Episode 1637
Faith, Identity and Impact – Cameron Garner
Faith, Identity and Impact Cameron Garner
The episode centers around the profound exploration of one’s identity in Christ, emphasizing how this understanding can catalyze transformative change in individuals and their communities. He posits that many believers struggle with passive faith, often failing to grasp the full implications of their divine identity, which hinders their ability to live with boldness and purpose. She introduces Cameron Garner, a minister and author who specializes in equipping individuals to recognize and embrace their identity in Christ, thereby fostering a culture of Kingdom-focused living within churches and leadership teams. They discuss the necessity of aligning one’s mindset with biblical truth, which is essential for experiencing the fullness of life that God intends. The dialogue further delves into practical steps for cultivating a victorious mindset and the significance of renewing one’s thoughts to reflect the mind of Christ, ultimately leading to a more impactful faith journey.
- Pastor Bob Thibodeau emphasizes the transformative power of knowing one's identity in Christ, highlighting that this awareness can fundamentally alter lives, leadership styles, and community impacts.
- Cameron Garner discusses the concept of Royal Identity Outreach Training, which aims to instill a deep understanding of believers' identities, enabling them to step out of passive faith into bold, Kingdom-driven action.
- The podcast underscores the necessity of having the Word of God as the ultimate authority in a believer's life, suggesting that true freedom comes from embracing this truth over personal experiences.
- Garner's training sessions focus on immersing participants in the truth, allowing them to conquer carnal thinking swiftly, and fostering a culture where they confidently demonstrate God's Kingdom in their communities.
Email: Realmiraclesandhealings@gmail.com
Website: https://camerongarnerministries.com/
Book: “The Kingdom Perspective: Out of Adam and Into Christ.” – on Amazon
Book: “31 Days to a Victorious Mindset: A progressive devotional to renew your mind,” – on Amazon
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Welcome to the Kingdom Crossroads podcast with Pastor Bob Thibodeau.
Speaker A:Pastor Bob conducts personal interviews with Christian influencers from around the globe, helping Christian authors, recording artists, CEOs, entrepreneurs, non profit leaders, and yes, pastors and ministry leaders to get the word out about what they are doing to impact the world with the gospel.
Speaker A:Our podcast has been rated in the top 1/2% of all podcasts in the world by ListenNotes.com so you know your message will be heard.
Speaker A:Now here is your host with today's interview, Pastor Bob Thibodeau.
Speaker B:Hello everyone everywhere.
Speaker B:Pastor Bob Thibodeau here.
Speaker B:Welcome to the Kingdom Crossroads podcast.
Speaker B:Today we are so blessed you're joining us.
Speaker B:Have you ever felt like there's more to your faith?
Speaker B:Like you know you're meant to live with boldness and purpose and true Kingdom authority, but something keeps holding you back.
Speaker B:Well, today we're going to do a deep dive into what it really means to know your identity in Christ and how that knowledge can transform not just your life, but your church, your leadership, even your community.
Speaker B:Stick with us because what my guest is about to share with you is about to challenge the way you see your faith.
Speaker B:Amen.
Speaker B:My guest today is Cameron Garner, a minister, author, kingdom strategist.
Speaker B:Cameron just doesn't preach the gospel.
Speaker B:He trains believers to truly know who they are in Christ.
Speaker B:Amen.
Speaker B:He helps churches and leadership teams to shift toward a Kingdom focused culture.
Speaker B:He's also the author of two books, Kingdom Perspective, out of Adam and Into Christ.
Speaker B:And the second book is 31 days to a Victorious Mindset.
Speaker B:Progressive Devotional to renew your mind.
Speaker B:Both are on Amazon.
Speaker B:Cameron's on a guest.
Speaker B:Gosh, Cameron, I guess is about a year or so ago and we had a great discussion about joining a riot for God at that point in time.
Speaker B:Amen.
Speaker B:It's not what you think, folks.
Speaker B:Amen.
Speaker B:We're not talking about going up and turning over police cars and stuff.
Speaker B:This is a good kind of riot.
Speaker B:Amen.
Speaker B:But it's not what we're talking about today.
Speaker B:So if you want to hear about that impactful interview, go back to archives.
Speaker B: Look up episode number: Speaker B:Amen.
Speaker B:Now for today, if you're going to break free from passive faith and step into bold Kingdom driven act of faith, praise God.
Speaker B:This, this episode today is for you.
Speaker B:Amen.
Speaker B:With that being said, help me.
Speaker B:Welcome to the program, Cameron Garner.
Speaker B:Cameron, like I said, it's a blessing to have you back with us today, brother.
Speaker B:I've been looking forward to the interview today.
Speaker C:Hey, thanks for having me back Man, I've been looking forward to it as well.
Speaker C:I enjoyed the last one.
Speaker B:Amen.
Speaker B:Amen.
Speaker B:Has the riot ended or is it still ongoing?
Speaker C:Well, you know, just for the listeners.
Speaker C:Riot stands for Royal Identity Outreach Training.
Speaker C:So it hasn't ended, actually.
Speaker C:Was the last in person riots?
Speaker C:Well, I do.
Speaker C:I do them in different churches and do them, you know.
Speaker C:You know, oftentimes here lately it's been, you know, when churches are being birthed, like, trained to leadership, things like that.
Speaker B:Amen.
Speaker C:But I did a riot school in Morehead City at the end of last year, and it was amazing.
Speaker C:It was amazing.
Speaker C:You know, people were.
Speaker C:Because basically what I would.
Speaker C:What I do is, is, is I train them in a way where they're immersed in truth and, and they.
Speaker C:And, and it's.
Speaker C:It's formatted where, you know, I just set this solid foundation for them.
Speaker C:And then as a result, they learn who they are in Christ.
Speaker C:They learn how to overcome the carnal thinking in a short period of time.
Speaker C:It doesn't have to take long.
Speaker C:They learn to hear the voice of God accurately for other people.
Speaker C:They hear.
Speaker C:They.
Speaker C:They learn to lay hands on people and see people healed.
Speaker C:And then we go out on the street and we demonstrate the kingdom of God, you know, we reveal God.
Speaker C:People get brought into an encounter with Jesus, you know, instead of just only hearing about Jesus.
Speaker B:Yeah.
Speaker C:And so it was amazing.
Speaker C:I think.
Speaker C:I think there was like 27, 28 people that came.
Speaker C:You know, people flew in and drove from, you know, all over the country, and we stayed out there for, I believe it was six or seven days.
Speaker B:Amen.
Speaker C:It was awesome.
Speaker C:So we're still doing it.
Speaker C:We're still doing it.
Speaker B:Amen.
Speaker B:Well, the first question I always start with is this.
Speaker B:Other than that brief information I just shared, can you tell us in your own words, who is Cameron Garner?
Speaker C:Oh, man, I'm just a child of God, you know, a child of God.
Speaker C:And.
Speaker C:And, you know, my heart is to advance the kingdom in every single way that I can, to be the most effective that I can.
Speaker C:And so I'm training an army, you know, of believers, training leaders.
Speaker C:You know, we're doing outreaches.
Speaker C:We're going to be launching an online school soon.
Speaker C:We're doing in person traveling.
Speaker C:I mean, everything.
Speaker C:We're.
Speaker C:We're just.
Speaker C:We're doing everything we can, you know.
Speaker B:Amen.
Speaker B:Get the word out.
Speaker B:That's right.
Speaker B:Amen.
Speaker B:Amen.
Speaker B:Well, what led you to focus your ministry on training people to truly know who they are in Christ, and how did that shape your approach to teaching and leadership overall.
Speaker C:Well, I grew up in the church, but I had no idea about who I was in Christ.
Speaker C:And, and so I was doing the best that I could.
Speaker C:I was doing just about everything that I could, but I was functioning from the flesh towards the spirit instead of living from the Spirit.
Speaker C:And you could do so many of the right things, you know, praying, fasting, you know, spending times praying in tongues and, and reading your Bible and even ministering and still not have a clue about who you are in Christ.
Speaker C:And so when I learned who I was in Christ and began to see that radical change and all the fruit start taking place in my life, I couldn't hold it to myself anymore, you know, And I honestly believe that learning our identity in Christ is the absolute most important thing that you can learn once you give your life to Jesus.
Speaker C:But most people go their entire walk, even in ministry, and don't know who they are.
Speaker B:Yeah, that's true.
Speaker B:They're always struggling to say, you know, how can I be different than everybody else?
Speaker B:And that's important.
Speaker B:It's not really a matter of being different.
Speaker B:But what is your perspective on what the word says?
Speaker B:The word's going to say the same thing, you know, and that's, that's where, you know, really where a lot of the conflicts come from, you know, between, well, they, they believe in sprinkling for baptism and we gotta, we're holding them under till they bubble type thing, you know, and you know, but you know, really, if it just comes back to it, I just like focusing now on the red words of Jesus because it, you know, what should you do about adultery?
Speaker B:What did Jesus say?
Speaker B:What should you do about stealing?
Speaker B:What did Jesus say?
Speaker B:You know, because then there's no personal commentary to it.
Speaker B:You're referring right back to what Jesus said, you know, and, and that's, I mean, that's the whole bottom line.
Speaker B:We're supposed to be sharing what Jesus said, you know, and that, that'll set the people free.
Speaker B:But, but you work with church plants and leadership groups and, and churches that, that want to shift towards a more kingdom focused culture.
Speaker B:What are some of the biggest challenges ministries face in trying to make that transition and how do you help guide them through it?
Speaker C:Well, the biggest thing is not just with churches or it's with everybody.
Speaker C:You have to get to a place where the word of God is the final authority.
Speaker C:And you believe the word of God over everything, even over your experience, because truth sets you free when you know it.
Speaker C:It's always true, but it doesn't set you free until you know it.
Speaker C:So if the truth sets you free, then lies are what keep you in bondage.
Speaker C:And so we're supposed to walk by faith and not by sight, you know, and so.
Speaker C:So we're not supposed to walk by a mixture of the two.
Speaker C:And a lot of people don't really understand what that looks like.
Speaker C:But when, When.
Speaker C:When our mind is renewed to truth, then.
Speaker C:Now that truth changes our reality.
Speaker B:Yeah.
Speaker C:And so we're not subject to the natural when we're living in the spirit.
Speaker C:But, but the.
Speaker C:But you are subject to the reality that you live from.
Speaker C:And so that's why it's important to understand who we are and then to know how to renew our mind.
Speaker C:Because we're not supposed to live from the flesh towards the spirit trying to become.
Speaker C:We're supposed to realize and renew our mind to the reality of what we already became.
Speaker C:Then we live from that place, and it changes our life.
Speaker C:You know, we were.
Speaker C:We were never supposed to function from the flesh to try to change this world.
Speaker C:You know, the flesh is a servant.
Speaker C:And so there are things that the flesh does in this natural realm, this natural reality, but it is by living from the spirit that we bring it into subjection, not by living in the flesh, trying to bring it into subjection.
Speaker C:You know, and that's.
Speaker C:And, and it's, It's.
Speaker C:It's looking.
Speaker C:You know, I'm growing.
Speaker C:We're all growing.
Speaker C:But looking back, you know, I really thought I was doing things the right way.
Speaker C:And it wasn't that I wasn't doing good, and it wasn't that I never walked in the spirit.
Speaker C:You know, I was just kind of tapping into it and really didn't understand, principally how it works.
Speaker C:And so my life was a mess, an absolute mess.
Speaker C:I love Jesus.
Speaker C:I told people about Jesus.
Speaker C:I preached the gospel, but my life was a mess.
Speaker C:And, and, you know, it's.
Speaker C:It's.
Speaker C:It's almost like sometimes we think that trying not to fulfill the desires of the flesh is walking in the Spirit, but that's not what it is.
Speaker C:It's.
Speaker C:When you walk according to the Spirit, you won't fulfill the desires of the flesh.
Speaker B:Exactly.
Speaker C:Because the new Nate, the new man, has a nature that's in perfect alignment with God and it never desires to sin.
Speaker C:So if that's the nature, if that's the identity that we're living from, then sin and all that, all those issues start falling off.
Speaker B:Amen.
Speaker B:You know, many believers struggle with, you know, trying to apply a kingdom mindset to Their daily lives.
Speaker B:What are some of the practical steps they can take to start living as, as kingdom driven individuals?
Speaker C:Well, you know, I was actually talking to somebody about this this morning and, and you know, it is a lot of teaching, it is a lot of revelation, but I'll share this.
Speaker C:The old man, the flesh, the old you has a nature, has a mindset, has a will, has desires.
Speaker C:Right.
Speaker C:Has a character that is in opposition to God, in opposition to the new you in Christ.
Speaker C:So we have to learn to draw this bold line between who we were and who we now are in Christ and it.
Speaker C:And we can't get it all mixed up.
Speaker C:You know, we can't, you know, cherry pick some things from our experience.
Speaker C:Because I'll put it this way, God says some amazing things about the believer.
Speaker C:And when we say things different based upon our experience, God's not the one believing, believing the lie.
Speaker B:Yeah, amen.
Speaker C:And so that's right, you know, since the new you has a mindset, the mind of Christ.
Speaker C:If we're not getting the mind of Christ, the Bible tells us we have the mind of Christ.
Speaker C:And then also you have a carnal mind.
Speaker C:That's the brain.
Speaker C:The carnal mind is that enmity against God.
Speaker C:It is not subject to the laws of God, neither indeed can it be.
Speaker C:So there's this mindset, you know, flesh and the spirit, they lust against each other.
Speaker C:But the Bible says, you however, are no longer in the flesh, but in the spirit.
Speaker C:If so be the spirit of God dwells in you.
Speaker C:Any man who has not the spirit of Christ doesn't belong to him.
Speaker C:So you can, you're in the spirit.
Speaker C:But, but that doesn't mean you're walking according to it.
Speaker C:Yeah, right.
Speaker C:So, so the question is, like you said, how do you walk in this new identity?
Speaker C:How do you, how do you walk in the spirit?
Speaker C:Well, the Bible gives us some tools, you know, but we shouldn't live from principle.
Speaker C:But these tools help us, they train us.
Speaker C:But we don't want to get stuck in, you know, a religious mindset or a, or a, just a formula, so to speak.
Speaker C:And here's what I mean.
Speaker C:The Bible says to keep your mind on things above and not on earthly things.
Speaker C:Right.
Speaker C:So we're not trying to stop the negative thoughts.
Speaker C:We're supposed to have different thoughts.
Speaker C:And then also it says, take every thought captive to the obedience of Christ.
Speaker C:So there are thoughts that are contrary to the, to the mind of Christ that are in alignment with the flesh.
Speaker B:Yeah.
Speaker C:And we don't live from the flesh.
Speaker C:We don't get our truth from the flesh.
Speaker C:You know, I tell people, the flesh, you don't get your truth from the flesh.
Speaker C:It can confirm the truth, but it's never our source of truth.
Speaker C:And so we live from the.
Speaker C:From the Spirit.
Speaker C:And so we start thinking.
Speaker C:I put it this way, just to simplify, because I know we don't have a lot of time, because I talk for a long time.
Speaker C:So you're a preacher.
Speaker C:Yeah.
Speaker C:So you've got.
Speaker C:The Bible says, do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.
Speaker C:And so.
Speaker C:And then it tells you that you can prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.
Speaker C:You don't have to talk about it no more.
Speaker C:You can prove what his will is.
Speaker C:And so the goal is to learn to think from the mind of the Spirit, the mind of Christ, and to live from there.
Speaker C:And then every thought that comes to you that is contrary to that, you don't even identify with that.
Speaker C:It's nothing to you.
Speaker C:Right.
Speaker C:And that's that process of mind renewal.
Speaker C:Does that make sense?
Speaker B:Yeah.
Speaker B:Amen.
Speaker B:Praise God.
Speaker B:Amen.
Speaker B:Let's talk about your books for a second, because I want to bring these out.
Speaker B:You know, your book, the Kingdom, Perspective out of Adam and into Christ.
Speaker B:Share a little bit about this book and why you wrote it.
Speaker C:So many of you have probably had a lot of people prophesy over you about books, and I've had that happen so many times throughout the years, and I'm just like, man, I don't see myself writing a book.
Speaker C:And so when I started doing these trainings every month, I was doing them every month, and I was teaching people, you know, who they are in Christ, how to hear the voice of God, how to see people healed, all these things, how to live free.
Speaker C:You know, I just.
Speaker C:I wanted to get the message out to more people.
Speaker C:And I just.
Speaker C:I knew that it was coming, that I needed to write this book, but I.
Speaker C:I just waited until I knew it was the right time.
Speaker C:And, man, I'm telling you, I wrote the book in three days.
Speaker B:Oh, wow.
Speaker C:Three days.
Speaker C:Because it was already inside of me.
Speaker C:It was already inside of me.
Speaker C:And so I was actually just went on a little vacation up at Moravian Falls in North Carolina and was up on a mountain with my wife.
Speaker C:And I wrote that in three days.
Speaker C:And it's been amazing.
Speaker C:A lot of people enjoy it.
Speaker B:Amen.
Speaker B:In your second book, 31 Days to a Victorious Mindset, a progressive devotional to renew your mind.
Speaker B:How does that help the Believers to renew their minds.
Speaker C:So here's the, here's the reason why I want to, I'm going to tie this in because the reason why I do my trainings for like six days straight instead of one day a week or something like that is because mind renewal is, is a result of training yourself to believe his truth over your experience.
Speaker C:And so, you know, if, if 95% of what's coming into your life is carnality, then it's going to be really difficult for you to renew your mind because you have to get to the place where you start seeing different.
Speaker C:And so, you know, we do these trainings, you know, several hours over multiple days in a row and it radically changes people's lives because they start experiencing the kingdom of God.
Speaker C:So in this 31 day devotional, the reason for this devotional is so that you get this truth every single day.
Speaker C:And it's progressive.
Speaker C:It's designed to get you to think, you know, it's designed to, to, to over the 31 days for you to, to see things and, and, and, and have a, a relationship with God that's different than what you had before.
Speaker B:Amen.
Speaker B:Amen.
Speaker B:That's good.
Speaker B:That's good.
Speaker B:And did you write that book in three days as well?
Speaker C:Well, no, no, we didn't.
Speaker C:But it didn't take too long though, and take too long.
Speaker C:I'm actually working on another one, but I don't know when I'm going to get it out.
Speaker C:It's going to be 31 days to a prophetic lifestyle.
Speaker B:Oh, praise God.
Speaker B:Amen.
Speaker B:Amen.
Speaker B:When you get it out, come back on.
Speaker B:We'll help you promote it.
Speaker B:Praise the Lord.
Speaker B:Amen.
Speaker B:You mentioned wanting to increase your impact.
Speaker B:What strategies are you using to grow your ministry and how can churches and individuals connect with you to bring this message to their communities?
Speaker C:Well, if they want to connect with me, they can reach out to me through my website, Cameron Garner Ministries.com.
Speaker C:i'm also on all different forms of social media.
Speaker C:And so I'm really, you know, as far as, you know, expanding the Lord is doing, you know, I'm, it, the, the reach is, is, is growing and it's growing pretty rapidly.
Speaker C:And you know, but, but like I said, it's, it's, it's, to me, it's not about technically growing a ministry.
Speaker C:It's more about, you know, just reaching as many people as possible.
Speaker C:You know, there's, there's a, a lot of people want to, how do I put it?
Speaker C:They want to grow their vision.
Speaker C:And I'M not saying that there's anything wrong with that because I don't believe it is.
Speaker C:But my vision is to help other people's vision come alive.
Speaker C:That's what I want.
Speaker C:So I want, you know, to push you into your calling to, and to get you to where what, what is in your heart becomes a reality for you.
Speaker C:And that's where things have shifted, you know, in the last year or so is, is how do I push people into their calling that are, that are wanting to go in that direction.
Speaker C:So I'm working with people that are, you know, just starting their ministries and, or maybe had it for a while, but are ready to take it to the next level.
Speaker C:And so, you know, you reap what you sow.
Speaker B:Yeah.
Speaker C:You know, you start sowing into blessing other people's ministry and your ministry is going to grow.
Speaker B:Praise God.
Speaker B:Amen.
Speaker B:You know, because I know you work with, with churches and ministries to help build their leadership teams.
Speaker B:And when you work with these leadership teams, what key mindset shifts do you emphasize to help them lead effectively in a kingdom driven way?
Speaker B:I guess you could say.
Speaker C:Well, so there's several things, because usually it's only a few small shifts in your belief system that make the most dramatic difference in your life.
Speaker C:And I don't just work with the leadership.
Speaker C:I minister at churches and things, things like that.
Speaker C:It just depends on, you know, what people want.
Speaker C:I want to partner with what people desire.
Speaker C:But as far as one of the main things and, and one of them, I'll put it this way, one of the main things that people need to understand is what their role is, because God's not controlling any everything.
Speaker C:And so if he's not controlling everything, the question is, what is he controlling?
Speaker C:What is your responsibility?
Speaker C:Because wherever there is ability, there is responsibility, you know, and so, you know, if we have power, then how do we function in that power and how do we walk in power?
Speaker C:With the right character and integrity, you know, and how do we, you know, do our part in advancing the will of God in the earth?
Speaker B:Yeah.
Speaker C:And so when people grab ahold of what they're capable of in Christ and how to walk that out in a mature way, it's life changing.
Speaker B:Amen.
Speaker C:Absolutely.
Speaker C:Life.
Speaker B:Yeah.
Speaker B:Praise God.
Speaker B:Well, in your experience, how does that deeper understanding of identity in Christ transform the way that they engage with their faith and their church and their community and their purpose for helping and blessing the world?
Speaker C:Well, usually in the beginning it's like, wow, this is like, it blows my mind.
Speaker C:Right?
Speaker C:You know, they're like, like it's here the whole time and I never saw it, you know, and, and you feel empowered.
Speaker C:But the way that it changes, it impacts your.
Speaker C:Your life, the world around you is.
Speaker C:I'll just put it this way.
Speaker C:Let me talk about my children.
Speaker C:They're 13 and 14 years old.
Speaker C:Okay?
Speaker C:My son just got invited.
Speaker C:Me and my son, you know, this be his first time on TV.
Speaker C:We're gonna.
Speaker C:He's gonna share about healing.
Speaker C:14 years old.
Speaker B:Amen.
Speaker C:But he hears God.
Speaker C:You know, he's not struggling with depression and anxiety and fear and all those things that.
Speaker C:That many people his age and older are struggling with.
Speaker C:You know, he's.
Speaker C:He's walking in freedom.
Speaker C:He.
Speaker B:He.
Speaker C:He hears God for people and goes up to them boldly and shares what God is saying.
Speaker C:And he knows things about them.
Speaker C:Like, hey, excuse me, you have this issue with your back on this side.
Speaker C:Yeah.
Speaker C:How do you know that?
Speaker C:Check this out.
Speaker C:And he lays hands on them and they get healed in public.
Speaker B:Awesome.
Speaker C:And this is a normal part of my family's life.
Speaker C:And it doesn't just work for adults, it works for kids, you know, and so this is, this is what happens when you know who you are in Christ.
Speaker C:You start understanding how things work.
Speaker C:You start hearing the voice of God, you know, with clarity.
Speaker C:You start seeing the sick healed.
Speaker C:You know, you see the, the.
Speaker C:The provision of God in your life, the favor and the blessing of God in your life.
Speaker C:And, and your, Your confidence in God, it changes.
Speaker C:You know, you begin to trust him in areas that you haven't before.
Speaker C:And.
Speaker C:And so your.
Speaker C:Your life becomes supernatural.
Speaker C:And so you start walking in love, you know, you start.
Speaker C:You start putting other people above yourself.
Speaker C:And when you live that way, people start wanting what you have.
Speaker C:You want your church to grow.
Speaker C:Give somebody something that they want in their life.
Speaker C:Let them see the reality of God in you, that they desire for themselves.
Speaker B:Amen.
Speaker C:You know, that, that everybody's looking for Jesus.
Speaker C:They just don't realize it.
Speaker C:They're looking for him in everything, but they just don't know what they're looking for.
Speaker C:Let.
Speaker C:Let them find Jesus in you.
Speaker B:Yeah.
Speaker B:Amen.
Speaker B:Amen.
Speaker B:Well, Cameron, this has been so interesting.
Speaker B:I know someone out there probably has some questions or they'd like to get more information if someone to reach out to you, get in touch with you.
Speaker B:How can they do that?
Speaker B:How can someone get in touch with you?
Speaker C:CameronGarner ministries.com.
Speaker C:there's a form on there where you can reach out to me.
Speaker B:Amen.
Speaker B:Amen.
Speaker B:I'll put links all that in the show notes below.
Speaker B:I think your books are on Amazon, correct?
Speaker C:Absolutely.
Speaker B:Okay, I'll have links to that too.
Speaker B:Folks, we need to renew our Kingdom perspective.
Speaker B:For sure.
Speaker B:For sure.
Speaker B:Especially in this day and time in which we live.
Speaker B:Amen.
Speaker B:I heard you.
Speaker B:Drop down the show notes down below and click the links there.
Speaker B:Reach out to Cameron.
Speaker B:Get in touch.
Speaker B:See how he can help you or your church to grow in Christ, even on a deeper level.
Speaker B:Amen.
Speaker B:Order his books.
Speaker B:The links are down there in the show notes as well.
Speaker B:Amen.
Speaker B:Cameron, it has been a blessing, brother, to catch up with you.
Speaker B:And I can't wait to the next one.
Speaker B:But don't make it.
Speaker B:Don't wait a year this time.
Speaker C:There you go.
Speaker C:Thanks for having me.
Speaker B:Yeah, folks, that's all the time we have for today.
Speaker B:Cameron Garner, myself passed by reminding you to be blessed in all that you do.
Speaker A:Thank you for listening to today's episode of the Kingdom Crossroads podcast.
Speaker A:Please subscribe to our podcast so you can be notified when another episode is published.
Speaker A: interviews and: Speaker A:Please visit our website@www.podcastersforchrist.com.
Speaker A:that web address again is www.podcastersforchrist.Com.
Speaker A:for more information, until next time, be blessed in all that.