Episode 960
America – This is Communism – Christine Smith pt 2
America – This is Communism! Christine Smith pt 2
This nation was founded upon the Judeo-Christian values as outlined in the Bible. Many of our Founding Fathers and almost every political figure and leader up until the mid-20th Century also said, believed and upheld those same beliefs.
But then, beginning in the 1960’s, despite the Cold War and obvious attacks on our freedom as guaranteed in the Constitution, some intellectual types decided to pursue and accept the ideals of communism as being the “perfect solution” for the problems facing this nation.
Now, anyone with any sensibilities at all, can see how destructive this has been over the last 70 years. The United States of America is a shell of the “Land of the Free” and we have become a nation that is now, in all concepts, a nation driven by socialist ideology.
My guest today has been on our program several times in the past. She has recently published a booklet that explains this entire mess that we witnessing being played out nightly on the news and in major metropolitan cities from one end of this nation to the other and, unfortunately now, around the world for all other political allies to witness as well.
Christine Smith is here to discuss her booklet, titled, “America, This is Communism,” which examines why so many Americans are accepting the communist agenda and what Christians can and should do in this spiritual battle for our nation.
Christine has over 25 years of experience as a writer and author; she literally has hundreds of newspaper and magazine articles published; she has interviewed hundreds of entrepreneurs world-wide; as a political commentator, she has been invited to speak at political events and on numerous radio shows heard nationwide and in the United Kingdom. She believes that politics and personal spirituality are inseparable.
You mention how the Biden Administration kowtows to China while opposing those in Cuba seeking freedom. In fact, we do not even hear about Cuba anymore in the media. It’s almost as if they were told to stop publishing stories on it. That’s what happens when they control the press – you only hear about what THEY decide to tell you.
You detail in your booklet that all of the turmoil we see right now is planned. From the border crisis to the riots, the attacks on law enforcement to the economic situation, everything has been planned. Is this all the plan of the “cultural revolution?”
Tell us about the “Frankfurt School” you mentioned…
You explain in your booklet how many churches have adopted Marxist ideology themselves! Taking parts of the Bible they like while ignoring the bulk of Scripture and intertwined secularism into Christian doctrine to the point that it has been distorted. I’ve interviewed several African-American conservatives over the last few years that lay the blame for the majority of the problems facing the inner cities right now, squarely at the feet of inner city church leadership. Some have explained how the political parties have used, and you’ll recognize this phrase, “community organizers” – does that phrase ring a bell?
Are we in our period of “The Dark Ages” since most Christians do not even take their Bible’s to church anymore? They rely on others to tell them what the Bible says!
I know I’ve experienced some unpleasantness in response to some things I’ve stated before or preached on, and I know you have as well. I believe the question is, has the spiritual condition of America weakened to such a point that the Christian influence cannot make any impact? Are we already slid so far down the slippery path to hell and destruction that we cannot climb back up?
We need Christians, not in name only, but those who walk the walk and talk the talk, to run for political office at all levels of government. How can we encourage them to take the risk to run for political office?
Well, Christine, we are almost out of time. Time sure does fly by whenever you come on the program. How can someone get in touch with you and how can they obtain a copy of your booklet, “America, This is Communism,” ?
Folks, there is no doubt we are living in the last of the last days as depicted in the Bible. IF Jesus returns is not up for debate. WHEN He returns could be anytime. We, as a nation, are not listed in the Bible as a major player of the end times. Is it because we have wasted away – as we see happening right now? Is it because another nation has defeated us militarily? Perhaps China or Russia? Or is it because we have fallen into despair like Venezuela or some other third world country? I pray that is not the case.
But the most important and the most powerful weapon we have – is prayer! As Christine said in the closing lines of her booklet, “This is not our world. However, while here, we are to evince God’s will and righteousness at all times. We are to minister the truth to the lost. We are to do the good we can do. We are to go forth boldly and strongly when the Holy Spirit instructs. We are to use every talent and ability God has given us to fight the communist takeover of America.”
Website: https://godchangeseverything.com
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