Episode 1613
When Chaos Reigns – Scott Cottrell
When Chaos Reigns
Scott Cottrell
Join Pastor Bob Thibodeau as he delves into the complexities of modern international conflicts and political intrigue with Scott Cottrell, a retired U.S. Army colonel and author of the gripping political thriller, "When Chaos Reigns."
Scott Cottrell draws upon his extensive military experience to explore themes of constitutional challenges and the role of faith in decision-making within the military.
The discussion highlights how hidden alliances and global superpowers contribute to the chaos in today’s world, using fictional narratives to reflect real-world issues.
As Scott Cottrell shares insights from his life and career, listeners will gain a deeper understanding of the delicate balance between duty, faith, and the ever-changing landscape of global politics. This thought-provoking conversation promises to engage and inspire those seeking to navigate the complexities of faith and leadership in turbulent times.
- Scott Cottrell's military experiences significantly influence the themes in his political thriller.
- The importance of faith in military decision-making is a central theme in Scott's book.
- Exploring the gray areas of military and constitutional obligations is a key focus.
- Scott's book reflects current global conflicts, such as Russia's actions in Ukraine.
- The writing process for 'When Chaos Reigns' spanned nearly nine years before publication.
- The Reagan Test Site plays a pivotal role in both the book and real-world strategy.
Website: https://www.scottcottrell.com/
Book: “When Chaos Reigns” – on Amazon
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Welcome to the Kingdom Crossroads Podcast with Pastor Bob Thibodeau.
Speaker A:Pastor Bob conducts personal interviews with Christian influencers from around the globe, helping Christian authors, recording artists, CEOs, entrepreneurs, non profit leaders, and yes, pastors and ministry leaders to get the word out about what they are doing to impact the world with the gospel.
Speaker A:Our podcast has been rated in the top 1/2% of all podcasts in the world by ListenNotes.com so you know your message will be heard.
Speaker A:Now here is your host with today's interview, Pastor Bob Thibodeau.
Speaker B:Hello everyone everywhere.
Speaker B:Pastor Bob Thibodeau here.
Speaker B:Welcome to the Kingdom Crossroads podcast today.
Speaker B:We're so blessed that you're joining us.
Speaker B:You know, could hidden alliances between global superpowers and rogue organizations be driving the chaos that we see in today's world?
Speaker B:In today's interview, we're going to uncover how international conflicts, political corruption and strategic warfare could reveal a deeper narrative brought to life in a gripping must read political thriller written by our guest today, Scott Cottrell.
Speaker B:Scott's a retired U.S.
Speaker B:army colonel with over 29 years of distinguished service around the globe.
Speaker B:He's a graduate of West Point and his career includes commanding the U.S.
Speaker B:army.
Speaker B:And I'm going to do my best at pronouncing this Kwajalein atoll right.
Speaker C:Yep, yep.
Speaker B:Strategic roles at the U.S.
Speaker B:space Command and the U.S.
Speaker B:central Command and international postings in Israel and Panama.
Speaker B:He holds three master's degrees including one in National Security and Strategic Studies from the Naval War College.
Speaker B:Scott brings his extensive military experience and global insights to this compelling political thriller, When Chaos Reigns, offering a thought provoking look at today's turbulent world through the eyes of someone who knows.
Speaker B:Amen.
Speaker B:Help me.
Speaker B:Welcome to the program Scott Cottrell.
Speaker B:Colonel, it is a blessing to have you join us on the program today.
Speaker C:Well, thank you, Bob.
Speaker C:I feel blessed just to be on this and I'm looking forward to this discussion and hopefully we'll all learn something from it.
Speaker B:Amen.
Speaker B:Amen.
Speaker B:So the first question I always start with is this.
Speaker B:Other than that brief information I just shared, can you tell us in your own words who is Scott Cottrell?
Speaker C:Well, sure, Bob.
Speaker C:I'm from East Tennessee originally, one of five kids from my parents and grew up in East Tennessee.
Speaker C:We all went to the same school 1st through 12th grade at Farragut High School.
Speaker C:And then I got an appointment to West Point and the military academy and graduated in 73.
Speaker C:So I'm an old dog.
Speaker C:A year later got married to Peggy and we've been married over 50 years.
Speaker C:Now we have.
Speaker B:Amen.
Speaker C:Yeah.
Speaker C:I give most of the credit to her.
Speaker C:We have two kids and eight grandkids, and they're all great people.
Speaker C:As you mentioned, we've been lots of places around the States and around the world, and we feel absolutely blessed that God provided these opportunities to move around and share our life story and share our faith in Christ with others.
Speaker C:And hopefully we can do a bit of that today also.
Speaker B:Amen.
Speaker B:Amen.
Speaker B:Amen.
Speaker B:Yeah, it's.
Speaker B:Yeah.
Speaker B:My wife and I, we just celebrated our 47th anniversary.
Speaker C:Well, you're close.
Speaker C:Congratulations.
Speaker B:We're catching up.
Speaker B:We're catching up.
Speaker B:Amen.
Speaker B:I tell everyone that it's her responsibility make sure it works because she definitely has to keep me in line.
Speaker B:So, first, as a former cavalry officer myself, is that I want to, you know, serving 12 years in active army for our, you know, the beloved cavalry.
Speaker B:You know, I just want to say a.
Speaker B:A public thank you for your service because as a veteran, I always make time to say that to guests who are veterans that come on the program.
Speaker B:So I just appreciate 29 years, a long time to serve, but praise God, you did it.
Speaker B:Amen.
Speaker C:Well, and I appreciate your service too, Bob, in the Cav.
Speaker C:That's.
Speaker C:That's a tough road to hoe.
Speaker C:So thank you for your service.
Speaker B:I appreciate that.
Speaker B:Well, can you share how your extensive military service, particularly your leadership roles in places like, you know, on Kwajalein at all, and the US Central Command, how that influenced the themes and the realism that you have in your book?
Speaker C:Yeah, Bob, basically the book is.
Speaker C:It's fictional.
Speaker C:I made up the storyline, but I put it in current real world situations and current political interesting things that go on here in the US So the story has China messing around in the South China Sea, which they are currently doing, much to the Philippine chagrin.
Speaker C:It has Russia going into Ukraine, which they're currently doing.
Speaker C:A pause and then they pick up the speed again, which they're currently doing.
Speaker C:It has an open border on the south where we have both drug cartels and terrorist group leaking through, in some cases not leaking.
Speaker C:It has a political situation in the States.
Speaker C:It's a bit of an upheaval.
Speaker C:And I created the story.
Speaker C:Storyline is fictional, the characters are fictional.
Speaker C:But I wanted to use the storyline to raise constitutional issues that we have in our nation and also some issues between any administration and any military setting that sometimes they butt heads with each other.
Speaker C:Secondarily, I wanted to raise the issue of faith in the military.
Speaker C:As you know, faith is important in the military.
Speaker C:We have all kinds of faith in the military.
Speaker C:Many, many Christians and the chaplains do a great job.
Speaker C:But I wanted to use the book as a chance to show how faith can influence and actually guide decisions of senior leaders as they tussle with really tough issues in their day to day work.
Speaker B:Amen.
Speaker B:Amen.
Speaker B:And I guess the question is, what inspired you to write When Chaos Reigns?
Speaker C:Okay.
Speaker C:I am a big fan of our Constitution.
Speaker C:It is not perfect.
Speaker C:It has.
Speaker C:It started out with, with things in it like it allowed for slavery, but it also said it's got to stop at a certain point in time.
Speaker C:But it was put together to hold 13 colonies together to go against the world and against Great Britain.
Speaker C:It has provisions for changes called amendments, but they're tough to do.
Speaker C:It is.
Speaker C:And it has the three house, three elements of the government, judicial, legislative and administrative or executive.
Speaker C:And basically it puts faith and trust in the American people to run a government to elect people who they think should do a good job instead of a king or a dictator.
Speaker C:That's unusual in the world.
Speaker C:Still is unusual in the world.
Speaker C:It's been working for 250 years.
Speaker C:It's a great document.
Speaker C:Not perfect, but it's great.
Speaker C:It's probably better than any other governing documentary in the country.
Speaker C:Unfortunately, it's not really emphasized in high school or college anymore.
Speaker C:A lot of people, they couldn't name the three branches of government.
Speaker C:They couldn't tell you what advising consent for the Senate is.
Speaker C:So I thought, I'm going to just do a story.
Speaker C:I hope people will like it.
Speaker C:But it raises constitutional issues.
Speaker B:Amen.
Speaker B:Amen.
Speaker B:Now, the Reagan test site, that in the book, that's a pivotal location and it is still today.
Speaker B:Can you elaborate on the strategic significance in real life and how you brought that to life in the story?
Speaker C:Okay, well, one of my commands, my 06 colonel command was actually US army quadrant of Toll Quadrant missile range, which is now called Reagan Test Site.
Speaker C:It is in the central Pacific, halfway between Australia and Hawaii.
Speaker C:It is so isolated, it's excellent for missile and sensor testing.
Speaker C:It's an army facility, but they do testing with all the services.
Speaker C:They also work with some allied nations.
Speaker C:It is strategically positioned in the Pacific, which is not only is the US interested in the Pacific, but so is China and other countries.
Speaker C:They conduct tests on both missiles and sensors and provide that feedback to whatever service or program manager is running the test.
Speaker C:And that helps them improve their product, improve their sensor, improve the missile, improve their interceptor.
Speaker C:Whatever it is they're testing, they're out there.
Speaker C:Reagan test Site also works with U.S.
Speaker C:space Command and NORAD because they can provide information to those agencies based on where they're at and what they can see.
Speaker C:So it is, in my opinion, a little biased because I was the commander for two years.
Speaker C:But in my opinion it is probably the most high tech, highfalutin missile and sensor test range in the world.
Speaker C:It is literally, it was my 06 command.
Speaker C:I had about 25 military, about 60 government civilians, and I had about 2,000 contractor personnel.
Speaker C:Those guys are literally guys and gals.
Speaker C:Rocket scientists.
Speaker C:Literally, they're rocket scientists.
Speaker C:And I've stand in awe of what they can do.
Speaker C:And I learned a lot from them, but they know so much more.
Speaker C:So that's, that's the facility.
Speaker C:It is unique.
Speaker C:It's a one of a kind in the military, both in terms of location and capability.
Speaker C:So.
Speaker C:And I was there for two years, so I learned a lot.
Speaker B:Amen.
Speaker B:Amen.
Speaker B:Yeah, I spent some time myself out at the White Sands Proving Grounds in El Paso.
Speaker B:Well, New Mexico, we call it El Paso, but it's actually in New Mexico.
Speaker C:I've been to White Sands too, because the army has a command called U.S.
Speaker C:army Space and Missile Defense Command.
Speaker C:White Sands is part of it.
Speaker C:Kwajalen is part of it.
Speaker C:There's a couple other entities that are part of US Army Space and Missile Defense Command, which a lot of people don't know.
Speaker B:We may have crossed paths out there and didn't even know it.
Speaker B:Well, faith obviously plays a role in the decisions made by the characters in your book.
Speaker B:How has your faith guided you during moments of, just say, high pressure in your military career?
Speaker B:And how does that translate into the story's narrative?
Speaker C:Well, my faith, which has grown over the years, I accepted Christ at the age 12.
Speaker C:Of course, during your teen college years, you go up and down, and in theory you're going more up than down.
Speaker C:But as I got more senior in the military, my faith became more important to me.
Speaker C:And there were times when I was asked by people over me to do things, not only in the military, but after I retired in civilian life, to do things I shouldn't do it.
Speaker C:I just told him no, and I went okay.
Speaker C:I wasn't always that good at it.
Speaker C:Sometimes I let things go, which I shouldn't have, but.
Speaker C:But that faith gave me the strength to say, you know, so and so or so and so we shouldn't be doing that.
Speaker C:I can't do it with you.
Speaker C:And generally that was the end of it.
Speaker C:I never heard anything about it.
Speaker C:And that was the end of it.
Speaker C:A couple times in my civilian career I had other people join me in saying no to do something that really was not appropriate for that job.
Speaker B:So yeah, amen.
Speaker C:It it, you fall back on it.
Speaker C:Usually faith should be leading you but.
Speaker C:But if you forget temporarily, it's a good fallback.
Speaker B:Amen.
Speaker B:Amen.
Speaker B:Yeah, I agree wholeheartedly.
Speaker B:Now I'm not going to ask you to divulge any sensitive information obviously, but your book has character like Colonel Seth Grayson grappling with their oath to the Constitution while facing conflicting orders.
Speaker B:How do those themes reflect challenges that you may have faced or witnessed during your service?
Speaker B:Or are they simply fictional in nature?
Speaker C:No, they're not fictional.
Speaker C:You know the, you know the oath of office and we swore to defend and protect the Constitution of the US against all enemies, foreign and domestic.
Speaker C:Also in the Constitution is the fact that the President is the Commander in Chief.
Speaker C:What if the president or and his administration is asking you to do something that's really something the Congress has said don't do and what it's.
Speaker C:There's been some times when it's like really, should we be doing this?
Speaker C:Since the President's administration said do this, those you pray about and you, you do what you can.
Speaker C:I can do this and so much and, but I can't go any further than this.
Speaker C:And that's the kind of thing you have to take.
Speaker C:Now I only made it to Colonel.
Speaker C:I imagine what general officers and flag officers, admirals face is even more interesting.
Speaker C:So I wanted to raise the fact that yeah, we support and defend the Constitution and sometimes that can create bumpy, sticky situations when other things aren't going in accordance with the Constitution and each person has to do what they think is best.
Speaker C:Sometimes it's really, really gray.
Speaker C:And it sounds like you read the book and you probably saw toward the end where the four star admiral has to make some decisions and I'm purposely made it gray and senior officers read that.
Speaker C:They're probably either getting ready to kick me in the rear or saying, yeah, I face those decisions all the time.
Speaker C:I made it gray.
Speaker C:It is gray and it's tough.
Speaker C:And that's where faith comes in.
Speaker B:Yeah, I was, I was thinking about someone, you know, I don't know personally.
Speaker B:I've met him once.
Speaker B:But as far as personally.
Speaker B:Colonel North.
Speaker B:Oliver North.
Speaker B:There was someone that had a gray area that he had to operate in.
Speaker C:He did.
Speaker B:Amen.
Speaker B:Amen.
Speaker B:Now the, the book itself, how long did it take you to write it?
Speaker C:Good question.
Speaker C:Let me elaborate.
Speaker C: nine years I started writing: Speaker C:I finished the.
Speaker C: ally I wrote the storyline in: Speaker C: And it was published in early: Speaker C:And he and I, that publisher and I, I misunderstood where the lion share of the marketing fell, which was on me.
Speaker C:So I was so naive.
Speaker C:It didn't go anywhere.
Speaker C:Just and, and that's my fault.
Speaker C:But I learned a great deal about book publishing so it languished for a few years.
Speaker C:And then a friend of mine who's actually was a classmate and room my roommate from West Point who lives in New Mexico, he told me about a publisher that he was working with out of Atlanta, Georgia, published authority, who was really quite good.
Speaker C:So I contacted him and he's fantastic.
Speaker C:He didn't, he didn't pull any punches.
Speaker C:He didn't say this is going to be easy.
Speaker C:You got to do a lot of the marketing yourself.
Speaker C:And he was honest with me.
Speaker C:He had great editors and they create.
Speaker C:We created a new title and a new cover.
Speaker C:But it's the same book.
Speaker C:Did I update it with some latest later facts?
Speaker C:Yes, yes.
Speaker C:But it's the same storyline, the same book, same character, new titles and new cover.
Speaker C:And it's doing much better so that it went hot a little over a year ago in 23.
Speaker C:And it's doing much better.
Speaker C:I love it to do better.
Speaker C:Absolutely.
Speaker C:But you know, I'm learning again, learning a lot through this process.
Speaker C:Yeah.
Speaker B:Amen.
Speaker B:I've got a couple of books published and it is definitely a learn by hands on type of experience.
Speaker C:Oh yeah.
Speaker B:Amen.
Speaker B:OJT all over again.
Speaker C:The fun part was when I wrote the story, I had the part about China in the South China Sea and what, what I thought they would be doing and they are currently doing.
Speaker C:And I also had Russia had already taken Crimea, but they were not yet in the Ukraine.
Speaker C:So I surmise that they eventually would take that step, which they did also have a piece in the book about the Middle east.
Speaker C:Not particularly Gaza and Israel, but the Middle east is always a quagmire.
Speaker B:Yeah.
Speaker C:Until Christ's return is going to remain that way.
Speaker B:Well, that's why I asked how long take you.
Speaker B:Right.
Speaker B:The book.
Speaker B:Because you know, these are current events.
Speaker B:I, you know, whether it was something that like you.
Speaker B:Oh, let me write this book here.
Speaker B:And it was six months ago so it was all up to date.
Speaker B:This things were seen that you've seen years ago.
Speaker C:Yeah.
Speaker C:As I watched and I watch international news and it looked like, wow, what are they doing?
Speaker C:This, this could get out of hand.
Speaker C:This way.
Speaker C:And then I looked at Russia and go well this, this is probably going to happen.
Speaker C:So I went ahead and suppose those things to start happening and unfortunately they do appear to be happening and also had the open border.
Speaker C:It's not like what we have today, which is right.
Speaker C:But.
Speaker C:But I assumed it was open enough for things to happen.
Speaker C:So.
Speaker C:Nine years.
Speaker B:Yeah.
Speaker B:Amen.
Speaker B:So is there a sequel that's in the works?
Speaker C:I have a plan for one.
Speaker C:I have a rough outline and I've actually started the writing sort of looking as we go down the road with this first book, how it does.
Speaker C:So.
Speaker C:Yes, maybe.
Speaker B:A qualified answer.
Speaker B:Amen.
Speaker B:Well, when it gets published, need to come back on, we can talk all about it.
Speaker B:Praise.
Speaker C:I would do that.
Speaker C:I would love to do that.
Speaker B:Hey man.
Speaker B:Well Curl, this is also interesting.
Speaker B:How can someone obtain a copy of your book?
Speaker B:I take it it's on Amazon.
Speaker C:Oh yeah, it is on Amazon.
Speaker C:You can get it in paperback through Amazon Kindle or if you remember the Kindle Book Club, you can just go get it.
Speaker C:It's also on Barnes and Noble through their Nook process and paperback it.
Speaker C:You name a bookstore and you can get it probably online.
Speaker C:Every so often John and I do book signings at various bookstores.
Speaker C:If you happen to be in Utah, you can go get it.
Speaker C:Mainly Amazon and Barnes and Noble.
Speaker C:Amen.
Speaker C:If.
Speaker C:If you go to my website, you don't buy it there, but it'll link you up to the Amazon Bargain building where you can purchase.
Speaker C:Okay.
Speaker B:And that was my next question.
Speaker B:If someone has a question for you if they'd like more information or maybe do an interview like this, how can they do that?
Speaker B:How can someone get in touch with you?
Speaker C:The best way to start is to go to the website.
Speaker C:It's www.scott cottrell.
Speaker C:One word s c o T T C O T T R E L L There there's actually a place where you can contact me.
Speaker C:It will send an email to my gmail address and when I get those, I read them all.
Speaker C:And if someone has a question about the book or even me or I will answer it, I will answer it.
Speaker C:But the best way is to start at the website and then go from there.
Speaker B:Amen.
Speaker B:Am I put links to this in the show notes below.
Speaker B:If you're ready to dive into a gripping story that really blends real world military insights, political intrigue, faith under fire.
Speaker B:You need to get your hands on When Chaos Reigns.
Speaker B:This is more than just a book.
Speaker B:It is a thought provoking journey through the challenges that we are actually facing today.
Speaker B:To learn more, connect with Scott, gain deeper insights into his experiences, the powerful story he's crafted.
Speaker B:I mean, do not wait, order your copy of When Chaos Reigns right now while you're thinking about it, and see the world through a lens of courage and duty and faith through real eyes.
Speaker B:I bet you will not regret it.
Speaker B:This is a great book.
Speaker B:Colonel Scott Cottrell, I want to thank you again for taking the time to come on the program and share all about this great book, When Chaos Reigns.
Speaker B:I do appreciate your time, sir.
Speaker C:Well, Bob, I appreciate you let me come on the program and maybe we'll get back together again sometime in the future.
Speaker C:I certainly hope so.
Speaker B:Amen.
Speaker B:Amen.
Speaker B:Amen.
Speaker B:I think Fort Riley is about halfway between where you're at, world.
Speaker C:I haven't been to Ryland a long time, and I've been there.
Speaker B:Been there, too.
Speaker B:Meet you at the old club.
Speaker B:All right, sir.
Speaker B:Well, folks, that's all the time we have for the day for Scott Cottrell and myself.
Speaker B:This is Pastor Bob reminding you, be blessed in all that you do.
Speaker A:Thank you for listening to today's episode of the Kingdom Crossroads podcast.
Speaker A:Please subscribe to our podcast so you can be notified when another episode is published.
Speaker A: interviews and: Speaker A:Please visit our website@www.podcastersforchrist.com.
Speaker A:that web address again is is www.podcastersforchrist.Com.
Speaker A:for more information, until next time, be blessed in all that you do.