Episode 961
ProScale – Jay Razzouk pt 1
ProSCALE Legal
Jay Razzouk pt 1
Over the course of these last three of four years, you’ve heard me interview numerous Christian influencers, authors, musicians, business owners, CEO’s, in addition to pastors and ministry leaders.
You’ve heard personal stories of how, especially during this last year or so because of COVID, many have decided to enter into the entrepreneur experience of starting their own business or trying to scale an existing business by going online and reaching more people.
Although these are noteworthy achievements and goals, as you grow, there is also increased exposure. Not just your marketing exposure, but legally as well. Especially if you achieve your dream or goal of truly becoming successful and suddenly find yourself replacing your “normal job” with your new, online career.
To help protect you, your family and your business, you definitely need to seek out qualified legal advice. An attorney who can guide you and offer advice and services that will ensure you are protected should something happen that, well, let’s just say exposes you to some type of legal risk.
The peace of mind knowing you have put these protections in place may not seem important now, as you are in the process of scaling your business, but they are easier to implement in the beginning than trying to play catch up later.
My guest today specializes in this area of legal practice. Jay Razzouk is a California business attorney with over 10 years experience, litigating across 20 states, involving legal compliance at Fortune 500 companies. He is also an adjunct professor at La Sierra University and is also the founder of “ProSCALE Legal Coaching” and the “SecureSCALE method.” Jay is helping small business owners employ legal strategies to protect their businesses as they scale up to and beyond 7 & 8 figures. Praise God!
First question that I always ask is this. Other than that brief information I just shared, can you tell us in your own words, “Who is Jay Razzouk?”
I understand how you would make the decision to become a lawyer. But what made you decide to specialize in business law?
Many people enter into business ventures as a calling. They have an anointing or special skill set that is in demand and they are able to help others. Have you had anyone come to you who entered into their own business only because they thought it would be an easy way to make money, rather than as a way to bless others?
You have a unique perspective on helping people by focusing on the love of God in their business. How does that work?
To help others, especially in your God gifted talents and abilities, is a way to love on others. Sharing and helping them with your talents to achieve something they desire. It could be as a plumber fixing a broken pipe or a concrete worker installing a patio or any such thing. But it is a calling to help others.
What does it look like to apply Biblical ideas of love in the modern business context?
So, it is possible to share the Love of God and be a witness through the business? Even though they are doing these things to make an income from those they are helping?
You say that Love is the “ultimate legal strategy.” What do you mean by that?
Folks, in this day and time where legal litigation is the norm and not the exception, you need to make sure your business has checked all of the requirements to protect yourself, you business and even you clients or customers. I urge you to get in touch with Jay Razzouk today, or at least qualified legal counsel in your locality to give you the advice you need.
Email: Jay@proscalelegal.com
Website: http://www.proscalelegal.com/
Clauses for your Client Agreement and how to save thousands on legal costs (Video)
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