Episode 1614

Breaker of Chains – Noel Robinson

Published on: 27th January, 2025

Breaker of Chains

Noel Robinson 

Join Pastor Bob Thibodeau as he engages in an inspiring conversation with award-winning worship leader and musician Noel Robinson. The discussion delves into the transformative power of music as a universal language that transcends cultural barriers and unites diverse communities within the body of Christ. Noel shares his unique journey from church music roots to becoming a prophetic worship leader, emphasizing that worship is not just about music, but about living a life that honors God's presence in every moment. Throughout the episode, he discusses the significance of his songs, including the powerful anthem "Breaker of Chains," which speaks to the church's role in bringing freedom and healing to the world. As they explore themes of revival and restoration, Noel encourages listeners to embrace their calling and recognize the profound impact of worship in their spiritual journeys.


  • Pastor Bob Thibodeau's Kingdom Crossroads podcast features influential Christian leaders impacting the world with the gospel.
  • Award-winning worship leader Noel Robinson shares his journey from church music to global influence.
  • Music serves as a powerful tool for uniting diverse cultures within the body of Christ today.
  • The significance of worship is not just in music but in living a life that honors God.
  • Noel Robinson emphasizes the importance of spirit-led worship in today's church community.
  • He believes we are on the brink of a global revival that will transform souls worldwide.


Email:  visionpr7@gmail.com 

Website:  https://www.noelrobinson.com 

Music is available at these links: 



Follow Noel at these links: 

YouTube: https://youtube.com/user/NuImageMusicTV 

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/noelrobinsonuk/?hl=en 

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/noelrobinsonuk/ 

Website: https://www.noelrobinson.com/ 

Twitter: https://x.com/NoelRobinsonUK 



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Speaker A:

Welcome to the Kingdom Crossroads podcast with Pastor Bob Thibodeau.

Speaker A:

Pastor Bob conducts personal interviews with Christian influencers from around the globe, helping Christian authors, recording artists, CEOs, entrepreneurs, nonprofit leaders, and yes, pastors and ministry leaders to get the word out about what they are doing to impact the world with the gospel.

Speaker A:

Our podcast has been rated in the top 1/2% of all podcasts in the world by ListenNotes.com so you know your message will be heard.

Speaker A:

Now here is your host with today's interview, Pastor Bob Thibodeau.

Speaker B:

Hello everyone everywhere.

Speaker B:

Pastor Bob Thibodeau here.

Speaker B:

Welcome to the Kingdom Crossroads podcast.

Speaker B:

Today we're so blessed that you're joining us.

Speaker B:

What if the music you love could break cultural barriers, inspire deep worship, transforming lives globally?

Speaker B:

Well, today we're diving into that story with award winning worship leader and musician Noel Robinson.

Speaker B:

Noel Robinson, as I said, is an award winning Christian recording artist, worship leader, songwriter, whose music just transcends cultural boundaries.

Speaker B:

Growing up in the Church of God of Prophecy in London, Noel followed in his father's footsteps as a musician, later studying classical and jazz music while performing in orchestras.

Speaker B:

He served as the music director for his denomination's London district and national music programs, contributing platforms like the BBC.

Speaker B:

Songs of Praise.

Speaker B:

Known for his dynamic worship leading Knowles powerful song Breaker of Chains has touched lives worldwide, inspiring freedom and connection through the love of Christ.

Speaker B:

Help me.

Speaker B:

Welcome to the program Noel Robinson.

Speaker B:

Noel, it is a blessing to have you with us today.

Speaker B:

Praise God.

Speaker B:

I appreciate you taking the time out of your schedule.

Speaker C:

So great to be online with you.

Speaker B:

I have been looking forward to today's program.

Speaker B:

I, I, my first ministry job out of Bible school was working with a musician by the name of Dr.

Speaker B:

Bernard Johnson.

Speaker B:

He's known as the world's greatest gospel saxophonist.

Speaker C:

Oh wow.

Speaker B:

In the Church of God of Christ.

Speaker B:

And my first job was working with him and he hired me as his national concert coordinator.

Speaker B:

And I didn't know what that was, but I found out real fast.

Speaker B:

Basically he'd pray and Holy Spirit Leo say, okay Bob, Holy Spirit says we should do a concert in San Diego.

Speaker B:

Well, from that moment, everything had to go through me.

Speaker B:

Where we're going to go, how we're going to get there, where we're going to stay, you know, the, the venue, the, you know, insurance policy for the venue, I mean everything, who's going to be on the platform, who's the warm up groups, who, you know, all this.

Speaker B:

We did 48 concerts in 48 different cities in the United States and a couple in Mexico.

Speaker C:


Speaker B:

40 in 48 weeks.

Speaker C:

He really went for it.

Speaker C:

Oh, my gosh, that's.

Speaker C:

So I learned a lot.

Speaker C:

Yeah, you learned a lot about the lifestyle of a musician.

Speaker C:

Yeah, I know that feeling because we.

Speaker B:

Do like a, you know, like a concert in Minneapolis on a Friday night in Richmond, Virginia.

Speaker B:


Speaker C:

Saturday, yeah.

Speaker B:

So that, you know, we're flying Saturday morning, get there, and I'll go set everything up.

Speaker B:

He does the concert Sunday.

Speaker B:

He got on a plane to go home.

Speaker B:

I'm going to the next town where we're going to be six weeks from now.

Speaker B:

And they got me strung out for going to speak in 10, 12 different churches just to promote the concert six weeks from now.

Speaker B:

Then I got to go home Sunday night.

Speaker C:

I need a Bob in my life.

Speaker C:

I do have a few people.

Speaker C:

Sharon, Sharon, who you've met my publicist.

Speaker C:

And, and, and obviously I've got a PA here to.

Speaker C:

And between them both at the moment.

Speaker C:

They're keeping me kind of busy with this new Release.

Speaker C:

In the UK, I do around 50, 60 events a year and in Europe, and obviously I come to America fairly often.

Speaker C:

So it's like, yeah, it's.

Speaker C:

Hey, and, but, but God is faithful.

Speaker C:

You know, he calls us and he prepares us for it, and we, we do it.

Speaker C:

So this is great.

Speaker C:

Maybe I need to get you Bob now.

Speaker C:

48 cities.

Speaker C:

I don't know about 48 cities, but hey, you know, praise God.

Speaker C:

You know, I learned a lot.

Speaker B:

I did learn a lot.

Speaker B:

And that's, that's been a blessing to me in our ministry going forward.

Speaker C:

You know, absolutely nothing's wasted when you serve God.

Speaker C:

Nothing's wasted when you serve God.

Speaker B:


Speaker B:

The first question, though, I always start with is this.

Speaker B:

Other than that brief information I just shared, can you tell us in your own words, who is Noel Robinson?

Speaker C:


Speaker C:

If I was to describe myself, I would describe myself by, by what I do first.

Speaker C:

You know, I would say that, you know, I'm a worship leader.

Speaker C:

I'm a musician, having studied music and, and, and the calling of God in my life is as a worship leader, as an expression.

Speaker C:

I'd like to think of myself as a revivalist.

Speaker C:

I really believe in.

Speaker C:

We're in.

Speaker C:

We're in revival, and I believe that we're in a revival, a revival dimension at this moment in time.

Speaker C:

So I'm, I'm very much prophetic in.

Speaker C:

I think that in, in my dealings with what God wants to do in the earth.

Speaker C:

And I choose to serve in, in worship as a worship leader, teaching and training people how to really have the best lives.

Speaker C:

Because worship's not just about music, but actually it's about a way of life that honors the presence of God in every moment that we live, whether it's good moments or bad moments.

Speaker C:

So I try to encourage every believer to stir up.

Speaker C:

I believe that revival is.

Speaker C:

Begins in the church and the revival in the church is what's going to change the world.

Speaker C:

So I believe that the church is the biggest agent of change that has ever, has ever been created because the church wasn't created in the earth as a business or as a, as a company or.

Speaker C:

But it was created in heaven and established in the earth to carry out the kingdom, the kingdom principles of heaven.

Speaker C:

So I'm an ambassador of heaven wanting to say that, you know, and I'm just an ordinary man who has failures and weaknesses, but I don't stand in my own strength, but I stand in the strength of God that gives me an unction and I'm obedient to it.

Speaker C:

So if that helps you to define who I am, I don't know.

Speaker C:

But that's what I would sum up myself as.

Speaker B:

All right, well, you studied both classical and jazz as a teenager while also engaging in church music.

Speaker B:

How did those different musical styles influence basically your unique sound and approach to worship?

Speaker C:

Lady well, actually, yeah.

Speaker C:

I mean, you know, the story of my musicality began with my father, who's a guitarist, but it actually didn't belong there, but begin there because my mother played piano.

Speaker C:

But she died when I was five, so I didn't know, I didn't know whether the piano was in the house because nobody played it apart from me and my sister.

Speaker C:

But it was my mom's piano and only found that a few years ago.

Speaker C:

So the first music I really began to listen to was at 6 years old.

Speaker C:

I watched my dad play country and western.

Speaker C:

My dad was a Caribbean immigrant into England.

Speaker C:

You know, he came to England to work so he can earn enough money to go back.

Speaker C:

Never went back for many, many years, but actually set up home there.

Speaker C:

So the first music I came into was my dad's music.

Speaker C:

And he, he was a competent musician.

Speaker C:

He wasn't super duper, but he could play songs.

Speaker C:

And I just was enamored by my father singing those old hymns and to himself and, you know, and then, then there came.

Speaker C:

I'm hearing the sound of music in lots of different places and I'm, I'm listening to FMN Long wave radio listening, picking up the jazz, you know, the stuff that was happening in America, you know, the blues and I.

Speaker C:

And I got caught up in like, you know, listening to the likes of Hendrix and um, Gary Moore, you know, Eric Clapton, those British rock, you know, BB King, all these kind of guys, Santana and I love the sound of the guitar.

Speaker C:

So I was just like, well, and from a very.

Speaker C:

My dad would give me a guitar and I'd go to church and play with him.

Speaker C:

Some of it wasn't plugged in, but I, I had this whole affiliation where I was listening to this music and I was trying to learn from it because my dad could only teach me so much.

Speaker C:

But I was learning all this kind of stuff, the sounds and listen to the, the soulful music of the, you know, the, the, the Motown stuff that was coming out of America, the Northern soul stuff that was happening in the uk, the Beatles.

Speaker C:

So music became this thing that I was just involved in.

Speaker C:

And this is all before I became 10.

Speaker C:

And so, so, so here I was trying to play this style of music, kind of rock, soul, blues in church that they played kind of scar music because they were from the Caribbean.

Speaker C:

But then what happened in school I was a bit of an enigma because church became my practice ground.

Speaker C:

So I was playing all the time.

Speaker C:

And they couldn't understand why an 8 year old was so good on the guitar.

Speaker C:

So then they said, well, okay, since you're good at music, let's get you involved in the music program at school.

Speaker C:

So I started to study classical guitar, went up to a grade seven.

Speaker C:

And then that school said, well, you've done grades in the guitar, how about have another go at another instrument?

Speaker C:

So I did piano for a while and then I found playing double bass was really, really cool.

Speaker C:

So I played in a local orchestra.

Speaker C:

But the, the enigma or the incredible thing was that I never heard gospel music, American black gospel music, until I was about 11 or 12.

Speaker C:

And the reason why I heard it because as, as young people growing up in England, as young black people growing up in England, we didn't want to sound like our parents singing those, those, those hymns.

Speaker C:

We didn't want to sound like our parents.

Speaker C:

So what happened was we tried to find a music that looked like us.

Speaker C:

And that's what we saw.

Speaker C:

We saw this music coming from America, which was gospel, which was Andre Crouch and, and you know, that kind of gospel choir stuff.

Speaker C:

So we formed our choirs to sound like that black American sound.

Speaker C:

So here I was having to learn to play that stuff so the choirs could sing it.

Speaker C:

And it was obviously much later, in my teens when I ended up going to college to study jazz and stuff.

Speaker C:

So that's kind of my musical back history, but in the background was always church and the platform of church, which allowed me to express whatever I learned.

Speaker C:

So if I learned a bit of jazz, I'll bring it into what was happening at church.

Speaker C:

If I learned this, I brought it into church.

Speaker C:

So they didn't quite like the distortion guitars.

Speaker C:

But hey, that's how it started for me musically.

Speaker B:

Your ability to just lead worship that, that it crosses cultural boundaries worldwide.

Speaker B:

I mean, it's just remarkable.

Speaker B:

What role do you think music plays in uniting people of different backgrounds within the body of Christ today?

Speaker C:

Well, if we look at, if we look at music in itself, you know, one of the things I always speak about, I talk about there's only two things that came from heaven.

Speaker C:

That's Jesus and music.

Speaker C:

And we use the Bible as the, as the benchmark, or we see that Jesus before the foundations of the earth, he was there in heaven.

Speaker C:

So when God said he loves the earth, he gives his son Jesus.

Speaker C:

But also in heaven was music.

Speaker C:

And if you study scripture, you see from Revelation there are sounds in heaven, not just lightning and thunder from the courts of heaven, but the angels are singing holy there.

Speaker C:

There's a sound of music in the heaven.

Speaker C:

I'm not sure what it sounds like in a natural, but I know the music.

Speaker C:

If you look at this, Ezekiel, you'll see that how hold second.

Speaker C:

There was music in heaven and Isaiah, you see, there's a sense where something music was happening.

Speaker C:

And God gives that gift to humanity.

Speaker C:

I always say to people that the Holy Spirit gifts are given to us.

Speaker C:

And we only can manifest the Holy Spirit's gifts if we have the Holy Spirit's in us.

Speaker C:

And the gifts of Jesus, the fruit of the Spirit are given to us, but we can only manifest them if we're in relationship with, with Jesus.

Speaker C:

But God said, I'm giving gifts to humanity.

Speaker C:

It means that whether you believe in him or not, whether you believe he gives the gift of music to humanity.

Speaker C:

And we can see from, from Genesis 21, Genesis 4, you see the first musician appearing on the earth.

Speaker C:

Now the problem that the question is why is music so powerful?

Speaker C:

Because music is one of the only vehicles that we have in the earth that can hold a man's intention, revelation and his emotion in one note, it means that when you are creator, as we are created to be creators, when you put your emotion and you put your revelation and your intention in that one note, guess what?

Speaker C:

We are built as humans to receive that.

Speaker C:

Because music's the only thing that doesn't need Permission to enter you.

Speaker B:


Speaker C:

And it carries.

Speaker C:

So when I say, why is music so important to humanity?

Speaker C:

Is because God's built us with the physiological ability to actually hear sound, feel sound, and experience our motives are actually able to actually, actually respond to this musical thing.

Speaker C:

But the real heart of music, I say, is that music is given for humanity to tell the story of what they see.

Speaker C:

So the greatest musicians that we've ever had in the earth are the Sears, Beethoven, Bach handle.

Speaker C:

You look at the customer, you look at the jazz, the blues, and all they're doing is telling the story of what they see.

Speaker C:

I go to the believer, what is the story that you see?

Speaker C:

Because if you.

Speaker C:

Isaiah goes, I see the Lord high and lifted up in the year kingside.

Speaker C:

What would that song sound like?

Speaker C:

Jeremiah was a song.

Speaker C:

When he sang, what did he sing?

Speaker C:

He sang the songs that whatever he saw.

Speaker C:

And I believe that music is being used to carry the story of humanity.

Speaker C:


Speaker C:

The most powerful thing that you can carry in music is when you experience Jesus.

Speaker C:

And, yeah, you begin to tell the story of his redemption.

Speaker C:

The angels go, hey, we're jealous of you because we can't even sing that song of redemption.

Speaker C:

But you know what we can sing?

Speaker C:

We sing praises 24 hours a day in heaven.

Speaker C:

And we as humans go, ma'am, true worship is the revelation, humanity's response to the revelation of Jesus.

Speaker C:

So why not use music?

Speaker C:

Why not use art?

Speaker C:

So those amazing paintings.

Speaker C:

So I could talk about this for a long time simply because the gift of music is not to be worshiped.

Speaker C:

It's to use to glorify God.

Speaker C:

So I believe that that's why it's such a powerful gift.

Speaker B:


Speaker B:

Well, with songs like Rain and you Give me Life and of course, Breaker of Chains, they become basically anthems in churches.

Speaker B:

What's your process for writing music that resonates so deeply with the worshipers?

Speaker C:

Well, one of the things about a worship leader, a worship leader and any minister that ministers from the place of the Spirit is that in the Spirit or through the Spirit, it inspires us.

Speaker C:

So I will say that God has the oversight, and he allows us to have hindsight so we can talk about what he's done.

Speaker C:

Because we've got the scriptures there.

Speaker C:

He parked the waters.

Speaker C:

He made a way out of no way.

Speaker C:

We know that he's Jehovah Jireh because he's done it before.

Speaker C:

We say, if you've done it before, Lord, you can do it again.

Speaker C:

And then he gives us the ability for insight.

Speaker C:

That which is now we Get a opportunity to actually go, wow, look at what God is doing right in this moment.

Speaker C:

And we can experience the prophetic nature of God that, that, that was 2,000 years ago, right now.

Speaker C:

But we can bring the hindsight into the now.

Speaker C:

But he also gives us the ability to actually see it with foresight.

Speaker C:

Where we go, man, we can see in the future that God is still a healer.

Speaker C:

We can see in the future that he's still a deliverer.

Speaker C:

We can see in the future.

Speaker C:

So we tie ourselves as worshipers to God that was, that is and is to come.

Speaker C:

It means that we don't live in, in the human world in the same way.

Speaker C:

Yes, our humanity experiences thing, but the most powerful thing is that when we live in the spirit, we have access to the God that is, was and is to come.

Speaker C:

So when I write songs, I may not be in the best form in my humanity, but I don't write for my humanity.

Speaker C:

If God is a healer, then that's what he is, despite whether I'm healed or not.

Speaker C:

So it gives me access to declare that we talk about joy and Jesus, the breaker of chains.

Speaker C:

And the reason why we wrote that song was we wanted to remind the church, with technological advancement in medicine, in technology, the world, we have the answer to so many problems that we've solved.

Speaker C:

But Jesus, the problem of humanity can only be solved with Jesus.

Speaker C:

So Jesus is the breaker of chain.

Speaker C:

So we use these thoughts, turn them into music and get people to speak faith that we speak, that Jesus is the breaker of chains.

Speaker B:


Speaker B:


Speaker B:

And that song, Breaker of Chains, I mean, that's resonated deeply with listeners worldwide.

Speaker B:

What was it like to record this live with like 80 plus singers along with Steph McLeod?

Speaker C:

Well, it was, it was actually an amazing thing because I sent out the demos of the song to all the singers so people could learn it.

Speaker C:

And it was quite interesting because nobody really knew, apart from the band and the core singers, what the dynamic that I wanted it.

Speaker C:

But the moment we started singing it, oh Lord, we could almost feel that heaven was saying yes, yes, yes, yes.

Speaker C:

And as we sang it just exploded in, in our hearts.

Speaker C:

And everyone in the room was like, I know the breaker of chains, breaker.

Speaker C:

Because all of us, you know, we have come the way of the cross.

Speaker B:


Speaker C:

So this song speaks about this Jesus that, you know, I, I knew that the song would be a strong song because as I began to look at Jesus breaking chains, a great story that came up was that one from Acts 12 where Peter's locked up in prison because of him doing the things of that God wanted him to do.

Speaker C:

And he's locked up with two soldiers next to him, chained, and he's got soldiers outside the door.

Speaker C:

And then he's got the gates of the prison.

Speaker C:

And what was amazing, the church began to pray.

Speaker B:


Speaker C:

And the angel visited.

Speaker C:

Peter, tapped him on his shoulder, says, wake up and let's go.

Speaker C:

He loosens the chains and he steps out.

Speaker C:

And he's like, well, I know we're out the prison, but what about getting through these gates?

Speaker C:

And he opened the door, swings open, and I go, I believe that we're in the most, the greatest harvest of the world.

Speaker C:

And our prayers are going to have supernatural impact.

Speaker C:

They're going to work.

Speaker C:

So when we pray for our families that are bound by chains of oppression, that are bound by depression, by addiction, our families and friends and people who we love dearly, but they can't experience Jesus, that your prayers have a part in releasing them.

Speaker C:

That as we begin to pray, so the chains begin to form, fall from their lives.

Speaker C:

And watch out.

Speaker C:

They show up one day, they ring you and say, I'm coming to church with you one day your neighbor comes to you and says, do you mind praying for me?

Speaker C:

And you go, yeah.

Speaker C:


Speaker C:

Because God, the Holy Spirit is breaking.

Speaker C:

Jesus is breaking chains.

Speaker C:

That's why we wanted to remind the body of Christ that we have a power and authority that when we speak and when we sing, it happens.

Speaker B:


Speaker B:

It's an awesome, awesome, awesome song, my friend.

Speaker B:


Speaker B:

That song is what got us in touch together for his interview today.

Speaker B:

Praise God.

Speaker C:

That's right.

Speaker C:

So that room was electrifying that night.

Speaker B:


Speaker B:


Speaker B:

Tell us about something called renewal worship encounters.

Speaker C:

Well, some years ago.

Speaker C:

Some years ago, I.

Speaker C:

I had been going to a lot of worship conferences across the world, America, Europe, and.

Speaker C:

And God woke me up one morning and said, I want you to do a.

Speaker C:

I want you to do a worship conference.

Speaker C:

And I was like, I'm not very good at recreating the wheel.

Speaker C:

Why do I need to do that?

Speaker C:

Because you're going to put me under so much pressure to do a conference because I'm just.

Speaker C:

I'm just an ordinary worship leader who's going to come and God began to unpack a thing called a renewal.

Speaker C:

He gave me that word renewal, gave me a word Kingdom worship movement.

Speaker C:

What does that mean?

Speaker C:

It meant the kingdom folk coming together to worship.

Speaker C:


Speaker C:

And he said, the renewal events are going to be events.

Speaker C:

You know, oftentimes when you go to worship events, it's More about the how.

Speaker C:

How do we worship?

Speaker C:

How do we do this?

Speaker C:

How do we play the guitar?

Speaker C:

Very practical, which we have, but sometimes not enough is done to speak about raising up a generation of people who are spirit led.

Speaker C:

They that are led by the spirit are the sons of God that, that we are prophetic in our nature.

Speaker C:

And the renewal conferences began to serve as a place where there was, what I call, you know, the defibrillators, where, you know, the heart's beat stopped, but you just pride and it as a place to kick start.

Speaker B:


Speaker C:

Real spiritual activity in.

Speaker C:

In our churches that our worship is not just singing songs and they're great songs, but actually what happens is our houses of worship become a place filled with the spirit of God.

Speaker C:

Acts 2.

Speaker C:

And, and what happened?

Speaker C:

I decided that we're going to just introduce it to every culture.

Speaker C:

So I spoke to my Spanish speaking friends and they went, yeah, let's come.

Speaker C:

I spoke to my Portuguese speaking friends, yeah, we're coming.

Speaker C:

Chinese speaking friends, come on.

Speaker C:

And you know, I spoke to the Asian community, Tamil in India and Pakistan.

Speaker C:

I spoke to the white guys here and I said, hey, Tim Hughes, hey, Matt Redmond, hey, Hillsong.

Speaker C:

And I started to speak.

Speaker C:

I said, Martin Smith, come on guys, let's do this thing.

Speaker C:

And they go, yeah, let's go.

Speaker C:

And we had these conferences for 10 years, you know, with William McDowell.

Speaker C:

We had Israel Houghton come at Russian worship leaders.

Speaker C:

I had Italian worship leaders.

Speaker C:

And they'd all come and we'd have thousands.

Speaker C:

And what we now start talking about is we'd start talking about Acts 2.

Speaker C:

They were all in the upper room and something happened that never happened before.

Speaker C:

They heard a sound from heaven they'd never heard before, because oftentimes as worshipers, we copy.

Speaker C:

That's how we learn.

Speaker C:

All of us learn from copying.

Speaker C:

You have an accent that's American because you heard it somewhere and that's how you speak.

Speaker C:

I have a British accent because I was born in England.

Speaker C:

That's how everyone speaks here.

Speaker C:

So our abilities as people to actually become part of the culture is very easy because all we have to be in it.

Speaker C:

And I go, what would happen if worship leaders were birthed in a sculpture of the Holy Spirit, that whenever they sang, they sang with such faith that our congregations would be revived.

Speaker C:

And I felt that.

Speaker C:

And we did this for 10 years.

Speaker C:

And we had thousands and thousands of people that will come through from all over the world to be a part of this three day, that's all conference that had such a diversity.

Speaker C:

You know, Hillsong, you Know, worship central.

Speaker C:

The African worship leaders, the guys from Nigeria and Ghana, the sound is different.

Speaker C:

The Asian worship leaders, they're coming with their, their language and their sound.

Speaker C:

They don't do use European scales.

Speaker C:

They're coming with what they have, the tabulars.

Speaker C:

It didn't sound.

Speaker C:

But I go, what would happen if worshippers, we were more in tune with the spirit than we were with the expression Amen.

Speaker C:

And that's what we began to express and teach.

Speaker C:

So out of it came such a powerful movement which we continue to today.

Speaker C:

So I'm excited about what God brings into the earth and how he does it.

Speaker C:

So, you know, that's the power of renewal.

Speaker C:

Worship conferences.

Speaker B:


Speaker B:


Speaker B:

That's good.

Speaker B:

You know, as a pioneer basically in the UK gospel community, gospel music, where do you feel God's leading you in ministry next?

Speaker C:

Well, one of the interesting things about that terminology that you, you used in terms of, you know, gospel, because in the music industry, one of the issues around that word is that it actually doesn't mean a style of music.

Speaker C:

It often means the color of someone's skin.

Speaker C:

That because you're black, then you do gospel, which, which is kind of sometimes put worship in a box that, that says that, well, if you're black, this is what you do.

Speaker C:

If you're white, this is what you do.

Speaker C:

And somehow God wants us to get rid of those spaces.

Speaker C:

So we're all gospel because we're all bringing the message of the gospel, but we may bring it in a different style or whatever.

Speaker C:

So where am I going next?

Speaker C:

I really believe that we are in an end time move of God.

Speaker C:

Anybody who studied biblical history and prophecy will realize that Russia invading Ukraine is not by accident.

Speaker C:

That's the story of Agog and Magog.

Speaker C:

The actual fact that Russia's got Asian, Asian soldiers from Korea helping them fight, that's that whole agog Magog thing.

Speaker C:

The fact that Israel is going through so much stuff at this present time with the countries around it, I believe that we've entered an end time.

Speaker C:

People say, what Covid, I go covered was a reset on the world.

Speaker B:


Speaker C:

Because the world was doing its stuff going, we don't need a God.

Speaker C:

But along comes Covid and it begins to reset the world.

Speaker C:

Because what, what comes into the world is fear.

Speaker C:

Everyone goes, what about future economy?

Speaker C:

What about what's going on?

Speaker C:

A fear comes into the world.

Speaker C:

And I love this because what God does, he prepares the soil before he prepares the soil and puts the seed in it.

Speaker C:

When in the beginning God goes, he goes Let there be light.

Speaker C:

What he was saying, let the revelation of who I am speak to hydrogen and oxygen, speak to carbon and he forms the environment and he puts something hole in it with the ability to reproduce seed.

Speaker C:

I believe that we're in a generation where we're going to see a revival that we've never seen before.

Speaker C:

I know the 70s house movement had something very powerful.

Speaker C:

I know Azusa Street, I know the Welsh revival.

Speaker C:

I understand the Scottish revival.

Speaker C:

I understand revival in various countries came about.

Speaker C:

But this global revival is going to be the greatest harvest of souls.

Speaker C:

It's not just going to be about encounter where we worship, but we are going to see men and women that we did not believe would experience God, come to know the Lord and Savior because Jesus is already revealing themselves.

Speaker B:


Speaker C:

The cultures that don't even know who he is.

Speaker C:

He's showing up in Muslims, he's showing up in the lives of Buddhists.

Speaker C:

And they're going, I've seen a man in my dreams.

Speaker C:

I don't know who is, but he said his name was Jesus.

Speaker C:

I need to find out who Jesus is.

Speaker C:

I believe that we are gonna experience the greatest harvest and the church is going to carry it.

Speaker C:

That's why God is dealing with the church.

Speaker C:

He's exposing stuff.

Speaker C:

He's saying there's a reset happening.

Speaker C:

I'm not throwing anybody away.

Speaker C:

I'm not throwing anyone away.

Speaker C:

But there's a reset coming and this reset is going to harvest, bringing the greatest harvest that we've ever seen in history of souls.

Speaker B:


Speaker B:

I'm right there with you.

Speaker B:

Right there with you.

Speaker B:


Speaker B:

Now I understand you also just re released an album called Devoted.

Speaker B:

Can you share what this means to you and how you see it impacting this world we live in today?

Speaker C:

Well, I recorded an album that's first album that got signed to a label, Integrity Music, and.

Speaker C:

And it was signed and it was doing really well.

Speaker C:

And then something happened with some administration stuff that the album got lost in in administration and various things that happened to it.

Speaker C:

And it was a very significant album for me because it was written in a time of transition and the songs on it speak about worship.

Speaker C:

It talks about the stuff that I'd experienced the years before.

Speaker C:

You know, I worship you through the pain.

Speaker C:

Very Kingdom album, you know, songs about unity, songs that speak about the life of Christ in a believer.

Speaker C:

And this album was lost in the whole shake up of the digital movement.

Speaker C:

And the Holy Spirit really pushed me to reclaim that album, to bring restoration to a moment in time that was significant.

Speaker C:

I believe the legacy of the body of Christ, even in your life, pasaval this, what you're doing here is a legacy that in many years to come, people say, I remember when I listened to a podcast and Noel Robinson and Pastor Bob was speaking, and something was said in that time that caused me to see Jesus.

Speaker C:

God just really said to me, you need to reclaim that album for this generation.

Speaker C:

And then God began to speak to me about restoration.

Speaker C:

And the whole of last year, he kept on saying, restoration, what the enemy has stolen, I'm bringing it back.

Speaker C:

And God began to speak to me about that.

Speaker C:

this album is a testimony of:

Speaker C:

Over the years, you may have worked hard and you may have toiled hard in the field, you may have sown seeds into the lives of people, but God said to me, this is a season of restoration for those that are willing to believe that I'm going to bring back the stuff that the enemy has stolen.

Speaker C:

The stuff that you didn't know you owned because it never arrived at you, right?

Speaker C:

The stuff that was caught up in the air and the enemy stole God's promises out of the air.

Speaker C:

God says, I am bringing those promises to pass.

Speaker C:

Be prepared to receive the promises of God in this season.

Speaker C:

And I was like, wow, Lord.

Speaker C:

And then, then the last thing you said to me when the album was launched a few days ago, he goes, I'm about to restore my glory back to the church.

Speaker C:

The power that the first church had, that as they stood, as Peter stood up and began to proclaim who Jesus was and 3,000 was added to the church.

Speaker C:

I'm about to restore power, authority back to the church in every nation, in every country, in every dictionary, in every place.

Speaker C:

He's going to restore the power and the glory back to the church so that when we begin to stand, we stand in authority.

Speaker C:

We're not standing as shine away from.

Speaker C:

You know, the Bible says that I'm not.

Speaker C:

I'm not frightened of the gospel of Jesus because it is the power of God unto salvation.

Speaker C:

That as we sing and we worship, as we walk the streets, people, people no longer will laugh at believers.

Speaker C:

They'll go, man, I need you to pray for us because we need breakthrough.

Speaker C:

I believe that we're reached the most amazing time for the body of Christ.

Speaker C:

With all its faults, I still believe in the body of Christ.

Speaker C:

And you know what?

Speaker C:

God is bringing back a glory and a power and authority to the body of Christ for the ordinary believer, because we're all the body of Christ.

Speaker C:

Yeah, that will come into your life.

Speaker C:

God's going to restore that back.

Speaker B:


Speaker B:


Speaker B:

Well, how can someone find your music?

Speaker B:

I listen to it on Spotify.

Speaker B:

Where else can we find your.

Speaker C:

Yeah, you can find it on Spotify.

Speaker C:

You can find it on itunes.

Speaker C:

You can find it on all digital platform.

Speaker C:

In actual fact, you can find my YouTube channel.

Speaker C:

Laura Robinson TV I've got all videos of my songs up.

Speaker C:

I've got about eight or nine albums now.

Speaker C:

This is my ninth album I'm releasing now.

Speaker C:

So there's loads of songs that have spoke that speak about the heart of all the experiences that I've had that are worship songs.

Speaker C:

So you can find me on that.

Speaker C:

You can find me on NoelRobinson.com which is my.

Speaker C:

My website.

Speaker C:

Join up to my mailing list and you can keep up with me on the things that I'm doing.

Speaker C:

So you can find me in all the digital places from YouTube right through.

Speaker C:

So, you know, I'm glad that we can connect like that.

Speaker C:

So please do subscribe to my YouTube.

Speaker C:

You'll see videos.

Speaker C:

Subscribe to Spotify, itunes, Deezer, all these platforms.

Speaker C:

My music's on that.

Speaker B:


Speaker B:


Speaker B:

Well, Noel, I appreciate you taking the time out of your busy schedule to join us today because.

Speaker B:

And I received all of your contact links, music links, all that from Sharon.

Speaker B:

So I'll put all that down in the show notes below.

Speaker C:

Thank you so much.

Speaker B:

But I appreciate you taking the time out of your schedule to join us, man.

Speaker B:

This has been awesome.

Speaker B:


Speaker C:

Thank you.

Speaker C:

Thank you for, for having me.

Speaker C:

It's such an honor.

Speaker C:

I know I can talk about Jesus forever.

Speaker C:

If it was another.

Speaker C:

If it was another subject.

Speaker C:

If it was another subject, you probably wouldn't get a peep out of me.

Speaker C:

But, but you know, I love the Lord and, and I want to encourage you, Pastor Bob, just keep doing what you do.

Speaker C:

And God is faithful.

Speaker C:

There's some things that we can never achieve in life until we've been faithful.

Speaker B:


Speaker C:

And it's a continuous thing that this is a season of restoration for you, for family and for church and everything that you.

Speaker C:

You are doing.

Speaker C:

So thank you for having me.

Speaker C:

I really, really appreciate it.

Speaker B:


Speaker B:

I appreciate that.

Speaker B:

Folks, I want to thank you for joining us for this inspiring conversation with Noel Robinson.

Speaker B:

I mean, if his story and music have touched your heart, I encourage you to explore his albums, including Outrageous Love and I Surrender, and share his powerful worship anthems like Breaker of Chain.

Speaker B:

That song is just moving.

Speaker B:


Speaker B:

And stay connected with Noah on social media.

Speaker B:

Support his ministry.

Speaker B:

I mean, let his music inspire your worship and deepen your walk with God today.

Speaker B:


Speaker B:


Speaker B:

Again, thank you for joining us today, folks.

Speaker B:

That is all the time we have for today for Noel Robinson myself.

Speaker B:

This is Pastor Bob reminding you to be blessed in all that you do.

Speaker A:

Thank you for listening to today's episode of the Kingdom Crossroads podcast.

Speaker A:

Please subscribe to our podcast so you can be notified when another episode is published.

Speaker A:

interviews and:

Speaker A:

Please visit our website@www.podcastersforchrist.com.

Speaker A:

that web address again is www.podcastersforchrist.Com.

Speaker A:

for more information.

Speaker A:

Until next time, Be blessed in all that you do.

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About the Podcast

Kingdom Cross Roads Podcast
Interviews with influential Christian ministry and business leaders / owners, authors & musicians & prophecy experts, too!
Pastor Robert Thibodeau interviews Christian guests that range from pastors and ministers to Christian authors; Christian musicians and singers to Christian businessmen and businesswomen who are running impactful businesses while maintaining the Christian morals and values. Each podcast is approximately 28-35 minutes in length (give or take a few minutes). This is an interview based podcast that will often dig deep into the beliefs of the guest being interviewed. We recently published our 1600th Episode (with over 1100 individual interviews) and have been ranked by "Listen Notes" (the "Nielsen Ratings" of Podcasts) in the TOP 1/2% of ALL podcasts worldwide (2.7million +)! So your interviews will be heard!

We always appreciate our partners in helping us to "Get The Word Out!" into all the earth! I pray for our partners every single day. I humbly ask that you would consider sending along any offering of support for this work of God. If every person would commit to just $1 per month - you would be amazed at how fast that will multiply and allow us to have even more impact! And...there are NO SALARIES taken from any offerings sent in. It all goes to Kingdom work! Amen! Click the link for "support" that you see - and God Bless You for your support!
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About your host

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Robert Thibodeau

I am a 12 year Army veteran as both enlisted and as a commissioned Cavalry Officer.
I am now a retired law enforcement supervisor...

I had my own business for seven years before I entered law enforcement.

As a cop, I was injured on the job on May 12, 2007 and after several surgeries over a couple of years, forced to retire in 2011.

As I was looking down the road to “what am I going to do next?” I started what is now known as a podcast (I had no clue at the time).

Within six months of starting (what I called) “My online radio program” I was offered an opportunity to be on nationwide AM radio. I learned A LOT in one year of doing that!

I then started the online Christian radio platform "Evangelism Radio" in the fall of 2010. It has had listeners in 160+ nations and all 50 states. We host 50+ Christian broadcasters on a weekly basis. We have been operating 24/7 for almost 14 years now. We have been rated #1 in the world by Shoutcast. com on several occasions in our genre. We recently transferred ownership of Evangelism Radio to another ministry so I could concentrate full time on podcasting, preaching and writing.

In 2018, I started the Kingdom Cross Roads Podcast to conduct interviews with Christian influencers from all walks of life and to play their interviews on the radio station. (The KCR Podcast has its own time slot on Evangelism Radio)!
We now have over 1600 episodes and almost 1100 interviews (in just over 6 years).

Looking out at the future of online Christian media, I noticed there was no viable platforms that catered only to the Christian podcast market.

In 2023, we launched a networking platform called, "FaithCasters" which connects "Great Christian podcasters with Great Christian Guests!" This helps to promote the work you do through podcast interviews! Check it out at https://FaithCaster.org

We recently launched "FaithCaster Academy" which serves as a training hub for ALL of our trainings (podcast training / speaker training / interview training, etc.). Members receive access to ALL of our training programs for one low, monthly membership fee. Members also receive FREE access to ALL of the LIVE trainings I conduct (1 or 2 per month) - while non-members have to pay to access the live trainings.

Between my podcast training program, conducting podcast interviews, appearing on other podcasts as guests, speaking at conferences (in person and virtually) and the podcast networking platform, I guess you could say “I’m all in” when it comes to podcasting and online media!

My total focus is to do all we can to assist you to “Get The Word Out” about your mission, services, products, ministry, books, business, etc.