Episode 1593

Nobody’s Sleeping – Dr. Bijoy John

Published on: 14th December, 2024

Nobody’s Sleeping – Dr. Bijoy John

Sleep is essential for our overall health and well-being, yet many people struggle to achieve the restorative rest they need. Dr. Bejoy John, a board-certified physician and sleep specialist, joins Pastor Bob Thibodeau to share his insights on effective sleep strategies that can dramatically improve our quality of life.

He introduces the "SLEEP NOW" acronym, which emphasizes the importance of establishing a consistent sleep schedule, creating a conducive sleep environment, and the significance of disconnecting from electronics and worries before bedtime.

Dr. John also discusses common sleep disorders and how poor sleep can lead to various health issues, including anxiety and decreased libido. With practical tips and a deep understanding of sleep's impact, this conversation offers valuable guidance for anyone looking to enhance their sleep and overall health.


  • A consistent sleep schedule is crucial; aim for 10 PM to 6 AM for optimal rest.
  • Creating a low-light, low-noise, and cool environment greatly enhances sleep quality.
  • Avoid electronic devices for at least 30 minutes before bedtime to improve sleep onset.
  • Exercise should be completed at least four hours before sleep to ensure restful nights.
  • Implement techniques like vivid imagination and Yoga Nidra to calm your mind before bed.
  • Schedule a specific worry time in the evening to prevent anxiety from disrupting sleep.


 EMAIL:  bjohn@sleepwellnessinfo.com

Website:  https://www.sleepfixacademy.com/

Website:  https://www.sleepwellnessinfo.com/

Book:  “Nobody’s Sleeping” on Amazon


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Pastor Bob:

Welcome to the Kingdom Crossroads podcast with Pastor Bob Thibodeau.

Pastor Bob:

Pastor Bob conducts personal interviews with Christian influencers from around the globe, helping Christian authors, recording artists, CEOs, entrepreneurs, nonprofit leaders, and yes, pastors and ministry leaders to get the word out about what they are doing to impact the world with the gospel.

Pastor Bob:

Our podcast has been rated in the top 12% of all podcasts in the world by listennotes.com so you know your message will be heard.

Pastor Bob:

Now here is your host with today's interview, Pastor Bob Thibodeau.

Pastor Bob Thibodeau:

Hello everyone everywhere.

Pastor Bob Thibodeau:

Pastor Bob Thibodeau here.

Pastor Bob Thibodeau:

Welcome to the Kingdom Crossroads podcast Today.

Pastor Bob Thibodeau:

We're so blessed you're joining us.

Pastor Bob Thibodeau:


Pastor Bob Thibodeau:

Bjoy John is a board certified physician and a sleep specialist in Nashville, Tennessee.

Pastor Bob Thibodeau:

hysician in Nashville back in:

Pastor Bob Thibodeau:

He's received the top sleep special awards several years in a row as well.

Pastor Bob Thibodeau:

He's the founder and medical director of the Sleep Wellness Clinics of America and the Sleep Fix Academy.

Pastor Bob Thibodeau:

He's also the author of Nobody's Sleeping 7 Proven Sleep Strategies for Better Health and Happiness.

Pastor Bob Thibodeau:

was just released in March of:

Pastor Bob Thibodeau:


Pastor Bob Thibodeau:


Pastor Bob Thibodeau:

But I want to help you help me.

Pastor Bob Thibodeau:

Welcome to the program, Dr.

Pastor Bob Thibodeau:

Bejoy John.

Pastor Bob Thibodeau:


Pastor Bob Thibodeau:

John, I want to thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule to help us the schedule the time and talk to us today.

Dr. Bejoy John:

Thank you for having me on the show, Bob.

Dr. Bejoy John:

I mean I'm so looking forward for this.

Dr. Bejoy John:

You know, the message of good sleep for everyone.

Dr. Bejoy John:

You know, we heal in our sleep, right?

Dr. Bejoy John:

So it is a superpower.

Dr. Bejoy John:

I want everyone and your viewers and everyone to first understand it and then unleash it.

Dr. Bejoy John:

You know, it's a power within us.

Dr. Bejoy John:

It's free.

Dr. Bejoy John:

So that's why it's life and I want to help as much people as I can.

Pastor Bob Thibodeau:


Pastor Bob Thibodeau:


Pastor Bob Thibodeau:

We were talking before the recording about how I'd have this, the Great big, long 25 letter word to hollow out my throat area because I had sleep apnea really bad.

Pastor Bob Thibodeau:

Something like 40 episodes an hour or something.

Pastor Bob Thibodeau:

I can't remember what it was, but they, they said, oh yeah, you're, you're, you're, you definitely need something.

Pastor Bob Thibodeau:

So, and that, that helped tremendously.

Pastor Bob Thibodeau:

You know, my wife has stopped complaining about me snoring.

Pastor Bob Thibodeau:

You know, not all that.

Pastor Bob Thibodeau:

So that's, that's good.

Pastor Bob Thibodeau:

That was way back 20 some years ago.

Pastor Bob Thibodeau:

But anyway, what is the average amount of sleep that a person should try and get each night.

Pastor Bob Thibodeau:

Does it vary by age and sex and all that, or is it just like, you know, you hear six to eight hours or something like that?

Dr. Bejoy John:

Great question.

Dr. Bejoy John:

It really is with age.

Dr. Bejoy John:

The younger you are, the more time you sleep.

Dr. Bejoy John:

Like babies sleep all the time.

Dr. Bejoy John:


Dr. Bejoy John:

So when you sleep, we secrete growth hormone.

Dr. Bejoy John:

Literally, we are longer after we wake up for children, not adults.

Dr. Bejoy John:

We don't grow much.

Dr. Bejoy John:


Dr. Bejoy John:

And also it varies a little bit with sex.

Dr. Bejoy John:


Dr. Bejoy John:

So women need a little bit, 30 minutes extra to sleep.

Dr. Bejoy John:

So in general, you're right.

Dr. Bejoy John:

Most of the, most of the adults need about seven to eight hours of sleep.

Dr. Bejoy John:

So the important question I asked is not the know the quantity, it's the quality.

Dr. Bejoy John:

So in the morning, you wake up after eight hours of sleep and you're still tired.

Dr. Bejoy John:

You might have a sleep problem.

Dr. Bejoy John:


Dr. Bejoy John:

So that's the big question asked.

Dr. Bejoy John:

But within us, there are some people who only need small amount of sleep.

Dr. Bejoy John:

You know, if you look at Elon Musk, he's called a short sleeper, but that's a very few, you know, percentage of us, you know, he won the genetic lottery.

Dr. Bejoy John:

So there's a lot of misinformation.

Dr. Bejoy John:

But people, you know, say, hey, you don't need much sleep.

Dr. Bejoy John:

You know, look at these people.

Dr. Bejoy John:

You are sleeping too much.

Dr. Bejoy John:

You need to work.

Dr. Bejoy John:

But actually that's not so, you know, you need, all of us needs about seven, eight hours of sleep.

Dr. Bejoy John:

Because when you're well rested, it's like a super computer, charged, ready to go.

Dr. Bejoy John:

So that's the question.

Dr. Bejoy John:

The most important question I ask people is how you feel in the morning when you wake up after seven or eight hours of sleep.

Dr. Bejoy John:

If you're still tired, then you might have a sleep debt.

Dr. Bejoy John:

We not, you know, not slept for many days or you have a sleep problem.

Dr. Bejoy John:


Pastor Bob Thibodeau:


Pastor Bob Thibodeau:

You know, back when I was in the military, in my younger days, I averaged probably about five, maybe, maybe six hours on a Saturday type of thing, you know, and that seemed to do well for me.

Pastor Bob Thibodeau:

You know, today, 44 years later, I need about seven hours of sleep, you know, so it stretches out and even then, sometimes I'll take a nap about 20, 30 minutes during the middle of the day and nothing's going on.

Pastor Bob Thibodeau:

Is that normal for someone who used to go without?

Pastor Bob Thibodeau:

You know, I mean, I, I went on one deployment, on one exercise, I actually went 74 hours with no sleep because of everything that was happening and going on.

Pastor Bob Thibodeau:

But boy, when I laid down, they said, no, you, you need to go crash.

Pastor Bob Thibodeau:

And crash was a good word for it because I remember just laying back on the ground.

Pastor Bob Thibodeau:

It's like people are just hitting switches on the, you know, and I was just shutting down by the time I had hit the ground.

Pastor Bob Thibodeau:

Eyes out.

Dr. Bejoy John:

Yeah, that's called, you know, you were having a sleep debt for many, many years.

Dr. Bejoy John:

You know, a lot of people who work these kind of job, including physicians who do a lot of night call, you know, we are carrying a sleep debt and eventually it will take about six months to relieve that debt.

Dr. Bejoy John:

And especially in today's world, a lot of young youngsters are carrying a sleep debt because they are spending the extra 2, 3 hours compromising on their sleep by being on their cell phones and doing other things.

Dr. Bejoy John:

So the society in general is going on a sleep debt, you know, but eventually erode you slowly.

Dr. Bejoy John:

You know, it'll, it will affect your heart, it'll affect your memory, you know, it'll affect your cognition.

Dr. Bejoy John:

It'll, you know, have on people have uncontrolled blood pressure.

Dr. Bejoy John:

So we, we in general are, are asleep deprived society.

Pastor Bob Thibodeau:


Pastor Bob Thibodeau:


Pastor Bob Thibodeau:

You know, I remember back when I was growing up, the television and go off the air at midnight, you know, I mean, we only had three channels anyway, but, you know, and then they'd play, you know, at midnight they play the national anthem for about five seconds.

Pastor Bob Thibodeau:

After that, a screen would come up and say something like, you know, we'll be off the air till 5am and then static, and it was nothing until 5am and they come back on with the test pattern and then the national anthem and all that again.

Pastor Bob Thibodeau:

In this world of 247 television, is it harder for us to shut down and just actually go to bed?

Dr. Bejoy John:

So we are all creatures of wanting the information.

Dr. Bejoy John:

You know, we want to know, we want our opinion heard.

Dr. Bejoy John:

And so the social media is a perfect, you know, example where we want to be connected with everyone.

Dr. Bejoy John:

So it is actually hindering, you know, the 247 is a major problem.

Dr. Bejoy John:

We don't know when to shut it because it's so intoxicating, it's so addicting to get that information.

Dr. Bejoy John:

You know, I want to know and you know, I catch myself.

Dr. Bejoy John:

What did I.

Dr. Bejoy John:

I learned from that?

Dr. Bejoy John:

You know, watching that.

Pastor Bob Thibodeau:


Dr. Bejoy John:

That video, it didn't change my life.

Dr. Bejoy John:

But, you know, I'm so inquisitive, it feels so good.

Dr. Bejoy John:

And then once the algorithm picks up what you know, that's all they feed and that's all we want to know.

Pastor Bob Thibodeau:


Pastor Bob Thibodeau:


Pastor Bob Thibodeau:


Pastor Bob Thibodeau:

And you mentioned cell phone use.

Pastor Bob Thibodeau:

You know, I know some people that take their Phones to bed with them.

Pastor Bob Thibodeau:

Yeah, I mean that, that's the most.

Dr. Bejoy John:

Most dangerous thing we can do because for many reasons, you know, in my, one of my strategies I tell people in, you know, the, you know, my subtitle of the book is the seven Proven Strategies is to see what happens.

Dr. Bejoy John:

Cell phone is two pronged damage.

Dr. Bejoy John:

One is the light from the phone is telling us, hey, it's still, you know, daytime, no need to sleep.

Dr. Bejoy John:

Plus when you keep it next to you, you know, you maybe have a notification or even in the middle of the night when you wake up, you're tempted to look at it and then of course you're going to look at the time.

Dr. Bejoy John:

It's 3:00.

Dr. Bejoy John:

Oh, it' only 3:00, you know, and then you have a text message or you want to scroll, you know, all that stuff and your mind starts, you know, racing and then the light still goes into the brain.

Dr. Bejoy John:

So I keep my phone away from me in my bathroom.

Dr. Bejoy John:

It's a way I set an alarm for whatever time.

Dr. Bejoy John:

You know, I had this interview this morning.

Dr. Bejoy John:

I, you know, set a time and then so literally I have to walk and turn off the alarm and I'm done for the day.

Dr. Bejoy John:

I don't snooze, you know, I don't have the, you know, I call it the necessary evil.

Pastor Bob Thibodeau:

Yeah, Amen.

Pastor Bob Thibodeau:

Yeah, I, we talked about when I was in the military, you know, because I had undiagnosed sleep apnea back then.

Pastor Bob Thibodeau:

Sometimes I'd sleep through the alarm.

Pastor Bob Thibodeau:


Pastor Bob Thibodeau:

I didn't want to wake everybody in the house up when I got up at 4:30 in the morning.

Pastor Bob Thibodeau:

So I had a w.

Pastor Bob Thibodeau:

An alarm set on my watch.

Pastor Bob Thibodeau:


Pastor Bob Thibodeau:

And sometimes I'd be sleeping in my.

Pastor Bob Thibodeau:

It'd be underneath the pillow or something and I'd miss it.

Pastor Bob Thibodeau:

Well, I had a second beep, beep, beep type of alarm that set on the dresser for five minutes later.

Pastor Bob Thibodeau:

And then sometimes I'd even sleep through that one.

Pastor Bob Thibodeau:

Then I had the Big Ben, the loud clanging bells and stuff that was set for five minutes after that.

Pastor Bob Thibodeau:

Sometimes that's what would wake me up.

Pastor Bob Thibodeau:

But normally I would get up, turn my watch off, turn off the other two alarms and wake everybody up and all that.

Pastor Bob Thibodeau:

But yeah, I had those backups in place because of the, I didn't know it at the time, but that sleep deprivation and you know, with now with the cell phone, I'm like you, I put it in the other room.

Pastor Bob Thibodeau:

It's on that, the thing where it doesn't allow any ringing of the phone or anything except for certain numbers that you've authorized to cut through the.

Pastor Bob Thibodeau:

The blockage.

Pastor Bob Thibodeau:

And, you know, that way I don't get the notifications or anything.

Pastor Bob Thibodeau:

It goes off, I have to get up, go in, turn it off.

Pastor Bob Thibodeau:

And like I said, once my feet.

Pastor Bob Thibodeau:

Because that's the whole thing.

Pastor Bob Thibodeau:

Once my feet hit the floor, I'm up.

Dr. Bejoy John:


Dr. Bejoy John:

So I tell people, if you.

Dr. Bejoy John:

If you need multiple alarms and you're snoozing multiple times, you clearly have a sleep debt or a sleep disorder.

Dr. Bejoy John:

That's it.

Pastor Bob Thibodeau:


Pastor Bob Thibodeau:


Pastor Bob Thibodeau:

Like I said, it was undiagnosed back then.

Pastor Bob Thibodeau:

It was 20 years before I got diagnosed.

Dr. Bejoy John:

Most people, it takes about at least 10 years before they're diagnosed with sleep apnea.

Pastor Bob Thibodeau:


Pastor Bob Thibodeau:


Pastor Bob Thibodeau:


Pastor Bob Thibodeau:

What motivated you to write your book?

Pastor Bob Thibodeau:

Nobody's sleeping.

Dr. Bejoy John:

So from a young age, you know, I knew the power of sleep.

Dr. Bejoy John:

You know, as in med school.

Dr. Bejoy John:

I went to med school when I was 17, and then if I slept the night, you know, before the exam, I actually performed better.

Dr. Bejoy John:

So, you know, the information was not much there, but I knew deep inside, hey, this is, you know, something very unique about sleep.

Dr. Bejoy John:

And, you know, life went, you know, I lost my mom.

Dr. Bejoy John:

I couldn't sleep.

Dr. Bejoy John:


Dr. Bejoy John:

And then I started this business and residency fellowship.

Dr. Bejoy John:

All that affected my sleep, but I was able to find a way to sleep better.

Dr. Bejoy John:

So then I said, man, if I can do this, I.

Dr. Bejoy John:

You know, I do this in a daily basis, and I help a lot of patients here in my practice.

Dr. Bejoy John:

I give the same strategies, and it works.

Dr. Bejoy John:


Dr. Bejoy John:

And then I said, let me just give it to many, many people.

Dr. Bejoy John:

So then I said, the only way to reach many people is to write a book.

Dr. Bejoy John:

And then I, you know a lot on tv, radio, and then get on shows like yours to spread the good news of, you know, good sleep.

Pastor Bob Thibodeau:


Pastor Bob Thibodeau:


Pastor Bob Thibodeau:

And you also created a Sleep now course that you make available on your website@sleepfixacademy.com and the acronym Sleep Now.

Pastor Bob Thibodeau:

Can you share and explain that for us, please?

Dr. Bejoy John:


Dr. Bejoy John:

So the seven strategies, I said, hey, you know, we need to have an acronym so people can remember easily.

Dr. Bejoy John:

So it's called Sleep Now.

Dr. Bejoy John:

S, L, E, E, P.

Dr. Bejoy John:

I can go over it if you're ready?

Pastor Bob Thibodeau:


Pastor Bob Thibodeau:

Yeah, sure.

Dr. Bejoy John:

So the S is the schedule.

Dr. Bejoy John:

So we have to have a schedule.

Dr. Bejoy John:

I tell people to sleep between 10pm and 6am that's the.

Dr. Bejoy John:

That's the routine for everyone.

Dr. Bejoy John:

So, hey, this is the time to rest.

Dr. Bejoy John:

You know, eight hours.

Dr. Bejoy John:

You have to rest.

Dr. Bejoy John:

So the schedule is Very, very important.

Dr. Bejoy John:

Like any plan to succeed, you have to have.

Dr. Bejoy John:

And also there's a reason to go at 10pm because the sweet sleep happens earlier in the night.

Dr. Bejoy John:

The later the night goes, we go into the REM sleep, which is needed, but it's not very restorative.

Dr. Bejoy John:

So that's why it's, you know the acronym or not the acronym, the saying early to bed and early from bed.

Dr. Bejoy John:

It's valid.

Dr. Bejoy John:

So 10 to 6 is a great time to focus on the most important function of your life is sleeping, right?

Dr. Bejoy John:

Next in the acronym is the L is the low light, low noise and low temperature.

Dr. Bejoy John:

The melatonin, the hormone, we have plenty of it within our cells, is only secreted in low light and low temperature, right?

Dr. Bejoy John:

Because the word mela means darkness.

Dr. Bejoy John:

So melatonin is only secreted in darkness.

Dr. Bejoy John:

So make sure your bedroom is dark and cold.

Dr. Bejoy John:

And also our body's melatonin gets secreted just before our temperature, body temperature drops.

Dr. Bejoy John:

So that's why you want your bedroom to be very cold.

Dr. Bejoy John:

65 to 70.

Dr. Bejoy John:

And that's why even when we, when we go on big vacations, tropical vacations where it's hot, we don't sleep well because it's too hot.

Dr. Bejoy John:

You know, we don't secrete much melatonin.

Dr. Bejoy John:

Of course noise is a hindrance.

Dr. Bejoy John:

So that's the L.

Dr. Bejoy John:

Low light, low noise, low temperature.

Dr. Bejoy John:

Then the next in the acronym is the big one, Electronics.

Dr. Bejoy John:

We talked about it.

Dr. Bejoy John:

So electronics creates a lot of information to us.

Dr. Bejoy John:

Our mind is provoking.

Dr. Bejoy John:

So I tell people to get off electronics at least 30 minutes prior to going to sleep and also keep it away.

Dr. Bejoy John:

And also a big fan of no timepieces in your bedroom because we all wake up, you know, sleep, we think it's like on, off.

Dr. Bejoy John:

It's a complicated process.

Dr. Bejoy John:

It has multiple stages.

Dr. Bejoy John:

We all wake up.

Dr. Bejoy John:

I woke up last night, I went to the restroom.

Dr. Bejoy John:

Then I didn't look at the clock anywhere.

Dr. Bejoy John:

I just went back to sleep.

Dr. Bejoy John:

You know, I keep my sleep shape.

Dr. Bejoy John:

So not have your phone.

Dr. Bejoy John:


Dr. Bejoy John:

I say no to electronics.

Dr. Bejoy John:

30 minutes prior to going to sleep.

Dr. Bejoy John:

So that's the E.

Dr. Bejoy John:

The next E is exercise.

Dr. Bejoy John:

Anytime you exercise, you creating heat and also you're creating endorphins.

Dr. Bejoy John:

Remember, the body core body temperature has to drop before our sleep hormones are turned on.

Dr. Bejoy John:

So if you have to exercise, the best time to exercise is in the morning.

Dr. Bejoy John:

But if you have a chance to exercise only in the evening, I tell people to exercise at least two or three hours prior to going to sleep.

Dr. Bejoy John:

So your body's not wrapped up.

Dr. Bejoy John:

So going on with the acronym, the P is powering off your mind.

Dr. Bejoy John:

So that's the acronym in the P.

Dr. Bejoy John:

I teach two techniques, you know, one is called vivid imagination.

Dr. Bejoy John:

So that's how you turn off your mind from reality.

Dr. Bejoy John:

So the vivid imagination, you start thinking about, you know, the abstract, you know, you use your imagination and not on your bills or the problems of your life.

Dr. Bejoy John:

Here I tell people to watch, you know, the last show you watch.

Dr. Bejoy John:

I want to be the creator, the director of that show.

Dr. Bejoy John:

You're going into a totally different space.

Dr. Bejoy John:

I have been using this technique myself for more than 30 years with great success.

Dr. Bejoy John:

I started I don't think about reality in my bed and said the next technique is called the yoga nidra or the corpse pose.

Dr. Bejoy John:

You know, you lay down with your palms up and start, you know, focusing from your scalp all the way down.

Dr. Bejoy John:

It's like a body scan.

Dr. Bejoy John:

So these are the two techniques I tell people to shut off your mind.

Dr. Bejoy John:

But remember, you can only shut off your mind if you give it a chance.

Dr. Bejoy John:

You're already prepared.

Dr. Bejoy John:

You're not, you know, having your phone next to you.

Dr. Bejoy John:

So that's the only way you can turn off, you're giving your body.

Dr. Bejoy John:

You can't just, you know, like on, off, switch, turn it on and turn it out, right?

Dr. Bejoy John:

It's an art to it.

Dr. Bejoy John:

It's a gradual.

Dr. Bejoy John:

It's like making a complicated, sophisticated meal.

Dr. Bejoy John:

You have to have the right ingredients, you know, you have to give it a chance.

Dr. Bejoy John:

And so, so the next is the acronym is no.

Dr. Bejoy John:

No to worries.

Dr. Bejoy John:

You know, I tell people to take a worrying time outside the bedroom.

Dr. Bejoy John:

So I tell people to wor 6pm and 8pm From 8pm you're just thinking about winding down, right?

Dr. Bejoy John:

So, and if you can't, you know, finish off your worries, write it down, you can solve it the next day.

Dr. Bejoy John:

So this is another way of not bringing the, you know, problems to the bed.

Dr. Bejoy John:

You know, you, you can't just do it, you know, you have to slowly work your way.

Dr. Bejoy John:

And of all the strategies I tell people, these are the, you know, the powering of your mind.

Dr. Bejoy John:

And the not worries are the one.

Dr. Bejoy John:

People are like, wow, I've not heard that before.

Dr. Bejoy John:


Dr. Bejoy John:

And I do this in my own life, you know, yesterday, hey, what's my day tomorrow?

Dr. Bejoy John:

I have this, you know, meeting, this meeting, I'm done.

Dr. Bejoy John:

You know, I don't, you know, lay in bed and say, oh, no, you know, I got no.

Dr. Bejoy John:

So bed is something, you know, it's a beautiful, magical place you know, it should not be a toilet paper.

Dr. Bejoy John:

And the last is W.

Dr. Bejoy John:

You win in life, you win by hustling.

Dr. Bejoy John:

But again in sleep, you win by losing.

Dr. Bejoy John:

You know, you take it easy, keep it simple and keep everything simple.

Dr. Bejoy John:

So that's how you really win in.

Dr. Bejoy John:

In sleep you have to lose yourself.

Dr. Bejoy John:


Dr. Bejoy John:

So that's the Sleep now acronym.

Dr. Bejoy John:

It's taken off.

Dr. Bejoy John:

And that course is a self help.

Dr. Bejoy John:

You know, I give all the tools, you know, it's interactive, you can fill forms, you can know what sleep problems you have.

Dr. Bejoy John:

I go into depths of all that.

Dr. Bejoy John:

It's a six weeks program.

Dr. Bejoy John:

You know, you can do it faster.

Dr. Bejoy John:

But you know, I've got like several videos explaining these techniques and you know, people can find out all the problem problems and I've had great success with it.

Pastor Bob Thibodeau:


Pastor Bob Thibodeau:


Pastor Bob Thibodeau:

That's good.

Pastor Bob Thibodeau:

Sleep now.

Pastor Bob Thibodeau:

Sleep now.

Pastor Bob Thibodeau:

I'll put that in the show notes.

Pastor Bob Thibodeau:


Pastor Bob Thibodeau:

You've also broken down for your readers of the book five things that we should know in order for us to get the sleep that we truly need.

Pastor Bob Thibodeau:

Could you share that with us as well?

Dr. Bejoy John:


Dr. Bejoy John:

So you the.

Dr. Bejoy John:

The sleep, you know, as you grow, you know, there are different stages of sleep.

Dr. Bejoy John:

The sweetest stages is that's called the stage three non REM sleep.

Dr. Bejoy John:

That actually happens earlier in the children have a lot of it.

Dr. Bejoy John:

That's why they're sound sleepy.

Dr. Bejoy John:

You can't even wake them up.

Dr. Bejoy John:

As we grow later we lose that.

Dr. Bejoy John:

So how do you get that is a question that I get asked.

Dr. Bejoy John:

There is no easy answer to that, you know.

Dr. Bejoy John:

You know, doing all the other things right.

Dr. Bejoy John:

And then you give your body a chance.

Dr. Bejoy John:

Or the easy way is I tell people hey, I didn't sleep well.

Dr. Bejoy John:

Hey, don't worry.

Dr. Bejoy John:

If you don't sleep well tonight, the next day you'll have more of sweet sleep.

Dr. Bejoy John:


Dr. Bejoy John:

So when you have sleep deprived the next night you sleep so soundly.

Dr. Bejoy John:


Dr. Bejoy John:


Dr. Bejoy John:

So that's make up sleep.

Dr. Bejoy John:

So the five things I will tell people to watch out.

Dr. Bejoy John:

Snoring is your major enemy to sleep.

Dr. Bejoy John:

So because snoring means air is not flowing well.

Dr. Bejoy John:

So there's an obstruction.

Dr. Bejoy John:

So we talk about sleep apnea.

Dr. Bejoy John:

There's what called obstructive sleep apnea.

Dr. Bejoy John:

So anybody who's snoring, it's an obstruction.

Dr. Bejoy John:

Whether it's a child, an adult, make sure you seek help.

Dr. Bejoy John:

You know, children, it's very easy.

Dr. Bejoy John:

It's the tonsils that's causing them to be block.

Dr. Bejoy John:

So you can remove that adults is complicated.

Dr. Bejoy John:

It's you Know, your back of your, you know, throat is, you know, closing and you got to stretch it or, you know, get the tongue out of the way by using cpap.

Dr. Bejoy John:

So that's one in adults.

Dr. Bejoy John:

Now, number two will be if you have blood pressure problems or if you have diabetes problems, make sure you rule out sleep apnea.

Dr. Bejoy John:

Because every time you have an apnea, the body is revved up, you know, it jacks up, you know, chemicals to keep you awake.

Dr. Bejoy John:

So when your breath is stopped, when you have an apnea, the body's compensating mechanism is releasing stress hormones like norepinephrine, and these increase the blood pressure.

Dr. Bejoy John:

So if you have blood pressure problem or if you have diabetes problem, make sure you have.

Dr. Bejoy John:

You rule out sleep apnea.

Dr. Bejoy John:

Number three, if you are tired and in a mental fog like you're not, you might, you know, you, you are sleep deprived.

Dr. Bejoy John:

Also if you have, like, depression or anxiety, you know, I have a picture in my book where it's a vicious cycle.

Dr. Bejoy John:

You know, poor sleep causes, you know, worsens anxiety and anxiety causes poor sleep.

Dr. Bejoy John:

So it's a vicious cycle.

Dr. Bejoy John:

So if you are tired, groggy, you're unhappy, if you're anxious, if you're depressed, then you might want to think about whether you have a sleep disorder.

Dr. Bejoy John:

You know, of all the things, the easy one is, you know, obstructive sleep apnea or insomnia where you're not sleeping too much.

Dr. Bejoy John:

So the next one, if you are, if your sexual function or if your libido is low, good sleep and treatment of sleep disorders like sleep apnea improves your sexual function.

Dr. Bejoy John:

Because when you have an apnea, there's not much oxygen for flowing to the sex organs and you're not making enough testosterone.

Dr. Bejoy John:

So if you have low libido, one of the things that you can check is if you have a sleep disorder.

Dr. Bejoy John:

So when you're tired, you're not in a mood to have sex.

Dr. Bejoy John:

So if your sex life is low, you might have a sleep disorder.

Dr. Bejoy John:

So that's another one.

Dr. Bejoy John:

So the fifth one is before you go to sleep, if you're very restless and if you're moving your legs and then you can't sleep, you might have a very easily treatable condition called restless legs syndrome.

Dr. Bejoy John:

You know, it's caused by iron deficiency and it can be easily treated.

Dr. Bejoy John:

So if you have all these symptoms which is affecting your body without your knowledge, if you're tired, if you're a mental fog, if you're anxious, if you're depressed, you have high blood pressure, if you have diabetes, if you have low sexual function and if you're restless in the evenings.

Dr. Bejoy John:

These are all sleep related problems.

Dr. Bejoy John:

See, the challenge, Bobby, you know, is the sleep problems don't hurt like a toothache.

Dr. Bejoy John:

You know, people ignore it, but it's slowly eroding us from the within.

Dr. Bejoy John:

So these are the, you know, five things I tell people.

Dr. Bejoy John:

If you have these problems and then you might have a sleep problem.

Pastor Bob Thibodeau:


Pastor Bob Thibodeau:


Pastor Bob Thibodeau:


Pastor Bob Thibodeau:

John, this has been so interesting.

Pastor Bob Thibodeau:

How can someone obtain a copy of your book?

Pastor Bob Thibodeau:

No, I've seen it on Amazon.

Pastor Bob Thibodeau:

Is that where they should go to get it?

Dr. Bejoy John:

It's available on all the bookstores.

Dr. Bejoy John:

You know, you can go to Barnes and Noble, Target, you know, any other favorite bookstore you go, you know, and you know, I share a lot of my life and my faith.

Dr. Bejoy John:

You know, I come from India.

Dr. Bejoy John:

I actually grew up in a place where doubting Thomas was persecuted and killed.

Dr. Bejoy John:

I studied this called St.

Dr. Bejoy John:

Thomas Mount, you know, so I come from a very holy place and one of those descendants of the first church.

Dr. Bejoy John:

You know, we have been Christians for many, many centuries.

Dr. Bejoy John:

So I'm a special Christian, you know, Christ after Christ, death, the disciples formed a church.

Dr. Bejoy John:

And I'm a descendant of that, you know, I'm from, I'm called the Syrian Orthodox Church.

Dr. Bejoy John:

Share about my faith and my life and my passion.

Dr. Bejoy John:

So the, you know, in this world today, we are all, you know, not, you know, you know, it's a hyped up world.

Dr. Bejoy John:

You know, people are all polarized.

Dr. Bejoy John:

But I think if you can sleep a half hour every day, we all will be better.

Dr. Bejoy John:

Remember, when you have a problem in our life, what do we tell ourselves, Pastor?

Dr. Bejoy John:

We tell let's sleep on it, right?

Dr. Bejoy John:

Nobody says let's exercise on it, right?

Dr. Bejoy John:

So sleep is healing, you know, it is spiritual, you know, after a great night of sleep.

Dr. Bejoy John:

I came with a title called nobody is sleeping.

Dr. Bejoy John:

You know, that's why I'm able to resonate with everybody.

Dr. Bejoy John:

More than that, you know, I want people to read it and share the world and discover the superpower that that's within ourselves.

Dr. Bejoy John:

It is free and we can be a whole better person.

Dr. Bejoy John:

You know, I found a way and I found the joy about good sleep.

Dr. Bejoy John:

And then I wanted you and everybody else to, you know, find that beautiful power we have within ourselves.

Pastor Bob Thibodeau:


Pastor Bob Thibodeau:


Pastor Bob Thibodeau:

Well, I know there's some listeners who may have some questions.

Pastor Bob Thibodeau:

If someone has a question or like more information, I'll think, how can they get in touch with you or find more information?

Dr. Bejoy John:

Yeah, there's My Sleep Fix Academy.com website has got my email and my book has my email and you know, I'm, I'm everywhere.

Dr. Bejoy John:

If you just google my name, you know you can find me and I'll be happy to respond to your viewers because you know, I'm on this mission and path.

Pastor Bob Thibodeau:


Pastor Bob Thibodeau:

I'll put links all this in the show notes below, folks.

Pastor Bob Thibodeau:

Like I said, I've had sleep apnea.

Pastor Bob Thibodeau:

Yeah, I had to have that big 25 letter name for the surgery and it wasn't fun.

Pastor Bob Thibodeau:

I mean it hurt to swallow spit.

Pastor Bob Thibodeau:

But the good news is 20 plus years later, I don't snore anymore.

Pastor Bob Thibodeau:


Pastor Bob Thibodeau:

Sleep is something that every single one of us needs on a daily basis.

Pastor Bob Thibodeau:


Pastor Bob Thibodeau:

You know, like I said, I went all a little over three days when I was deployed with a cavalry and it was not pretty.

Pastor Bob Thibodeau:


Pastor Bob Thibodeau:

When I crashed, I slept for 22 hours.

Pastor Bob Thibodeau:


Pastor Bob Thibodeau:

I've never had to do that again.

Pastor Bob Thibodeau:

Praise God.

Pastor Bob Thibodeau:

Don't want to do it again.

Pastor Bob Thibodeau:

But I just share that because no matter how tough you think you are, there will come a time when your body says enough is enough and it'll shut down on you, period.

Pastor Bob Thibodeau:

When you cannot get enough rest during your sleep, your body is going through the same sort of situation.

Pastor Bob Thibodeau:

It'll make you give it some rest and that could be dangerous.

Pastor Bob Thibodeau:

As a cop, I've worked many an accident scene where the driver fell asleep, sometimes permanently.

Pastor Bob Thibodeau:

I urge you folks, drop down the show notes, reach out to Dr.

Pastor Bob Thibodeau:

John, click the links, check out the resources on his website, order his book Nobody's Sleeping seven Proven Sleep Strategies for Better Health and Happiness.

Pastor Bob Thibodeau:

Do it right now while you're thinking about it.

Pastor Bob Thibodeau:

Don't wait.

Pastor Bob Thibodeau:

Because you know as well as I do you're going to forget about.

Pastor Bob Thibodeau:

Click it right now while you're listening to this episode.

Pastor Bob Thibodeau:


Pastor Bob Thibodeau:

John, thank you again for taking the time out of your busy schedule just to come on this program and sharing this very important information with us.

Pastor Bob Thibodeau:

I do appreciate it, brother.

Dr. Bejoy John:

Thank you.

Dr. Bejoy John:

It was a pleasure and it was a good time and hope your viewers are empowered and let's sleep well and let's all be well.

Dr. Bejoy John:

Thank you, Pastor.

Pastor Bob Thibodeau:


Pastor Bob Thibodeau:


Pastor Bob Thibodeau:

Folks, that's all the time we have for today for Dr.

Pastor Bob Thibodeau:

BJ Jah and myself, this pastor by reminding you to be blessed in all that you do.

Pastor Bob:

Thank you for listening to today's episode of the Kingdom Crossroads podcast.

Pastor Bob:

Please subscribe to our podcast so you can be notified when another episode is published.

Pastor Bob:

interviews and:

Pastor Bob:

Pastor Bob is known as Podcasting Expert for helping others to create their own podcast to share their messages with the world.

Pastor Bob:

Please visit our website@www.podcastersforchrist.com.

Pastor Bob:

that web address again is www.podcastersforchrist.Com.

Pastor Bob:

for more information, until next time, be blessed in all that.

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Kingdom Cross Roads Podcast
Interviews with influential Christian ministry and business leaders / owners, authors & musicians & prophecy experts, too!
Pastor Robert Thibodeau interviews Christian guests that range from pastors and ministers to Christian authors; Christian musicians and singers to Christian businessmen and businesswomen who are running impactful businesses while maintaining the Christian morals and values. Each podcast is approximately 28-35 minutes in length (give or take a few minutes). This is an interview based podcast that will often dig deep into the beliefs of the guest being interviewed. We recently published our 1600th Episode (with over 1100 individual interviews) and have been ranked by "Listen Notes" (the "Nielsen Ratings" of Podcasts) in the TOP 1/2% of ALL podcasts worldwide (2.7million +)! So your interviews will be heard!

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Profile picture for Robert Thibodeau

Robert Thibodeau

I am a 12 year Army veteran as both enlisted and as a commissioned Cavalry Officer.
I am now a retired law enforcement supervisor...

I had my own business for seven years before I entered law enforcement.

As a cop, I was injured on the job on May 12, 2007 and after several surgeries over a couple of years, forced to retire in 2011.

As I was looking down the road to “what am I going to do next?” I started what is now known as a podcast (I had no clue at the time).

Within six months of starting (what I called) “My online radio program” I was offered an opportunity to be on nationwide AM radio. I learned A LOT in one year of doing that!

I then started the online Christian radio platform "Evangelism Radio" in the fall of 2010. It has had listeners in 160+ nations and all 50 states. We host 50+ Christian broadcasters on a weekly basis. We have been operating 24/7 for almost 14 years now. We have been rated #1 in the world by Shoutcast. com on several occasions in our genre. We recently transferred ownership of Evangelism Radio to another ministry so I could concentrate full time on podcasting, preaching and writing.

In 2018, I started the Kingdom Cross Roads Podcast to conduct interviews with Christian influencers from all walks of life and to play their interviews on the radio station. (The KCR Podcast has its own time slot on Evangelism Radio)!
We now have over 1600 episodes and almost 1100 interviews (in just over 6 years).

Looking out at the future of online Christian media, I noticed there was no viable platforms that catered only to the Christian podcast market.

In 2023, we launched a networking platform called, "FaithCasters" which connects "Great Christian podcasters with Great Christian Guests!" This helps to promote the work you do through podcast interviews! Check it out at https://FaithCaster.org

We recently launched "FaithCaster Academy" which serves as a training hub for ALL of our trainings (podcast training / speaker training / interview training, etc.). Members receive access to ALL of our training programs for one low, monthly membership fee. Members also receive FREE access to ALL of the LIVE trainings I conduct (1 or 2 per month) - while non-members have to pay to access the live trainings.

Between my podcast training program, conducting podcast interviews, appearing on other podcasts as guests, speaking at conferences (in person and virtually) and the podcast networking platform, I guess you could say “I’m all in” when it comes to podcasting and online media!

My total focus is to do all we can to assist you to “Get The Word Out” about your mission, services, products, ministry, books, business, etc.