Episode 1236
Going Deeper in Prayer - Jeff Mootz pt 1
Going Deeper in Prayer
Jeff Mootz pt 1
For believers, we know we are supposed to spend time with God each and every day. For those that have been following me for any length of time, you have heard me reference this as “tithing your time to God.” You give your tithes to God, right? (At least I pray you are – if not, that’s an issue right there…but a subject for a different day).
There are 24 hours in a day. Are you “so busy,” that you can’t give your Father 2 hours a day in studying the Word of God and prayer?
Our guest today has made it his life passion to help believers come to a deeper understanding, a deeper encounter with Jesus on a daily basis. This will open up Spiritual insights and understandings and the Peace of God that is not available to anyone who is not willing to spend that time with the Father. Amen!
Jeff Mootz and his wife, Bethany, have formed a ministry outreach that is making a difference in the Body of Christ. Their ministry, “Prayer Discipleship” inspires and equips believers to grow in friendship with Jesus.
They are able to do this through a very special book titled, “Going Deeper – 40 Week Discipleship Guide to Encountering Jesus,” and a corresponding “Going Deeper Video Course” that has 80+ videos that teach, encourage and provide practical demonstrations of what the book discusses.
This curriculum can be used by Bible study groups, in small group studies or individually. It is not just designed for new believers – but will help Christians at all stages of their Faith. Amen!
Jeff and Bethany Mootz have been in full-time prayer ministry for over 18 years, both pastoring and discipling others in prayer. He attended and received a degree in Prayer and Biblical Studies from the International House of Prayer University in Kansas City, where he also served in pastoral positions at the Bible School.
Now living in Sioux Falls, SD, they are serving in pastoral leadership at the “Underground House of Prayer and Encounter Church,” since 2014.
First question I always start with is this. Other than that brief information I just shared, can you tell us in your own words, “Who is Jeff Mootz?”
Let’s back up a bit. As I was preparing for today’s interview with you, I noticed something we have in common that I just have to ask you about. The Book of Ezekiel. My calling into ministry occurred while reading Ezekiel chapter 2 and chapter 3 way back in the August of 1995. You also have a special love for the Book of Ezekiel and I was wondering if you could share that with us?
In the introduction you heard me mention, “tithing your time.” There is absolutely no doubt that daily time with in the presence of God is necessary to grow in friendship with Him and be filled with His Life. Amen! But, is that how you came to develop the two hour daily prayer time for your book and course?
Since you came across those verses in Ezekiel, how has your personal life developed in spending time with the Lord over the last, basically, 20 years?
Let me ask you this. Why this book and why now?
How long did it take you to develop this program, test it, revamp it and bring it to the form it is in today?
Let’s talk about your book, “Going Deeper.” Did you write the book first and then record the videos, or did you write the book from the videos?
How did you settle on a 40-week timeline to consume all of the elements of this teaching on prayer?
Folks, as I stated when we started this interview, we, individually, as families and as a member of church and the Body of Christ, need to draw closer to God than we have been. Especially in the day and time we live in today. Amen!
You need to drop down into the show notes below and order your own copy of Jeff Mootz’s book, “Going Deeper – 40 Week Discipleship Guide to Encountering Jesus.” This book is something that is definitely needful for each and every believer in this day and time. Amen!
Drop down into the show notes, click the link right there and for about $1 per week, you can have this absolutely fabulous book, “Going Deeper” in your hands and start your journey to a higher level of prayer. I cannot emphasize this enough. You need to really get two copies and give one to your pastor and ask if they can implement this type of training into their class structures.
Email: jeffm@uhopsf.com
Website: http://www.prayerdiscipleship.com/
Course Website: https://courses.prayerdiscipleship.com
Book: “Going Deeper – 40 Week Discipleship Guide to Encountering Jesus” – on Amazon
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