Episode 1264
Battle On - Battle Over - Fred Stoeker pt 1
Battle On – Battle Over
Fred Stoeker pt 1
I am truly blessed when I can bring a guest back on this program to provide value, information, impartation and inspiration to you all over again. Today’s guest checks off each of those gifts and qualifications – and then some.
Fred Stoker was on just a few weeks ago as we were discussing his book, “Every Man’s Battle” If you missed that interview – you missed a good one! Amen! I highly recommend you go back and listen to both episodes of that great two part interview. We discussed the current spiritual battle taking place that has been trying to destroy this generation of men, even right now.
In that book, Fred discusses the first of what he calls, the “first great vulnerability” to men, centering around sexual sin. The book itself was written 25 years ago, but was updated in 2020. But this book is so impactful because the Holy Spirit is still able to talk with us today through that book, and bring all things relevant to today! Amen!
I’ve invited Fred back to discuss his second book, “BATTLE ON – BATTLE OVER” In this book, Fred discusses what he calls the “second great vulnerability,” which is the “Stealth Trap.” And this one will surprise you! You will hear somethings today that you may have heard about, but when Fred lays out the deception being played by the devil right now, your Spiritual eyes will see it for what it and your mind will be shocked at just how obvious this is and we just have not recognized it for what it is…amen!
Anyway, help me welcome back to the program, Fred Stoker! Fred, it is so good to see you again and to have back on the program!
I know we covered this question before, but for the sake of those that did not hear your prior interview (yet) – can you share with us in your own words, “Who is Fred Stoeker?”
Just to cover your background a bit more, from what we learned in the prior interview, you are the author or co-author of several books that help men to strengthen their marriages. In fact, you’ve created a ministry to assist men in this aspect. When you published “Every Man’s Battle” you actually thought you were “one and done” as far a book writing and publishing on this topic was concerned, correct?
What convinced you, moving forward, that writing and publishing books was to become your ministry effort?
Your new book, “Battle On – Battle Over,” deals with pornography, but from a woman’s perspective. But not just how a husband’s addiction affects her or the family (that is what the first book is about).
With that as the backdrop, can tell us a little WHY you wrote, “Battle On – Battle Over?”
Does the pornography affect men and women the same way? I mean the “dopamine” levels, and things like that?
What is the second vulnerability which you were talking about – “The Stealth Trap?”
Drop down into the show notes. Click the links right there to reach out to Fred Stoker. Check out his website. Check out the resources there. Check out the published books he has authored and co-authored – they are all on his website. Let Fred Stoeker guide you through self-discovery and Bible study, equipping you with a practical battle plan to live a pure life God’s way – even in the midst of a sexually soaked culture.CONTACT INFORMATION:
Email: fred@stoekergroup.com
Website: https://fredstoeker.com
Book: “Every Man’s Battle” (Revised and Updates in 2020) – on Amazon
ORDER Fred Stoker’s latest book: “Battle On Battle Over!”
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