Episode 1018
Bitcoin for Churches – Patrick Melder pt 3
Published on:
29th December, 2021
BitCoin for Churches
Patrick Melder pt 3
If you are an investor or someone thinking of investing, you probably have heard about Crpto-currency lately. Crypto is an unregulated, off the grid type of currency that has governments upset. Why? Mainly because they can’t regulate it! There is a lot of misinformation out there and a lot of different choices if you decide this is something that you want to do. To help us get a little better understanding of Crypto-Currency and, more specifically, the “big boy” in the room – BitCoin – we have our guest today who happens to be a BitCoin expert! Praise God! Dr. Patrick Melder was a US Army doctor for 13 years at Walter Reed Army Medical Center in Washington, DC as well as a private practice Ear, Nose and Throat surgeon after serving in the military. He holds over 30 US and international patents and is passionate about the Great Commission of spreading the Gospel to the ends of the earth… Patrick is also a serial entrepreneur. He first learned about Bitcoin in 2013 but made his first purchase in 2018 and has held ever since. He’s written extensively about Bitcoin’s truths and the impact it has on believers and non-believers. Patrick also hosts a weekly podcast: “Mission:Bitcoin,” this is an interview podcast focusing on Bitcoin and Christianity, exploring Christian responsibility in adopting Bitcoin; How Bitcoin helps Christians align with God’s plan; and How Bitcoin can be used in Christian Missions. He has also the author of “The Christian Case for Bitcoin.” You discuss, on your podcast and blog, that Christians and Christian ministries have a “moral obligation” to adopt BitCoin. What do you mean by that and why is this a “moral obligation?” You teach and share about using BitCoin to further Christian Ministry. Why would a ministry do that and how would they go about getting started?- Individual Christians
- Ministry / Churches
- Missions Work
Email: pmelder@mac.com Twitter: https://twitter.com/mission21m Twitter: https://twitter.com/entsurg Podcast: https://mission-bitcoin.captivate.fm Book: “The Christian Case for Bitcoin” – on Amazon Information on your own BitCoin Account: https://Swanbitcoin.com/mission21m Fold AppMentioned in this episode:
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