Episode 1633
GOLD STAR RIDE FOUNDATION Anthony “Token Squid” Price part 3
GOLD STAR RIDE FOUNDATION Anthony “Token Squid” Price
part 3
Pastor Bob Thibodeau engages listeners with a compelling narrative featuring Anthony Tokensquid Price, who passionately shares his mission to support Gold Star families through an impactful testimony. The episode delves into Anthony's profound experiences, emphasizing the miraculous protection he feels from guardian angels amidst life-threatening situations, such as a serious motorcycle accident. His journey reflects a deep commitment to honoring the memories of fallen service members, as he recounts stories that reveal the strength of his faith and the support of the community. The conversation further explores the significance of personal connections with veterans and their families, advocating for a more meaningful approach to expressing gratitude for their sacrifices. Ultimately, the episode serves as a poignant reminder of the importance of compassion and community in the lives of those who have lost loved ones in service to their country.
- Pastor Bob Thibodeau emphasizes the importance of sharing impactful stories to inspire others.
- The podcast showcases Anthony Tokensquid Price's powerful mission to support Gold Star families across the nation.
- Listeners are encouraged to participate in charitable activities that directly benefit Gold Star families and veterans.
- Anthony recounts a life-altering motorcycle accident that highlights the protective presence of guardian angels in his life.
- The episode discusses the significant role of personal experiences in motivating charitable endeavors and community support.
- Insights are provided on how to effectively donate and support causes that resonate with the audience's values.
Email: info@goldstarride.org
Website: https://www.goldstarride.org
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Welcome to the Kingdom Crossroads podcast with Pastor Bob Thibodeau.
Speaker A:Pastor Bob conducts personal interviews with Christian influencers from around the globe, helping Christian authors, recording artists, CEOs, entrepreneurs, non profit leaders, and yes, pastors and ministry leaders to get the word out about what they are doing to impact the world with the gospel.
Speaker A:Our podcast has been rated in the top 1/2% of all podcasts in the world by ListenNotes.com so you know your message will be heard.
Speaker A:Now here is your host with today's interview, Pastor Bob Thibodeau.
Speaker B:Hello everyone everywhere.
Speaker B:Pastor Bob Thibodeau here.
Speaker B:Welcome to the Kingdom Crossroads podcast.
Speaker B:Today for part three and the conclusion, an absolutely powerful interview with our good friend Anthony Tokensquid Price.
Speaker C:Hey man.
Speaker B:And if you want to know what that means, go back and listen to the prior episodes.
Speaker B:Praise God.
Speaker B:But today is part three and it's just been a powerful, powerful testimony.
Speaker B:The power of God working in Anthony's life, leading him on this mission to just reach out to Gold Star families.
Speaker B:And you're going to hear some things today.
Speaker B:That's why I wanted to save this part for last.
Speaker B:You're going to hear some stories today that he just, he has guardian angels looking over him.
Speaker B:Amen.
Speaker B:Praise God.
Speaker B:And you're going to hear just how powerful and active his angels are.
Speaker B:So without further ado, let's jump back into the conclusion of this interview with Anthony Price.
Speaker D:To reinforce the notion that I'm doing something that I'm supposed to do.
Speaker D:There are a lot of these kind of stories.
Speaker D:I'll just tell you just one.
Speaker D:It was Labor Day weekend two and a half years ago.
Speaker D:So we're six months from Labor Day, roughly six months from Labor Day.
Speaker D:It was Labor Day weekend two and a half years ago and I was visiting with Gold Stars out in the Black Hills of western South Dakota.
Speaker D:And I was on my way back home to Minnesota.
Speaker D:And my son was in college in eastern South Dakota at the time.
Speaker D:And I knew I was going to stop and have dinner with him.
Speaker D:And then I was going to stop in Minnesota at a hotel 200 miles from Minneapolis.
Speaker D:That was.
Speaker D:I was going to stop in that hotel.
Speaker D:Next day I was going to ride on to Minneapolis.
Speaker D:For those of you guys need a geography lesson, South Dakota east to west is not a small state.
Speaker D:440 miles I think it is to go all the way across.
Speaker D:440 miles.
Speaker D:If you're on a motorcycle and you're going 440 miles, it's going to take a minute.
Speaker D:Just a little bit So I get to eastern South Dakota, I stop and have dinner with my son, get on the motorcycle and I take off down the road.
Speaker D:The sun is setting in my river mirrors and down the road I go and I get.
Speaker D:I hit the Minnesota state line.
Speaker D:The sun is now down.
Speaker D:I'm riding in the dark and I'm on a two lane road.
Speaker D:I'm not on the big road on a two lane road.
Speaker D:And it's September.
Speaker D:What happens in September when you're in farm community?
Speaker D:Out of the crops come out of the fields.
Speaker D:They're out there in the fields with combines.
Speaker D:This didn't register to me.
Speaker D:So what.
Speaker D:And what happens when a combine is going through a cornfield?
Speaker D:He's chasing all the animals away.
Speaker D:Yeah, all the animals are getting chased away.
Speaker D:So here's me riding in pitch darkness.
Speaker D:The only thing I got is a little illumination of the road in front of me.
Speaker D:And I'm tooling along on my motorcycle and I come around a curve and that's kind of nice.
Speaker D:And there's the lights.
Speaker D:I see the lights up in the.
Speaker D:On the horizon.
Speaker D:That's the lights of the town that has the hotel where I'm staying.
Speaker D:That's where I'm going.
Speaker D:And I can see the lights.
Speaker D:When I can see the lights, it's probably two and a half miles away.
Speaker D:So crack open that throttle a little bit more.
Speaker D:We're going to go a little faster.
Speaker D:We got two miles to go.
Speaker D:And I was going 70 miles an hour and all I saw was the deer's rib cage hit my headlight.
Speaker D:Pretty sure I just cut that deer right in half.
Speaker D:Totaled the motorcycle completely.
Speaker D:And I called a friend of mine.
Speaker D:You know we all have road names, right?
Speaker D:We discussed road names earlier.
Speaker D:I called up Head Dog, and at some point Head Dog's gonna listen to this podcast.
Speaker D:And he goes, I can't believe he's telling me that story again.
Speaker D:I call up Head Dog and I say, and Head Dog says to me, you hit a deer?
Speaker D:Yeah.
Speaker D:At 70.
Speaker D:Yeah.
Speaker D:And lived.
Speaker D:Yeah.
Speaker D:There's a long pregnant pause there.
Speaker D:And then he says, he comes back and he says, how many Gold Star families have you met with?
Speaker D:And at the time, this was the.
Speaker D:The number.
Speaker D:I said, about 450.
Speaker D:And he immediately says, I guess you got about 450 guardian angels, don't you?
Speaker C:Amen.
Speaker D:And I said, yeah, yeah, I guess I do.
Speaker D:And I love my guardian angels.
Speaker D:A month ago, a little over a month, almost two months ago, we'll say the day after Christmas, let's just put it that Way it was the day after Christmas.
Speaker D:We had a wonderful Christmas here with my family.
Speaker D:I got almost everything I wanted for Christmas presents.
Speaker D:You know, I got my bottle of whiskey.
Speaker D:And the day after Christmas, December 26, my wife and I are going to go visit her family.
Speaker D:All of her family lives in the Dominican Republic.
Speaker D:So we're at the airport, Minneapolis St.
Speaker D:Paul Airport, nice and early in the morning, 5:30 in the morning, we're going to catch that 6:30am flight to the Dominican Republic.
Speaker D:And we're sitting at the gate and they call our zone because we're riding Delta Delta loads by zones.
Speaker D:It gets complicated, but they call our zone.
Speaker D:So it's time for us to grab our bags and go get on that airplane.
Speaker D:And I stood up and I looked at my wife and I said, would it be okay with you if you went by yourself?
Speaker D:And she says, she's done it a million times.
Speaker D:She's from there, her family's there.
Speaker D:It's her.
Speaker D:Going by herself is not a big deal.
Speaker D:She says, what's wrong?
Speaker D:I said, nothing.
Speaker D:I just got a guardian angel pulling on this ear right here, telling me not to go.
Speaker D:There's nothing wrong.
Speaker D:Nothing.
Speaker D:Nothing to worry about, Nothing wrong.
Speaker D:I just.
Speaker D:My guardian angels will tell me not to go.
Speaker D:And she says, well, wait here.
Speaker D:She goes up to the front, the gate agent there, and gives up our seats so somebody else can go.
Speaker D:Comes and gets me, grabs my hand, says, all right, let's go.
Speaker D:And we walk through the airport and we walk down to the train station at the airport, get on the train and we take it two stops down the road to the VA hospital, and we get off the train and we walk straight into the hospital.
Speaker D:I walk right up to the emergency room, front desk there, and they say, what's wrong?
Speaker D:And I got.
Speaker D:Nothing wrong with me.
Speaker D:Nothing is wrong.
Speaker D:But I say to them, chest pains.
Speaker D:And they immediately throw me in a chair, hook me up, ekg, blood test, this, that, the other thing.
Speaker D:They've taken X rays in my chest.
Speaker D:They're doing everything they could do, and they come back to me and they say, there's nothing wrong with you.
Speaker D:I said, okay.
Speaker D:I mean, you're the ones who's supposed to figure this stuff out.
Speaker D:So if you tell me there's nothing wrong with me, then there's nothing wrong with me.
Speaker D:Eight and a half hours after I got there, eight and a half hours later, I'm talking with a cardiologist who says, what we feel that you are experiencing is acid reflux disease.
Speaker D:You have to burp.
Speaker D:I Said, okay.
Speaker D:And he's standing there next to my bed.
Speaker D:I'm laying on a bed in the emergency room.
Speaker D:And, yeah, he's standing there.
Speaker D:And this other, older doctor comes in.
Speaker D:He says, you know what?
Speaker D:Because of your age.
Speaker D:God, I love that line.
Speaker D:Because of your age.
Speaker D:Because of your age.
Speaker D:We're going to try one other test, just one other one, and then we'll release you.
Speaker D:No big deal.
Speaker D:I said, okay, fine.
Speaker D:And they immediately put me in a wheelchair, pushed me in the other room where the other test was, stuck me in this machine, pulled me back out, and I was back in the emergency room bed literally in 14 minutes.
Speaker D:That's how fast they did this test.
Speaker D:I mean, it was fast.
Speaker D:And that old doctor comes around the corner again and he says, okay, you've now been admitted to the hospital.
Speaker D:You will have an emergency CT angiogram first thing tomorrow morning.
Speaker D:I said I was a big fan of acid reflux, keeping my fingers crossed.
Speaker D:I wanted acid reflux.
Speaker D:What the hell are you talking about?
Speaker D:I have no idea what a CT angiogram is.
Speaker D:But what happened is the next day, you know, I don't know if you can see it or not, there's a little pink spot right there on my wrist.
Speaker D:Yep, you can barely see it.
Speaker D:That's my new scarlet.
Speaker D:They put a tube in my wrist, a tube which they went up my arm and right into my heart.
Speaker D:Then they shot dye in it.
Speaker D:Then they put an X ray machine on it.
Speaker D:Then they put a little machine in to my vein and blew up a balloon to make my vein open up.
Speaker D:And then they put a steel cage in to hold it open.
Speaker D:And then they pulled the balloon back up.
Speaker D:And that process is called stenosis.
Speaker D:They put two stents in my veins to open up.
Speaker D:And then they showed me the before and after pictures.
Speaker D:I promise you this is true.
Speaker D:If I would have gotten on that plane, if I would have survived the plane ride, I most certainly would have died while I was there.
Speaker B:Wow.
Speaker D:Most certainly.
Speaker D:And then the doctor comes in after the.
Speaker D:They did two on Friday.
Speaker D:Right on that Friday.
Speaker D:He comes in after we're done.
Speaker D:He says, you got two more.
Speaker D:Come back on Tuesday.
Speaker D:See, at 8:00 Tuesday morning.
Speaker D:And I came back on Tuesday morning.
Speaker D:They did it.
Speaker D:There's.
Speaker D:Yes, if you look really close, there's two little pink dots there.
Speaker D:They did the second pink dot on Tuesday, which was New Year's Eve.
Speaker D:Yeah, they did it as an outpatient.
Speaker D:This is the equivalent of a quadruple bypass open heart surgery.
Speaker D:That's the equivalent of what?
Speaker D:They did.
Speaker D:Yep.
Speaker D:And any one of those four, including the proverbial Widowmaker, one of those veins, they like to call it the Widowmaker.
Speaker D:I don't know why, but one of them was the Widowmaker.
Speaker D:They had to open it because it was blocked.
Speaker D:It was completely closed down.
Speaker D:And any, any one of those four would have killed me.
Speaker B:Yeah.
Speaker D:If I.
Speaker D:If it would have last, if it would have waited another week, any one of them would have killed.
Speaker C:Amen.
Speaker D:How many guardian angels do you have?
Speaker D:I've got so many guardians.
Speaker D:My guardian angels need to stand up and get a little applause.
Speaker D:I've got a lot of guardians.
Speaker D:And that's just two stories.
Speaker D:Yeah, that's just two stories.
Speaker D:I've got.
Speaker D:I'm going to write a sequel to that book.
Speaker D:It's going to be filled with guardian angel stories because there's so many of them from now.
Speaker D:I wrote the book after one motorcycle ride around the country.
Speaker D:To date, as of right now, while I'm sitting here talking to you, I have completed 62 rides.
Speaker D:That first ride had 64 Gold Star families.
Speaker D:I've now met 540 Gold Star families.
Speaker D:And if you like doing the math, that's an average of 90 per year, which is about two a week or six years.
Speaker D:I've been to that many funerals.
Speaker D:I've been to that many.
Speaker B:Well, for those listening who want to support Gold Star families but don't know how, what's the best way they can make a difference?
Speaker D:Goldstarride.org Real easy to remember.
Speaker D:We're handling, we're taking care of Gold Star family.
Speaker D:So Gold Star, we're doing it on a motorcycle.
Speaker D:So ride and dot org.
Speaker D:Because we are a non profit organization, we are an official 501c3 recognized by the IRS, which means that 100% of every donation is tax deductible.
Speaker D:And we are now set up where we can take any donation that you want to give, from cash to cars, houses, real estate, boats, motorhomes, motorcycles.
Speaker D:We get an average of probably 12 to 15 motorcycles a year that are just donated to us.
Speaker D:And then the new one, we brought on a new donation feature.
Speaker D:I think about two years ago, we brought it on where you can donate stock.
Speaker D:And this is how this works.
Speaker D:This is a beautiful, beautiful thing.
Speaker D: shares of McDonald's stock in: Speaker B:Just a Little one, you can donate.
Speaker D:It to our charity and you get the full value.
Speaker D:The full 72 billion gets to be the value of your donation.
Speaker D:And we get to sell it for 72 billion because that's what it's worth.
Speaker D:And we don't have to pay any capital gains on it.
Speaker D:It's the greatest way to avoid capital gains.
Speaker D:So not only do you not have to pay capital gains on it, but you also get the tax deduction for the full amount.
Speaker D:It's a really amazing little thing that we can do with stocks.
Speaker D:Not very many people want to give us stocks, however, because most people who have stocks have it for their own retirement.
Speaker D:Yeah, but if you have some stock, we're, we're more than willing to take it off your hands.
Speaker B:Hey man, I appreciate that.
Speaker B:I'll put.
Speaker D:And everything happens again.
Speaker D:Everything happens@goldstarride.org so where are you heading next?
Speaker B:What's your next big event?
Speaker D:Texas.
Speaker D:We got to see Gold Star families in Austin and San Antonio.
Speaker D:We might go a little bit south of San Antonio.
Speaker D:That should be the.
Speaker D:We're going to do a long weekend.
Speaker D:I think we're going to do like a six day weekend, five day weekend, the third weekend in March and then in April that'll be ride number 63.
Speaker D:And then in April we're doing ride number 64.
Speaker D:We're going to start in Orlando, Florida and come up along the east coast a little bit.
Speaker D:We're going to go through Savannah.
Speaker D:We're going to stop and see Gold Star families in South Carolina and North Carolina and then we're going to shoot a little bit westward and see more Gold Star families in eastern Kentucky and Tennessee.
Speaker D:We'll come through the southwestern part of Ohio, hit Indiana, Illinois and Wisconsin before we put our kickstand down in Minnesota.
Speaker D:That should be about a 10 day ride.
Speaker C:Amen.
Speaker B:That's a lot.
Speaker D:One, one of the things I learned on that first 56 day ride, don't ever do a ride that takes 56 days.
Speaker D:It's just too, it's, it's too much of a burden for me to put on my family.
Speaker D:It's.
Speaker B:Yeah, it's two months.
Speaker D:It defies, it defies words.
Speaker D:It's, it's just, man, it's a major pain.
Speaker D:So, so nothing over three weeks anymore.
Speaker D:And 10 days is kind of our perfect ride.
Speaker D:But we'll do five day rides and we're just going.
Speaker D:The Gold Star families reach out to us.
Speaker D:We put a pin on the map of where they live and as soon as we've Got two pins.
Speaker D:We're trying to find a route.
Speaker D:We're figuring out where they're going.
Speaker D:I think we've got something like nine families that we're going to stop and meet in North Carolina.
Speaker D:We've got one in South Carolina.
Speaker D:We've got.
Speaker D:We have met with.
Speaker D:I think we've met with 40 or 50 Gold Star families in Florida.
Speaker D:I think we've met with 40 or 50 Gold Star families in Texas, but both of those states are going to get some more.
Speaker C:Amen.
Speaker C:Amen.
Speaker D:Yeah.
Speaker B:I was listening to you on an interview on the Keep Hope Alive podcast, and you found out that the host's father was a Vietnam vet.
Speaker B:So you told her to call her dad when the podcast was done and tell him, the token squid, to tell you, welcome home.
Speaker B:Now, she didn't know what you were talking about, but when I heard that, it actually choked me up.
Speaker D:Okay?
Speaker B:It literally did.
Speaker B:Because just you telling her that brought tears to my.
Speaker B:Just talking about her now is choking me up.
Speaker C:So.
Speaker B:I appreciate your heart in all of this, you know?
Speaker D:Yeah.
Speaker D:Yeah.
Speaker B:I love our military.
Speaker D:You know, every once in a while, I'll say thank you for your service to.
Speaker D:When I see it.
Speaker D:Not very often.
Speaker D:Not very often do I say those words.
Speaker D:What I usually say is, thanks for taking care of me.
Speaker D:Because when somebody says thank you to your service to me, my general response is, thanks for being an American worth fighting for.
Speaker B:Amen.
Speaker D:How about.
Speaker D:Yeah, so, yeah, feel free.
Speaker D:The more people say it, the better.
Speaker D:So thanks for being an American worth fighting for.
Speaker D:And then, like I said, when I see them, I thank them for taking care of me.
Speaker D:I.
Speaker D:I personalize it when, with Vietnam vets in particular, they all hear welcome home there.
Speaker D:Yeah, I might say, welcome home and thanks for taking care of me.
Speaker D:But they always get the welcome home.
Speaker D:I'll tell you a quick little story.
Speaker D:I was doing an event where I had to.
Speaker D:I was.
Speaker D:I had all our paraphernalia, our brochures and our books and our hats.
Speaker D:Remember our hats?
Speaker D:So those.
Speaker D:You guys are veterans out there.
Speaker D:We got hats that say that.
Speaker D:And you can buy the patch separately.
Speaker B:Read it because of the audio.
Speaker D:Oh, read it because of the audio, Right.
Speaker D:It says, the patch says, My DD214 can kick your MBA's ass.
Speaker C:Amen.
Speaker D:It's funny because civilians read that and they go, is that a gun?
Speaker D:Wait, wait, no, no, it's an airplane, right?
Speaker D:A DD214 is an airplane, right?
Speaker D:No, no, it's not.
Speaker D:Anyway, so I was set up with all the paraphernalia at the.
Speaker D:And I was under a tent at a tee at a golf tournament that was designed for fundraising for this kind of thing.
Speaker D:And I'm sitting there, and these two carts pull up, and that's the way they do it.
Speaker D:They.
Speaker D:They're in groups of four that tee off together, and there's two guys in one cart, two guys in the other car, and they park their carts probably 40ft away from me, more or less a pretty good ways.
Speaker D:And then they climb out of their carts and they walk toward the T's.
Speaker D:And the tees are like 10ft to my right.
Speaker D:So they're going to walk right in front of me, and I see four guys get out of the cart, and they're all wearing ball caps.
Speaker D:And one of them I see immediately from his cart.
Speaker D:I recognize that immediately, said Vietnam veteran.
Speaker D:I recognized that as soon as he put one foot on the ground out of the golf cart.
Speaker D:By the time he had two feet on the ground and he took a step toward me, I was standing up, and I was at the edge of my tent, and I was saluting, and he was walking toward me.
Speaker D:And as he got a little closer, I just said, welcome home, and I threw my salute down.
Speaker D:He stopped right there on the spot, and he held himself up with his.
Speaker D:With his.
Speaker D:With his golf club and started to cry because he knew.
Speaker D:He knew what that meant.
Speaker D:He knew.
Speaker D:He knew what it was supposed to mean.
Speaker D:He knew that it wasn't just a platitude.
Speaker D:He knew.
Speaker D:So for you civilians out there that like to say thank you for your service, you got to find a way to make it personal.
Speaker D:Otherwise, it's just it.
Speaker D:Otherwise, you're just walking past somebody saying, you know, what's.
Speaker D:What's that other phrase that we say all the time?
Speaker D:What's up?
Speaker D:Yeah, what's up is a question.
Speaker D:Okay, so you walk past somebody that you don't know and you say, what's up?
Speaker D:Are you going to stand there and wait for the answer to that question?
Speaker D:No, it's a greeting.
Speaker D:It becomes a greeting.
Speaker D:So thank you for your service is a great greeting.
Speaker D:Don't misunderstand me.
Speaker D:But it can be so much more if you really, really, truly believe that the veteran that you're thanking did something that you weren't willing to do.
Speaker D:And if you didn't go do it, that means you weren't willing to do it.
Speaker B:That's right.
Speaker D:You know, free will.
Speaker D:Right, Free will.
Speaker D:That's another thing we talk about all the time when we talk about Christianity.
Speaker D:Right?
Speaker D:Free will.
Speaker D:Yeah.
Speaker D:The proof of free will is choosing to do something that you don't want to do.
Speaker D:That's the proof.
Speaker D:Okay, so do I want it?
Speaker D:Well, you know, this podcast is a bad example, because I like doing podcasts.
Speaker D:I have a little bit of fun with it.
Speaker D:But you know what I don't like to do?
Speaker D:I don't like to go outside when the temperature is a balmy four.
Speaker D:But I'm gonna go outside.
Speaker D:I got things to do.
Speaker D:I got errands to run.
Speaker D:I got places to go, people.
Speaker B:Go ride your bike.
Speaker D:I'm gonna go.
Speaker D:Not gonna ride my bike today.
Speaker B:Go from 122 to 4.
Speaker D:And you know what?
Speaker D:If you know what the high temperature or the low temperature is supposed to be tonight?
Speaker D:Minus 30.
Speaker D:There you go.
Speaker D:That's before they fat go into wind.
Speaker B:I was upstationed up in Alaska.
Speaker B:The day I got there, it was 20 below zero without the wind chill.
Speaker D:Right.
Speaker B:And I like, I'm gonna die here.
Speaker B:I just know there's an awful lot of.
Speaker D:There's an awful lot of Minnesota that's colder than an awful lot of Alaska.
Speaker B:Oh, yeah, Alaska.
Speaker D:I.
Speaker D:I really don't know what the hell we're doing here.
Speaker D:I mean, I.
Speaker D:I know what we're doing here.
Speaker D:Look, all my stuff is here.
Speaker D:I know what we're doing.
Speaker D:And our kids are here.
Speaker D:And the kids, all their friends are here.
Speaker D:They grew up here.
Speaker D:This is what they know.
Speaker D:Yeah, my youngest son has actually moved to South Carolina.
Speaker D:He picked up and left.
Speaker D:And all my friends are online playing video games.
Speaker B:Right.
Speaker D:But my wife's kids, we don't have any children together.
Speaker D:I have mine and she has hers, but we don't have any together.
Speaker D:But her three boys are all.
Speaker D:They're athletes.
Speaker D:They participate in sports.
Speaker D:And they're.
Speaker D:And they have all of them.
Speaker D:All three of them have large groups of friends, and they're not interested.
Speaker D:They'll put up with this cold weather all day, every day so that they can hang out with their friends that they grew up with.
Speaker D:And we stay here for the kids.
Speaker B:Well, Anthony, I appreciate all that you're doing for our gold star families and.
Speaker B:And just keep up the good work, man.
Speaker B:And I'm gonna put the links down below, folks.
Speaker B:Well, I'll just have you give it to them in one try.
Speaker B:How to get in touch with you.
Speaker D:Look, if you go to goldstarride.org, the best way to follow us on a continual basis is to hook up with us through social media.
Speaker D:What's the one?
Speaker D:Instagram is one.
Speaker D:And then Instagram is owned by Facebook, so we simultaneously post on both of them.
Speaker D:One of my biggest tools that I use is the 30 second video, which I can, I can go from the 30 second video on my phone.
Speaker D:I can have it uploaded so everybody can see it in 30 seconds.
Speaker D:So I do that all the time.
Speaker D:So when we're out visiting Gold Star families, when we're out riding a motorcycle, when we're out doing stuff, those 30 second videos, every gas stop is a 30 second video.
Speaker D:Every Gold Star family that we meet, we try to.
Speaker D:A lot of, believe it or not, there's a lot of families that say, no, I don't want anybody to know who I am.
Speaker D:I don't want my face out there.
Speaker D:And we respect that.
Speaker D:We have a great deal of respect for that.
Speaker D:So we don't do that kind of stuff.
Speaker D:But Instagram and Facebook, we're also on X run Tumblr.
Speaker D:We're, we're on a couple other ones.
Speaker D:I don't even know them all.
Speaker D:Amen.
Speaker C:Amen.
Speaker D:And of course we have the goldstarride.org website, which is where just click on contact us.
Speaker D:There's phone number, there's snail mail address, there's.
Speaker D:There's a.
Speaker D:You can send us a message right from there.
Speaker D:So you know, you can, you can do.
Speaker D:That's.
Speaker D:That's how you can reach out to us.
Speaker D:That's how we learn about what Gold Star families want us to come and visit.
Speaker D:They find us on a website or they send us a message on Facebook or something else.
Speaker D:So Gold Star Rock here in rg.
Speaker B:Your dedication to honoring these Gold Star families is truly inspiring.
Speaker B:And your journey across the country over and over and over again is.
Speaker B:It's just a powerful testament to the impact of this personal connection.
Speaker B:Folks, you need to support the Gold Star Ride.
Speaker B:This is, I mean, go to their website.
Speaker B:Amen.
Speaker D:Can you see that picture?
Speaker B:Yeah.
Speaker D:Every, the red line represents every highway that I have been on on my motorcycle in the last six years.
Speaker B:Just about everyone in the States too.
Speaker C:Amen.
Speaker D:And actually it's missing one right here.
Speaker D:I wrote across Canada last year.
Speaker D:Okay.
Speaker D:So that red line is missing across Canada.
Speaker D:But yeah, that's.
Speaker D:You can throw just.
Speaker B:And just go to the Gold Star Ride foundation website.
Speaker B:Go to their website.
Speaker B:Click the donate button.
Speaker B:Click the donate button.
Speaker B:And then find out more and support this great organization because this is.
Speaker B:They're doing absolutely wonderful work, just as you heard.
Speaker B:Amen.
Speaker B:And for those listening, if you want to support the Gold Star ride Foundation, visit goldstarride.org to learn more.
Speaker C:Amen.
Speaker B:Anthony we're all at time for today, brother.
Speaker B:I do appreciate your time and I look forward to having another conversation in the future, brother.
Speaker B:Anytime.
Speaker D:Sure.
Speaker D:Any.
Speaker D:Anytime.
Speaker D:I can work it into my calendar, I'll be more than happy to sit down here in my little studio and talk to you.
Speaker C:Amen.
Speaker D:Thank you very much for having me.
Speaker D:It's been a pure joy just to be here.
Speaker C:Amen.
Speaker B:Appreciate that.
Speaker B:Folks, we are all out of time for today For Anthony, Token Squid Price and myself, this Pastor Bob, reminding you to be blessed in all that you do.
Speaker A:Thank you for listening to today's episode of the Kingdom Crossroads podcast.
Speaker A:Please subscribe to our podcast so you can be notified when another episode is published.
Speaker A: interviews and: Speaker A:Please visit our website@www.podcastersforchrist.com.
Speaker A:that web address again is www.podcastersforchrist.Com.
Speaker A:for more information.
Speaker A:Until next time, be blessed in all that.