and I saw it on one of your podcasts where you talked about portals.
Speaker C:Portals are nothing new.
Speaker C:Right.
Speaker C:Because you have, in the Bible there is recorded portals of heaven and earth coming together, and especially with the transfiguration.
Speaker C:I think I heard, heard you say that on your, on your podcast program.
Speaker C:So now.
Speaker C:But there is an additional thing that is going on with cern, and I don't know exactly how this happened, but this woman was adamant, she was adamant that below CERN, somewhere, somehow portals are being opened and demonic beings are being accessed.
Speaker C:And there is an agenda that's going on there.
Speaker C:And it got her so shook she had to speak.
Speaker C:And she's not the only one.
Speaker C:Right.
Speaker C:So there's probably a lot of good that's going on there as far as research for the God particle.
Speaker C:Right.
Speaker B:That's what they're looking for.
Speaker C:Yeah.
Speaker C:And, but then now there was one event that took place, and I can't remember what contributed to it, but for 14 minutes in this video, the Earth had lost one quarter of its magnetic shield and they had scientists from around the world contacting them, saying that this was happening.
Speaker C:And 14 minutes later, it came back and it was connected to some kind of function that was going on at CERN.
Speaker B:Oh, wow.
Speaker B:Amen.
Speaker B:Amen.
Speaker B:So you believe CERN's experiments could have both physical and spiritual consequences that align with biblical prophecy?
Speaker C:Well, yeah.
Speaker C:It's becoming evident with these people that, you know, I don't have a PhD or, you know, a doctorate or that, but this woman does and other people do.
Speaker C:And they're saying that this is getting out of hand here.
Speaker C:And that's why we were talking about in the pre interview, that we have to be on a collision course with end times because humanity is getting too big for their riches.
Speaker B:Amen.
Speaker B:Yeah.
Speaker C:And God's gonna have to step in in order to save us from ourselves.
Speaker C:And I don't mean that in a mealy mouth way, you know, type of thing.
Speaker C:I mean that is that the technology is going to advance so quickly that it's going to get out of control, you know, and then we're starting to think that we're humanity's thinking that we're God.
Speaker C:Unless AI slaps us around a little bit, you know, and says, no, no, no, I, I, you thought you were in control.
Speaker C:But no, no, no, no, no.
Speaker B:AI will be the one that says you thought you were God.
Speaker B:Let me tell you, I am God.
Speaker B:I know.
Speaker C:Amen.
Speaker B:You mentioned, I think it's called the Higgs, Bossen, Olson, something like that particle, the God particle.
Speaker B:And what does that reveal about our humanity's spiritual condition and our relationship with God?
Speaker B:The, that they're seeking this particle.
Speaker C:Yeah.
Speaker C:Well, okay, so when they smash things together, first of all, that's pretty amazing.
Speaker C:That can actually see this.
Speaker C:You know, we talked about the particles being channeled through this machine in opposite directions that come together and they collide into each other because they got them narrowed down to a small stream and then they, they break apart into this other thing.
Speaker C:And then it talks about this, this how, what was it, Bones, Hicks, Or Hicks bones.
Speaker B:Yeah.
Speaker C:Boston.
Speaker C:All right, thank you.
Speaker C:That's how we help each other, you know?
Speaker C:Right.
Speaker C:So.
Speaker C:And they illustrated it on a graph.
Speaker C:And I'm watching this graph, and it's like a mist or something.
Speaker C:And this is way beyond me.
Speaker C:I would have to take time to be able to watch multiple videos, to be able to have it broken down so that I could really learn what's going on here.
Speaker C:But they had a breakthrough, and this is what they called it.
Speaker C:And I'm thinking, okay, all right.
Speaker C:They're looking for a guard particle, because you know what?
Speaker C:They're.
Speaker C:They're what?
Speaker C:What is it?
Speaker C:Evo.
Speaker C:Evolutionist.
Speaker C:Right.
Speaker C:Thinking that things came from a big bang.
Speaker C:Well, we could tell it didn't come from a big bang.
Speaker C:We got a creator that spoke it.
Speaker C:The big bang was a word, and he spoke it.
Speaker B:Amen.
Speaker B:Amen.
Speaker B:That is a fact.
Speaker B:That is a biblical fact.
Speaker B:Amen.
Speaker B:And that cannot be disproven.
Speaker B:Amen.
Speaker B:Amen.
Speaker B:God said that was it.
Speaker B:And guess what?
Speaker B:The Bible says you can have what you say.
Speaker B:Where do we get that from?
Speaker B:Because God said.
Speaker A:Thank you for listening to today's episode of the Kingdom Crossroads podcast.
Speaker A:Please subscribe to our podcast so you can be notified when another episode is published.
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Speaker A:Until next time, be blessed in all that you do.