Episode 1024
Love Thy Nay Bor – Anthony Wilson pt 2
Published on:
6th January, 2022
Love Thy Nay Bor
Anthony Wilson pt 2
We’ve heard the scripture from Mark chapter 12 verse 31 and Matthew chapter 22 verse 39, which says, “love your neighbor as yourself”, the imperative word here being “as.” The long form of this phrase would be “love your neighbor as you love yourself.” This implies that in order to be kind, compassionate, and generous to our neighbor, we must first be these things to ourselves. Amen! For many people, they “know the verse” but have difficulty in implementation. For others, they try too hard to implement the verse and end in strife. For others, they just ignore it completely and are out for themselves. Our guest today is Apostle Anthony Wilson, host of the “Love Thy Nay Bor Podcast” (spelled NAY and BOR). Anthony is on a mission to equip, encourage and elevate God’s people and to reach those who are far off and to bring them closer to God. He does this through sound doctrine and teaching and, through his podcast! Praise God! He is also the author of the book titled, “The Hand of God.” This book discusses true Biblical prosperity and success as a Christian. This is part two of what turned out to be an awesome three part interview! (we pick up the discussion of doing a deep dive in our Bible study time) How did or how has COVID affected your ministry? There was a time, not to long ago, when almost everyone brought their own Bible’s to church so they could follow along with the pastor. Now, they rely on the screen to provide them with a scripture reference and most people do not know how to “turn to a specific” scripture on their own. They’re lost when it comes to looking up scripture. What is your take on using the large screens with scripture references, etc. in churches today. I know they serve a purpose, but I believe they are actually dumbing down church goers. What is your take on this? You believe the average Christian should be studying their Bible more, and I agree. But why is it most Christians today actually study LESS than just a few years ago? Again, I relate some of that back to church goers not using their own Bibles in services. Folks, so many things are happening simultaneously instead of independently. And the Bible clearly tells us when these thing are happening all at the same time, to “Look up – for our redemption IS drawing near!” What better gift can you give than the Word of God and the ability to understand it. You can do that by ordering Apostle Anthony Wilson’s book, “The Hand of God,” right now. Go down into the show notes and click the links right there!CONTACT INFORMATION:
Email: lovethynaybor@yahoo.com Website: https://thelovethynayborpodcastnetwork.wordpress.com Podcast: https://anchor.fm/anthony-wilson Book: “The Hand of God” – on AmazonMentioned in this episode:
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