Episode 1634

Lead with Jim – Jim Burgoon

Published on: 10th March, 2025

Lead with Jim

Jim Burgoon 

Pastor Bob Thibodeau engages in a profound discussion with Jim Burgoon, focusing on the intricate challenges that faith-driven leaders often encounter, notably the pervasive issues of imposter syndrome and perfectionism. They delve into the significance of authentic communication and the necessity for leaders to cultivate emotional fitness, emphasizing that true leadership is rooted in the ability to navigate one’s own feelings while guiding others through theirs. Jim shares his personal journey, illustrating the transformative power of faith as he encourages listeners to embrace their God-given purpose with confidence and resilience. The dialogue also addresses the importance of utilizing platforms like podcasting and YouTube to amplify one’s voice and message, advocating for a start-over perfectionism mindset that can open doors to significant impact. As the episode unfolds, listeners are invited to reflect on their own leadership paths and the ways they can authentically integrate their faith into their endeavors without compromising their values.


  • Pastor Bob emphasizes the significance of authentic communication in leadership, highlighting how overcoming imposter syndrome is crucial for faith-driven entrepreneurs.
  • The conversation reveals that true resilience involves acknowledging one’s struggles while maintaining faith in God’s greater purpose amidst life’s challenges.
  • Jim Burgoon shares insights on the importance of emotional intelligence, advocating for the development of emotional fitness over mere intellectual understanding.
  • The podcast underscores that starting a podcast or YouTube channel is more about sharing one’s message authentically rather than striving for perfection from the outset.
  • Listeners are encouraged to recognize the lies they believe about themselves, as these can hinder their potential and align with their God-given purpose.
  • The episode concludes with practical advice on how to navigate leadership authentically without compromising one's faith in a secular environment.


Email:   jim.burgoon@gmail.com  

Website:  https://leadwithjim.com /bio 

Resources:  https://leadwithjim.com/bio  

YouTube:  Lead with Jim 


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Speaker A:

Welcome to the Kingdom Crossroads podcast with Pastor Bob Thibodeau.

Speaker A:

Pastor Bob conducts personal interviews with Christian influencers from around the globe, helping Christian authors, recording artists, CEOs, entrepreneurs, nonprofit leaders, and yes, pastors and ministry leaders to get the word out about what they are doing to impact the world with the gospel.

Speaker A:

Our podcast has been rated in the top 1/2% of all podcasts in the world by ListenNotes.com so you know your message will be heard.

Speaker A:

Now, here is your host with today's interview, Pastor Bob Thibodeau.

Speaker B:

Hello everyone everywhere.

Speaker B:

Pastor Bob Thibodeau here.

Speaker B:

Welcome to the Kingdom Crossroads podcast.

Speaker B:

Today we are so blessed you're joining us.

Speaker B:

Have you ever felt called by God to lead, but fear, self doubt, or the imposter syndrome kept holding you back?

Speaker B:

Well, today we're talking with Jim Burgoon, host of the Lead with Jim podcast about how faith driven entrepreneurs and leaders can communicate with confidence and build authentic connections and step boldly into their God given purpose.

Speaker B:

Now, if you're ready to break free from perfectionism and lead with impact through faith, you do not want to miss today's interview.

Speaker B:


Speaker B:

Like I said, our guest is Jim Burgoon, host of Lead with Jim, a podcast that's dedicated to helping people communicate effectively, build authentic relationships and lead with purpose.

Speaker B:


Speaker B:

Jim is on a mission to equip leaders with the tools they need to overcome, like I said, that dreaded imposter syndrome, or try to attain perfectionism, or those who are basically crippled by doubt whether or not they can do this or not.

Speaker B:

Also, they can create real impact in both their personal and professional lives.

Speaker B:

Now, he also teaches how to leverage platforms like YouTube and podcasting to expand their reach and share their message with the world.

Speaker B:

Praise God.

Speaker B:

Which is what we're all about as well.

Speaker B:

That's why I wanted to get Jim on the program today, just to bless you and maybe help you over obstacles that you're encountering right now as well.

Speaker B:

Now, with all that being said, help me.

Speaker B:

Welcome to the program, Jim Burgoon.

Speaker B:

Jim, it is a blessing to finally get a chance to have you on the program today, brother.

Speaker B:

I appreciate you joining us.

Speaker C:

Same, sir.

Speaker C:

Thanks for having me.

Speaker C:

I appreciate being here.

Speaker C:

I appreciate the opportunity for a good conversation.

Speaker B:


Speaker B:

Well, the first question I always start with is this.

Speaker B:

Other than that brief information I just shared, can you tell us in your own words, who's Jim Burgoon?

Speaker C:

Well, I mean, that's a long story, so I'll give you the short Cliff Note version of that.

Speaker C:

You know, I am actually, I've been a leadership development coach for somewhere around 20 years.

Speaker C:

I'm also a disc personality consultant through the John Maxwell team.

Speaker C:

My whole mission, my whole purpose, and when God has really called me into the ministry in the marketplace, is to help multi passionate people become the go to authority in their space.

Speaker C:

And you know, ultimately I want them to become more profitable because everybody needs to make more money.

Speaker C:


Speaker C:

Because when you make more money, you can actually do more in the kingdom of God.

Speaker C:

So with that being said, I help multi passionate creators, creatives in the entrepreneurial space.

Speaker C:

So that's kind of me in a nutshell.

Speaker C:

But I'm sure throughout our conversation we'll unlock a lot of different levels of that.

Speaker C:

One thing I will say my, my podcast is actually called Grace in the Grind.

Speaker C:

And so, yeah, so we, because we talk about the, the hustle and the bustle and the grace that is within the grind that we have, I will be releasing a secondary podcast and may even call it Lead with Jim.

Speaker C:

And that's going to be solo episodes.

Speaker C:


Speaker B:

Yeah, okay.

Speaker B:


Speaker B:

So Lead with Jim is just the website or.

Speaker C:

Yeah, Lead With Jim is the website where, where kind of like the, the.

Speaker C:

The home base for everything where it's going.

Speaker B:


Speaker B:


Speaker B:

All right, outstanding.

Speaker B:

So what inspired you to create the Grace within the Grind podcast?

Speaker B:

And how is your leadership journey basically shape the topics that you cover?

Speaker C:

That's a great question.

Speaker C:

And you know, I often tell people, they're like, what happened?

Speaker C:

Did God tell you this and this to start your podcast?

Speaker C:

And I said, you know, the number one reason I started my podcast is because God created me to be a communicator and I needed an outlet.

Speaker C:

And that's just code for I talk a lot and I need a place to talk.

Speaker C:

So I created my own space.

Speaker C:

And so Grace and the Grind came out as a way to do interviews.

Speaker C:

Kind of had conversations around really cool topics such as, you know, the inspiring stories of how people have failed through to success.

Speaker C:

That's really what we focus on, you know, so that was first and foremost primary is I, God wired me to be a communicator, so I needed a place to communicate.

Speaker C:

The other thing was, was that I wanted to create spaces to have deep conversations.

Speaker C:

And I didn't want to be somebody who, you know, there's so many business podcasts, so many entrepreneur podcasts out there that do a great job, but I wanted to come into a different side of it and talk to some people and say, hey, how did you not quit like what was the thing?

Speaker C:

Like you're successful.

Speaker C:

Like today I'm interviewing somebody who's got like three or four businesses and made multiple seven figures.

Speaker C:

And one of the big questions I'm going to ask again is how did you not burn out?

Speaker C:

How did you not quit?

Speaker C:

And what can you share with others?

Speaker C:

You know the other thing about that my leadership journey started, oh gosh, when I was younger.

Speaker C:

I've always been this person who's found myself in the forefront in some position of leadership at all.

Speaker C:

And then it, then I actually get when I gave my life to Christ, I actually gave my life to Christ from being a witch and an atheist.

Speaker C:

And so I had a radical shift over into that and within and it was my wife who brought me to Christ.

Speaker C:

And within six months of me become from moving from 15, 20 years as an atheist, a witch.

Speaker C:

I was in Bible college within six months of me getting my life Jesus.

Speaker C:

And so, you know, I'm sitting here brand new in Bible college and everybody's been Bible Bible their whole life.

Speaker C:

And I'm like, I have no idea.

Speaker C:

I didn't even know what a flannel graph was when he mentioned it.

Speaker C:

I'm like, I don't know any of that nonsense.

Speaker C:

But the Lord just was so gracious.

Speaker C:

And I ended up getting in the ministry and then in that I said, well, if I'm going to be in places where I have to navigate people, why don't I dig deep and learn how to navigate at a higher level.

Speaker C:

So I ended up going and get my leadership development certification.

Speaker C:

I have a master's degree, things like that.

Speaker B:

So yeah, amen.

Speaker B:


Speaker B:

Praise God.

Speaker B:

Yeah, you're talking about needing a place to, to talk, you know, and when I, when I was called into the media ministry aspect of it, and I'm not going to take the time to go into the whole story, but the Lord basically said, you need to have a weekly 30 minute online radio program.

Speaker B:

Now my technical know how at the time, this is not an exaggeration, I had to have help checking email at work.

Speaker C:

Oh wow.

Speaker B:

So I knew nothing about you computer.

Speaker B:

You know, the power went out.

Speaker B:

All right.

Speaker B:

So naturally the computer's off.

Speaker B:

Okay, how do I turn this thing back on?

Speaker B:

You know, that was me call my son in law.

Speaker B:

Where do I turn this thing on at?

Speaker B:

You know, I knew nothing.

Speaker B:

And here the Lord's called me into online ministry.

Speaker B:


Speaker B:

But you know, so my first radio program was on a flip cell phone on a free website.

Speaker B:

I didn't have a website, didn't have nothing, you know.

Speaker B:

But within six months, though, I had been approached by a radio station conglomerate.

Speaker B:

And they said, we heard your podcast.

Speaker B:

We think it'd be a good fit for our audience.

Speaker B:

Would you like to be on nationwide AM radio?

Speaker B:

I think.

Speaker B:

Oh, yeah.

Speaker B:

But the catch was, you know, had to pay for it.

Speaker B:

Just little things, you learn as you go and.

Speaker B:

But we could afford that.

Speaker B:

So I was on four major markets.

Speaker B:

But that was my education in broadcast ministry and sound quality, time management, editing files, loading the servers, because all done online and.

Speaker B:

But, you know, that was good.

Speaker B:

About halfway through that is when I got approved for a disability retirement from my, my employment as a police officer.

Speaker B:

I'd been injured on the job, and all of a sudden I'm living on 50% of the income and I got this big radio budget.

Speaker B:

So I knew, well, we're not doing that anymore.

Speaker B:

And that's when Laura said, okay, now start Your own weekly 30 minute online radio program.

Speaker B:

And that's where the, the flip cell phone and the free website came from.

Speaker B:

Well, I'm sorry, no.

Speaker B:

Well, he told me to start the radio station.

Speaker B:

And we started the radio station again.

Speaker B:

It's just me speaking into a microphone, no audience, nothing.

Speaker B:

You know, my wife didn't even listen to the program.

Speaker B:

So when you said what you said, I was like, yeah, I'm right there with you, brother.

Speaker B:

But within a year and a half, evangelism radio was rated as the number one online Christian talk radio station in the world by shellcast.com.

Speaker B:


Speaker B:

And yeah, we had started, let's say, one broadcaster, which was me, and we end up with, at one point, we had about 70, 80 broadcasters sending files.

Speaker B:

And I mean, it was, it was a great operation.

Speaker B:

But I, I was, when you said that, though, it reminded me of where I started because I was right there with you.

Speaker B:

Right there with you.

Speaker C:

You know what's interesting about that?

Speaker C:

Like, the whole thing, when you really think about it, like, we oftentimes will question the decision of God.

Speaker C:

We'll be like, you know, the.

Speaker C:

This doesn't seem right.

Speaker C:

This is.

Speaker C:

Seem logical.

Speaker C:

God, have you seen me?

Speaker C:

Have you seen my skill set?

Speaker C:


Speaker C:

But you understand, like, he said the same thing to Gideon.

Speaker C:

He said, you know, mighty man of God, this is a dude who's hiding in a wine press threshing floor.

Speaker C:

He's like, hiding, he's scared and he's like, you know, and it, it amazes me how one step of obedience can create so many opportunities.

Speaker C:

And you just never knew because you don't.

Speaker C:

We don't think that far ahead.

Speaker B:


Speaker B:


Speaker B:


Speaker B:

Well, you talk about resilience and turning setbacks into strength.

Speaker B:

Can you share a personal experience where you had to practice those skills and what you learned from it?

Speaker C:

Oh, yeah.

Speaker C:

So this is like a daily thing for me, like with the resilience.

Speaker C:

And it comes down for two things.

Speaker C:

Like, so my wife and I have been on podcasts about this before.

Speaker C:

So anything I say to you guys, this is something we're very open about because we want it to be the mentors we could never find.

Speaker C:

And you'll understand that story in a second.

Speaker C:

Is, is my wife is diagnosed with four mental illnesses.

Speaker C:

Pretty, pretty severe ones at that.

Speaker C:

She had five.

Speaker C:

The Lord healed two and the other four are trauma based.

Speaker C:

So we've been working out with me and my wife have been together 25 years.

Speaker C:

She's the reason I came to Jesus.

Speaker C:

I deal with, on the other hand, some physical issues, chronic, chronic pain, things like that, as well as I'm diagnosed with complex ptsd.

Speaker C:

So we deal with some really challenging things from time to time.

Speaker C:

Generally when we talk about resilience, I always define resilience as the ability to get back up.

Speaker C:

And I think we, we over complicate things.

Speaker C:

Like, you see people, seven steps on how to be resilient, 48 things on how to do this.

Speaker C:

The reality of it is, is when life hits you, you get to, you get two options and that's it.

Speaker C:

You stay down or you get back up.

Speaker C:

And resilience is basically building the mindset and the purpose that understanding that no matter what I go through, God's purpose is bigger.

Speaker C:

And until God calls me home, I'm not done.

Speaker C:

And so we, we, you know, whatever we go through.

Speaker C:

My wife was in, what was it, September, was hospitalized again for suicidal ideation last week.

Speaker C:

I could barely move for like two or three days.

Speaker C:

Like it was like crazy.

Speaker C:

And we navigate these things in, in this place of grace that says these things are happening until God changes it.

Speaker C:

We've got to deal with the realities of it.

Speaker C:

And I've seen in Christianity a lot of times where we, where Christians will ignore the reality or quote, unquote, try to speak against the reality.

Speaker C:

But I find that, you know, we do have to have faith, we do have to pray.

Speaker C:

We have to put the ultimate plan back in God's hands and say, God, whatever you have, whatever your way, be in this, you know, like Jesus in the garden, you know, lord, have your way.

Speaker C:

And my wife and I have just really put ourselves in a place where we Say God, whatever's happening, happening now, we do our thing.

Speaker C:

We, you know, our, our resilience plans are.

Speaker C:

Stuff is like, okay, when we're down and out, what do we need to do?

Speaker C:

You know, that's the self care piece.

Speaker C:

That's the coping piece.

Speaker C:

That's the, you know, the doing the things that are going to make us stay sane and stay healthy and get back on our feet.

Speaker C:

And the biggest thing is, is that partnership with God that says God, until you change this and heal it, whether it be to heal me in this life or bring me home and heal me, I'm going to keep getting back up because you are not done.

Speaker C:

So then therefore I am not allowed to be done.

Speaker B:


Speaker B:


Speaker B:


Speaker B:

That is so true.

Speaker B:

You know, when you're talking about that, remind me of Proverbs.

Speaker B:


Speaker B:

And I remember one time, I think it was Jerry Savelle said he interpreted as fall down seven times.

Speaker B:

Get up eight.

Speaker C:

I've heard that one.

Speaker C:


Speaker C:

And the same thing.

Speaker C:

It's, and it's, you know, it's funny.

Speaker C:

And, and if you go into like biblical numerology or whatever they call it, you know, eights, the number of new things.

Speaker C:

So, you know, get up the eighth time.

Speaker C:

It's, it's, it's a new day, man.

Speaker C:

It's a new day.

Speaker C:

Get up and keep getting up.

Speaker B:


Speaker B:

Well, you know, many people, you know, we mentioned that dreaded imposter syndrome right in the opening.

Speaker B:

And many people struggle with the imposter syndrome and perfectionism.

Speaker B:

What steps do you recommend for overcoming those challenges, especially for faith driven entrepreneurs?

Speaker C:


Speaker C:

So one of the things that I always say, imposter syndrome is happening because you have told yourself a lie that you believe.

Speaker C:

Because like when we grow up, we've been, most of us, the average person has been through some level of dysfunction, some level of trauma.

Speaker C:

So we hold ourselves either lies like, I'm not good enough or I'll never make it, or this is the best that it'll ever be.

Speaker C:

Like, we hold these lies and we understand that these are deceptions.

Speaker C:

Like, yeah, we get it at first, but you've got to realize these are deceptions.

Speaker C:

Why are they deceptions?

Speaker C:

Because number one, it takes you away from your God given purpose.

Speaker C:

It takes away from your God given design.

Speaker C:

It takes away from everything that God is trying to do in your life.

Speaker C:

When you, when he says, hey, you're my son, who I'm well pleased, and you say, I'm not good enough.

Speaker C:

Like, who's going to win that argument really?

Speaker C:

Like, so you're live into a deception.

Speaker C:

We ultimately are now living in two realities.

Speaker C:

Those realities are what God says about us and what we believe about us.

Speaker C:

Now God is truth.

Speaker C:

What we believe about us either aligns with the truth or it doesn't.

Speaker C:

Imposter syndrome starts to occur when we lean more into the lie than we do the truth.

Speaker C:

Because now we're trying to do something, you know, incredible, something impactful, something that means something, something that's bigger than us.

Speaker C:

And we're like, oh my gosh, I can't do this.

Speaker C:

Or I'm the, you know, we, we get into these places where the imposter syndrome gets so intense our confidence is zapped and our, we give up.

Speaker C:

And I think this is where the challenges become so number one, we have to become self aware.

Speaker C:

Just face the fact that you believe a lie.

Speaker C:

I believe a lie.

Speaker C:

Matter of fact, I was journaling yesterday.

Speaker C:

I wrote four lies that I believe that were given to me by my father from the abuse and from him leaving like I have four specific lies that I believe.

Speaker C:

And so like, I have to acknowledge that, like, you can't just ignore these things.

Speaker C:

Like if I had a broken leg and just ignored it, the broken leg doesn't go away.

Speaker C:

The same thing internally with our emotional and mental health.

Speaker C:

We can't just ignore what has happened.

Speaker C:

We have to acknowledge it.

Speaker C:

We have to say, okay, what has happened has happened.

Speaker C:

Then we have to move into a place of just, you know, radical acceptance.

Speaker C:

What has happened has happened.

Speaker C:

I can't change what has happened.

Speaker C:

I can only change my response to it.

Speaker B:


Speaker B:


Speaker C:

So we start combating imposter syndrome with that process, the acceptance, or actually the acknowledgment, the self awareness, the acceptance.

Speaker B:


Speaker C:

And then what am I going to do next?

Speaker C:

A big question we need to ask.

Speaker C:

What comes next?

Speaker C:

Is this process easy?

Speaker C:

Absolutely not.

Speaker C:

Because the longer you believe the lie, the more true you think the lie is.

Speaker C:

And so when we're facing these places of imposter syndrome, we have to make constant decisions and step back and say, what am I believing?

Speaker C:

How am I believing?

Speaker C:

How's it directing or driving me?

Speaker C:

And then what do I need to do in response to that?

Speaker C:

Because this is not what God is saying.

Speaker B:

Yeah, amen.

Speaker B:


Speaker B:

That is so true.

Speaker B:

And you know, just, I guess you could say Summer is it.

Speaker B:

It's all a mental game, basically, you know.

Speaker C:


Speaker B:

And that's just like basic training in the Military, you know, the first time I looked at that huge tower, they wanted me to climb up there and then shimmy across.

Speaker B:

Ain't no way, you know, no way.

Speaker C:

You look at that thing, you're like, yeah, I quit.

Speaker B:

You know, it's like, and, and like, are you crazy?

Speaker B:

You know, and then, you know, everybody's lined up, they're going through it, and now it's your turn.

Speaker B:

Well, you don't want to be embarrassed and sit there and cry like a baby, you know, saying, I can, I can't, you know, Right.

Speaker B:

Because so up you go.

Speaker B:

And, you know, now you're up there now, you know, it's like inching across, inch across.

Speaker B:

But in the end it's like, man, that was fun.

Speaker B:

I mean, when I was, when I was a drill sergeant, drill sergeant school, they, you had to go through everything.

Speaker B:

All is like a three week basic training course because they had to, you had to prove you could still do it.

Speaker B:

Then they taught you how to teach it, then you had to do it again, showing them that you knew how to teach it, you know, and so you Basically, in that 12 week period, you went through basic training three times.

Speaker C:

Again, you know, oh, nice.

Speaker B:

And so by the time I went, I hit the trail with trainees, I could demonstrate how to go across that thing.

Speaker C:

You mastered it, you master.

Speaker B:


Speaker C:

There's a, there's a great principle in that too, is number one is, you know, to the listener, listen, life doesn't come with safety nets.

Speaker C:

We wanted to, but life doesn't come with safety nets.

Speaker C:

And so either you're going to participate in life or you're going to stand on the sidelines.

Speaker C:

And I think that like, you know, even with your example, it's like you joined, you did it, you did it again, and you did it again to where you became a master of it.

Speaker C:

And I think the Holy Spirit does that with us a lot of times because he's trying to push us to mastery, understanding.

Speaker C:

He is the master.

Speaker C:

But, you know, as a shepherd who is under a shepherd, you know, we have to follow the leader and the leader is the master who wants to create masters.

Speaker C:

Who wants to create masters or what we want to say in, you know, disciple maker, who.

Speaker C:

Disciples, disciple makers, you know, this constant leadership quote thing.

Speaker C:

But we ultimately come back to this place of we've got to get out of this thought process that unless I feel safe, I'm going to do it.

Speaker C:

We've got to realize life doesn't come with safety nets.

Speaker C:

But we still have to make decisions to participate so that we can become confident in the doing part of it.

Speaker C:

So that at the end of our life we're not looking back saying, I wish I would have.

Speaker B:


Speaker B:


Speaker B:


Speaker B:

You know, what are some of the common mistakes that people make and say in the areas of communication and emotional intelligence and leadership, and how can they improve?

Speaker C:

I think emotional intelligence is the number one thing that isn't taught, that needs to be taught.

Speaker C:

More so than anything else, it's, it's ignored.

Speaker C:


Speaker C:

Because in leadership, we focus a lot of times on results.

Speaker C:

We're so result driven.

Speaker C:

We're so like, get it done, get it moving.

Speaker C:

Let's get the people in the place, let's do the organization.

Speaker C:

But we forget the fact that organizations are developed by people, they're run by people.

Speaker C:

I think John Maxwell said, the only asset in your organization that increases in value is the people.

Speaker C:

And if that's the case, as a leader, then I should be constantly working on my emotional intelligence.

Speaker C:

In fact, I don't even like the, the term emotional intelligence.

Speaker C:

I actually changed it slightly to emotional emotional fitness because I want action words.

Speaker C:

Listen, I, I'm smart, but I don't want to be smart about how I feel.

Speaker C:

I want to be fit, I want to be active.

Speaker C:

I want to know not only how I feel, but what I need to do with what I feel.

Speaker C:

And so the, the reality of it.

Speaker C:

So the best leaders are those that have emotional fitness to the level where they can navigate their own feelings and then help others navigate theirs.

Speaker C:

And I think this is the number one thing that again, that is completely missing in leadership.

Speaker C:

Like you get occasionally some people who can do it.

Speaker C:

But I think it needs to be much, much, much more profound and prolific because again, you're always going to deal with people like, yeah, there's never going to be a time where you're not dealing with people unless you're one of those, an introvert who just wants to sit in your office and do nothing all day and just kind of like, you know, write books that you'll never talk to a single soul.

Speaker C:

Like, okay, great, that's you.

Speaker C:


Speaker C:

And so emotional fitness is, I think, the number one thing we fail at because it takes work, it takes challenging.

Speaker C:

You have to confront things, you have to make sure that you're aware.

Speaker C:

And this is going to take a lot of time and effort, but it's going to have the biggest payoff you'll ever have.

Speaker B:


Speaker B:

Amen let's shift gears a little bit.

Speaker B:

And in what ways does YouTube and podcasting help leaders and entrepreneurs basically amplify their impact?

Speaker B:

And, and I guess a follow up to that would be, you know, what advice would you give someone just starting out in those mediums?

Speaker C:

Yeah, so the biggest thing that, and you've already kind of said it in the question, it's.

Speaker C:

It amplifies your voice.

Speaker C:

Like a lot of times we have some of the greatest people who have no voice.

Speaker C:

Like, they sit in their rooms and they have the greatest thoughts and they have the most impactful way of speaking, but nobody hears them.

Speaker C:

And I think that's the travesty, because I don't want people who God has gifted in a way to be able to communicate, to share a message, to evangelize whatever it is, to be the world's best kept secret.

Speaker C:

I think that's a travesty.

Speaker C:

And so when we get on things like podcasting, when we get on things like YouTube, what we're doing is we're creating our own platform to allow our message to go out into the world.

Speaker C:

And whatever message God has put on your heart, that's the message you share forth.

Speaker C:

You know, some of you guys are called to business, some of you guys are called to ministry, some of you guys are called to business ministry in business, which is what I'm called to.

Speaker C:

And so, like, we have a platform that we're developing that will amplify it, the podcasting and YouTube.

Speaker C:

Different audiences, different breeds of people.

Speaker C:

You can put podcasts on YouTube, but ultimately what it comes down to is I'm getting good at, you know, my craft so that I can put my voice out there, that I can put the message out there for whoever needs to grab it now, the new person who needs to start.

Speaker C:

The number one thing I'll say is don't get hung up in the perfectionism of it.

Speaker C:

Just start.

Speaker C:

Five years ago, I wish I would have taken.

Speaker C:

I'm, I, I oftentimes joke that I'm a recovering perfectionist and a recovering people pleaser.

Speaker C:

So, like, I wish I would have taken my advice those five years ago, because then I would be five years further in my podcasting world than I am now.

Speaker C:

But I didn't.

Speaker C:

I wanted it to be perfect.

Speaker C:

I wanted to be so good.

Speaker C:

Everything had the colors, had to be right.

Speaker C:

Listen, your first 50 to 100 videos on YouTube, your first 50 to 100 podcasts are going to absolutely suck.

Speaker C:

Just embrace it.

Speaker C:

Just get out there.

Speaker C:

Just realize that everything comes in phases and phase Number one is to develop the skill set you need so that phase two, you can move into the growth.

Speaker B:


Speaker B:


Speaker B:

I'm laughing because.

Speaker B:

Oh, it was probably a year or so ago.

Speaker B:

I was transferring some files around.

Speaker B:

I went back to, like, the first 10 episodes I ever did it, you know, and I clicked that, and I'm like, remember, this is on a flip cell phone on a free website, right?

Speaker B:


Speaker B:

I was like, why did anybody even listen to this?

Speaker B:

It's so cringy.

Speaker C:

You look back at those, you're like, oh, I look back at some of my first videos, and I'm like, oh.

Speaker C:

But I don't take them off because they're there as, like, historical records now.

Speaker B:

Yeah, exactly.

Speaker B:


Speaker B:

And then when it comes to perfectionism, you know, being in the military and when I was commissioned, transitioned from enlisted to commission our com, Our squadron commander was one of the requirements for officer development was, you know, pick a leader and study them.

Speaker B:


Speaker B:

So I picked George Pat, and.

Speaker B:

And one of his sayings was, you know, I want a good plan implemented now is better than a perfect plan tried later.

Speaker B:

And, boy, that just resonated with me, and it stuck with me, you know, in business and.

Speaker B:

And everything else, like you said, you know, just, you know, get it up where it's good enough and go for it.

Speaker B:

You can perfect it later.

Speaker B:


Speaker B:


Speaker B:

And like I said, listen to some of them first dozen episodes.

Speaker B:

When I started out in podcasting, I definitely was not imperfectionism.

Speaker C:

You get into these places, man, and you're like, I need to be so good, because.

Speaker C:

Why is that?

Speaker C:

Because we will look at John Maxwell, we'll look at Brandon Burchard's, we'll look at Tony Robbins, and we think our very first episode needs to be that.

Speaker C:

And it's not like we will, whether consciously or unconsciously, compare ourselves to people who are 25, 30 years down the road to our day.

Speaker B:


Speaker B:


Speaker C:

And that's the biggest challenge, like, there.

Speaker C:

You're not going to be somebody who's been doing this for 20 years.

Speaker C:

Like, I've been speaking on stages, whether through the podcast, not podcasting.

Speaker C:

Well, yeah, even the podcasting thing.

Speaker C:

But, yeah, you know, I was a preacher for 15 years.

Speaker C:

I was.

Speaker C:

I did outside leadership conferences and different things.

Speaker C:

Like, I've been on stages for 15 to 20 years.

Speaker C:

Like, my day one, the first speech I ever did lasted an hour, and I read the whole thing, and I never even looked at the audience.

Speaker B:


Speaker C:

Like, I was so nervous.

Speaker C:

It was a youth ministry, and it was like.

Speaker C:

And interesting.

Speaker C:


Speaker C:

It was the largest day we've ever had at that youth ministry.

Speaker C:

And it was like 60s teenagers.

Speaker C:

And the whole time I'm, I'm shaking with the notes in front of my eyes and I never looked up to see even who was in the room.

Speaker C:

And it was funny because it was my.

Speaker C:


Speaker B:


Speaker C:

I, I remember it to this day, the title of it was Relational Evangelism.

Speaker C:

And I was not being relational at all.

Speaker C:

I was just reading a script I wrote and it was like an hour and ten minutes I read.

Speaker C:

Now I barely even glance at my notes.

Speaker C:

Like it's a process.

Speaker C:

You just got to embrace the process.

Speaker B:


Speaker B:


Speaker B:

That is true.

Speaker B:

I remember my first sermon when I was, when I told my pastor I was called into the ministry and, and he said, okay.

Speaker B:

He said, you know, and we'd had this discussion before, about six months before, I said, I think I'm being called into the ministry.

Speaker B:

And he told me, come back when, you know, that was the end of the discussion.

Speaker B:

And I kept arguing, God, you can't be calling me, you know, how I lived, you know, and how could you call me, you know, type thing, right?

Speaker B:

I finally said, okay.

Speaker B:

I told the past, okay.

Speaker B:

Well, our church at the time that I was in, way back in the day in Texas, it had a group of churches and every month on a one Saturday evening they get together and, and they'd give like four sermonettes.

Speaker B:

Four of the pastors give like 15 minute talks and, and then they go in the back for fellowship and stuff.

Speaker B:

And he said, our church is holding a fellowship, the conference this week.

Speaker B:


Speaker B:

Oh, it's a Friday.

Speaker B:

This Friday night.

Speaker B:

So you're going to deliver the message.

Speaker B:

What I mean, he said, if you're called to preach, you'll preach.

Speaker B:

We'll find out.

Speaker C:


Speaker B:

So my first sermon was there.

Speaker B:

Yeah, exactly.

Speaker B:

And as a military town, you know, so that's what they were doing.

Speaker B:

And, and my first service on Peter walking on the water, right?

Speaker B:

And there was eight steps went down from the platform, down to the audience, and I'm talking about.

Speaker B:

And Peter got out of that boat.

Speaker B:

As long as he kept his eyes on, jeez, everything is fine.

Speaker B:

But they started going, you know, the closer he got, he started looking around.

Speaker B:

And then I missed a step all the way to the bottom, right.

Speaker B:

And jumped up and said, and that's what happens when you take your eyes off Jesus.

Speaker B:

Yeah, the whole place just erupted into applause.

Speaker B:

You know, it's like this 86, 87 year old senior pastor, he's like over the Conference, you know, after we got done, he pulled me aside.

Speaker B:

He goes, that was the best recover I've seen in my entire life.

Speaker C:

Recovery ever.

Speaker B:

So, yeah.

Speaker B:

Oh, boy.

Speaker B:

Anyway, praise God.

Speaker B:

I just brought back that memory.

Speaker B:

But how do you align your leadership and business with your faith?

Speaker B:

And what advice would you give to others who want to lead, you know, authentically?

Speaker B:

They don't want to be faking it, but without compromising their beliefs.

Speaker C:

So when you're in the business world, in the entrepreneur space, obviously a lot of these guys don't want it that they're not Christians, they're not believers.

Speaker C:

And that's okay, because I want to be around them.

Speaker C:

I want to be around people who need Jesus.

Speaker C:

As much as I love the people of the church, as much as I love Christians, I want to be around people who've.

Speaker C:

Who may never actually be in church.

Speaker C:

And so one of the things that I do is I've never been somebody who feels the need to have to.

Speaker C:

Yo, you need to, you know, proselytize and evangelize all the time.

Speaker C:

Like, you need to be with Jesus and blah, blah, blah, man, you gotta get into a place that if you want to be authentic relationships first.

Speaker C:

Guys, like, I'm.

Speaker C:

I'm around some really influential business people, and they know, like, I just talk about Jesus so authentically, because Jesus is.

Speaker C:

I'm in love with Jesus.

Speaker C:

Like, it's not like something I have to do.

Speaker C:

It's like, if I was talking about my wife, too.

Speaker C:


Speaker C:

We talked about it here on the podcast even before.

Speaker C:

Like, it just naturally comes from me because I spend so much time talking to Jesus, so it's so easy for me to talk to people about Jesus because I spend so much time talking to him.

Speaker C:

So in the entrepreneur space, it's so natural when it comes up.

Speaker C:

It's like I'm talking about an old friend to a friend that people are so receptive of that.

Speaker C:

The second thing you got to realize is, like, we've got to remove ourselves from church mentality when we go into the space.

Speaker C:

So not everything needs to be a Bible study.

Speaker C:

Not everything needs to be a sermon.

Speaker C:

But you can live your characteristics and your character out.

Speaker C:


Speaker C:

Because the Bible is all about in faith, integrity.

Speaker C:

It's about forgiveness.

Speaker C:

It's about love.

Speaker C:

It's about these things, right?

Speaker C:

And I can live those out.

Speaker B:


Speaker C:

Live by the Bible without having to be constantly in your face.

Speaker C:

Do you know that's Bible?

Speaker C:

It's Bible to be integrity.

Speaker C:

It's Bible to be this, like, you know, I think we get.

Speaker C:

We turn off so many people is because we get to be like, this real kind of like, Christian creepy instead of just being like.

Speaker C:

My life was radically shifted and changed.

Speaker C:

Like, I think I told you.

Speaker C:

I don't know.

Speaker C:

It was during the interview, before the interview.

Speaker C:

But, like, I got saved out of witchcraft and atheism.

Speaker C:

Like, and it was by my wife, who was like, she didn't even come and told me, like, she got saved two years before I did.

Speaker C:

And it wasn't even like, she was like, you need Jesus.

Speaker C:

It was like her statement said to me, I'm following Jesus and this is the way I'm gonna go, and this is what he wants from me.

Speaker C:

I'm either gonna.

Speaker C:

I'm inviting you to go with me, or we may not be together afterwards.

Speaker C:

That was it.

Speaker C:

Like, she stood up like that.

Speaker C:

That was.

Speaker C:

She was living according to the character that she had.

Speaker C:

And it set me on a, like, hold on.

Speaker C:

And for like, a year, I was studying, who is this Jesus that.

Speaker C:


Speaker C:

You know, my wife has got the.

Speaker C:

You know.

Speaker C:

And it really got me to a place to where I searched God out.

Speaker C:

And I got saved in a little old country church.

Speaker C:

I got saved.

Speaker C:

But that was the thing.

Speaker C:

It was.

Speaker C:

It wasn't like her in my face saying, you need Jesus and you need this.

Speaker C:

That it was, I'm gonna live according to my faith, and I'm gonna live it out loud.

Speaker C:

And that's where it becomes infectious is when it's not, like, forced, when it's not in your face, when it's not this religious standard of, I have to do this.

Speaker C:

I don't have to do anything.

Speaker C:

I get to.

Speaker B:


Speaker B:


Speaker B:

And you want to.

Speaker C:

Yeah, I want to.

Speaker C:

Yeah, absolutely.

Speaker B:


Speaker B:


Speaker B:

Well, I know there's someone out there right now listening to us.

Speaker B:

They may have some questions that we didn't cover today or.

Speaker B:

Or they'd want to reach out to you now.

Speaker B:

How can they do that?

Speaker B:

How can someone get in touch with you?

Speaker C:

Yeah, absolutely.

Speaker C:

So you can go over to my.

Speaker C:

My site.

Speaker C:

It's called leadwithjim.com and if you hit forward slash bio bio, you'll get into a place where you can book a call with me.

Speaker C:

You can hit my socials, you can find my podcast.

Speaker C:

There's even a couple free gifts on there for you.

Speaker C:

One of them is called the Winner's Mindset, which, if you read it, it's 15 affirmations and truths that you can dive in to develop a mindset of a winner.

Speaker C:

That's all right there@leadwithjim.com bio and I would love to be able to connect with each and every person.

Speaker C:

You can also send me a message through any of my socials.

Speaker C:

Lead with Jim on all my all the socials.

Speaker B:


Speaker B:

I'll put links all this in the show notes below.

Speaker B:

Folks, today's interview is all about stepping into your God given leadership with confidence.

Speaker B:

And like I said on his podcast, Grace with the Grind, Jim Bone shares powerful insights and every episode about overcoming fear, conquering the imposter syndrome, perfectionism and other obstacles that we all face.

Speaker B:

All while building authentic connections and leading with faith.

Speaker B:

Praise God.

Speaker B:

I want to encourage you.

Speaker B:

Drop down the show notes right now.

Speaker B:

Reach out to Jim, subscribe to his podcast, subscribe to his YouTube channel, order his resources.

Speaker B:

Praise God.

Speaker B:

He's making them available to be a blessing to you.

Speaker B:


Speaker B:

Jim, I want to thank you again for taking the time come on the program today, just sharing with us.

Speaker B:

I do appreciate it brother.

Speaker C:

Well thanks for having me.

Speaker C:

I appreciate being here.

Speaker B:

Amen folks.

Speaker B:

That is all the time we have for today for Jim, Burgoyne and myself passed about reminding you to be blessed in all that you do.

Speaker A:

Thank you for listening to today's episode of the Kingdom Crossroads podcast.

Speaker A:

Please subscribe to our podcast so you can be notified when another episode is published.

Speaker A:

interviews and:

Speaker A:

Please visit our website@www.podcastersforchrist.com.

Speaker A:

that web address again is www.podcastersforchrist.com for more information.

Speaker A:

Until next time, be blessed in all that you do.

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About the Podcast

Kingdom Cross Roads Podcast
Interviews with influential Christian ministry and business leaders / owners, authors & musicians & prophecy experts, too!
Pastor Robert Thibodeau interviews Christian guests that range from pastors and ministers to Christian authors; Christian musicians and singers to Christian businessmen and businesswomen who are running impactful businesses while maintaining the Christian morals and values. Each podcast is approximately 28-35 minutes in length (give or take a few minutes). This is an interview based podcast that will often dig deep into the beliefs of the guest being interviewed. We recently published our 1600th Episode (with over 1100 individual interviews) and have been ranked by "Listen Notes" (the "Nielsen Ratings" of Podcasts) in the TOP 1/2% of ALL podcasts worldwide (2.7million +)! So your interviews will be heard!

We always appreciate our partners in helping us to "Get The Word Out!" into all the earth! I pray for our partners every single day. I humbly ask that you would consider sending along any offering of support for this work of God. If every person would commit to just $1 per month - you would be amazed at how fast that will multiply and allow us to have even more impact! And...there are NO SALARIES taken from any offerings sent in. It all goes to Kingdom work! Amen! Click the link for "support" that you see - and God Bless You for your support!
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About your host

Profile picture for Robert Thibodeau

Robert Thibodeau

I am a 12 year Army veteran as both enlisted and as a commissioned Cavalry Officer.
I am now a retired law enforcement supervisor...

I had my own business for seven years before I entered law enforcement.

As a cop, I was injured on the job on May 12, 2007 and after several surgeries over a couple of years, forced to retire in 2011.

As I was looking down the road to “what am I going to do next?” I started what is now known as a podcast (I had no clue at the time).

Within six months of starting (what I called) “My online radio program” I was offered an opportunity to be on nationwide AM radio. I learned A LOT in one year of doing that!

I then started the online Christian radio platform "Evangelism Radio" in the fall of 2010. It has had listeners in 160+ nations and all 50 states. We host 50+ Christian broadcasters on a weekly basis. We have been operating 24/7 for almost 14 years now. We have been rated #1 in the world by Shoutcast. com on several occasions in our genre. We recently transferred ownership of Evangelism Radio to another ministry so I could concentrate full time on podcasting, preaching and writing.

In 2018, I started the Kingdom Cross Roads Podcast to conduct interviews with Christian influencers from all walks of life and to play their interviews on the radio station. (The KCR Podcast has its own time slot on Evangelism Radio)!
We now have over 1600 episodes and almost 1100 interviews (in just over 6 years).

Looking out at the future of online Christian media, I noticed there was no viable platforms that catered only to the Christian podcast market.

In 2023, we launched a networking platform called, "FaithCasters" which connects "Great Christian podcasters with Great Christian Guests!" This helps to promote the work you do through podcast interviews! Check it out at https://FaithCaster.org

We recently launched "FaithCaster Academy" which serves as a training hub for ALL of our trainings (podcast training / speaker training / interview training, etc.). Members receive access to ALL of our training programs for one low, monthly membership fee. Members also receive FREE access to ALL of the LIVE trainings I conduct (1 or 2 per month) - while non-members have to pay to access the live trainings.

Between my podcast training program, conducting podcast interviews, appearing on other podcasts as guests, speaking at conferences (in person and virtually) and the podcast networking platform, I guess you could say “I’m all in” when it comes to podcasting and online media!

My total focus is to do all we can to assist you to “Get The Word Out” about your mission, services, products, ministry, books, business, etc.