Episode 1592
Unlocking the Divine: Exploring Dimensions and Portals in Scripture
Exploring Dimensions and Portals in Scripture
Pastor Bob Thibodeau delves into the fascinating topic of dimensions and portals as described in the Bible, exploring how these concepts intersect with both spiritual and scientific understandings.
He emphasizes that dimensions are not just abstract ideas; they represent distinct realms of existence, including heaven, earth, paradise, and hell. This episode highlights the role of portals, or divine intersections, that allow interaction between these dimensions, as illustrated through biblical stories like Jacob's Ladder and the burning bush.
Listeners are invited to consider the implications of these teachings on their faith and the eternal significance of their choices. As the discussion unfolds, Pastor Thibodeau encourages a deeper understanding of God's active engagement in our lives and the transformative power of faith in Christ, the ultimate portal to eternal life.
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- The existence of dimensions and portals in Scripture highlights God's continual interaction with humanity.
- Pastor Bob emphasizes that understanding spiritual realms can deepen our faith in God's plan.
- Jacob's ladder represents a significant portal, symbolizing the connection between heaven and earth.
- The concept of Sheol as a temporary holding place for the unrighteous reflects God's justice.
- Dimension one, heaven, is depicted as the ultimate destination for believers who have faith in Jesus.
- Through Christ, believers gain direct access to heaven, bypassing eternal separation in hell.
Mentioned in this episode:
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Welcome to my Bible study.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:A verse by.
Pastor Robert Thibodeau:Welcome to freedom through faith.
Pastor Robert Thibodeau:Prepare to be blessed.
Pastor Robert Thibodeau:As pastor and teacher Robert Thibodeau leads us into the anointed study of the word of God, teaching and empowering you how to impact your world with the gospel of Jesus Christ, teaching you how to receive the blessings and provisions of God and how to walk through this life with freedom through faith.
Pastor Robert Thibodeau:And now, here's Pastor Robert Thibodel.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Hello everyone, everywhere.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Pastor Bob Thibodeau here.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Welcome to freedom through faith.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Glory to God.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:We're so blessed you're joining us today.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:It's a blessing every time we get together around the word of God.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:I pray that this is is being sent out there live right now.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:At least it's supposed to be.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:And we're just continuing to.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:We got a new studio set up, let's put it like that.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Praise the Lord.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:And here we are.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:It's trying to give me a hard time getting in on this computer here.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:So we're going to go ahead and just get this all set up for you and.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:And we're just going to go with it.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Amen.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Praise the Lord.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Praise God.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:It is such a blessing.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:If you're watching this on video right now, we just thank you for tuning in.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:And you know, you see the studio set up behind us.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:It's been a long time in coming, but we finally got it and we're going to give her a shot here today.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Amen.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:You see me looking around because I'm trying to manage several different things at one time.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:But let's go to Lord with a word of prayer and give him praise for what he's doing.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Amen.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Father, in the name of Jesus, we thank you and praise you for your blessing in our life.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:We are blessed, Lord, coming in and going out.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:We just praise you Jesus, for the technology you have made available for us today to just share the gospel around the world.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:And Lord, we just give you honor, glory and praise for this broadcast today.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:In Jesus name, amen and amen.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:I'm going to continue clicking buttons here, but I want to go and lay the solid foundation upon which we're building today, which is the word of God and we call it the Apostles Creed.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:But you know, I like call it laying the solid foundation.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Amen.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Just pray with me out loud.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Loud enough for your own two ears to hear.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:For faith comes by hearing.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Hearing by the word of God.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Just repeat after me.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:I believe.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:And God the Father Almighty, maker of heaven and earth, and in Jesus Christ his only son, our Lord who is conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, dead and buried, he descended into hell.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:But the third day he rose again from the dead and ascended up into heaven and is seated now at the right hand of God the Father Almighty, from where he shall be returning soon to judge both the living and the dead.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:I believe in the Holy Spirit.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:I believe the church is the body of Christ.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:I believe in the communion of saints.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:I believe in the forgiveness of sins and I believe in the resurrection of the body.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:And I believe in life everlasting in Jesus name.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Amen and Amen.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Hallelujah.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Turn with me in your Bibles to Luke chapter 24.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:We're going to be talking about something that, well, let's just say a lot of people have not really considered before and it's going to be a new topic area.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Let's put it like that and just read with me here.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:We'll begin Luke 24 and verse 36.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:As they thus spoke.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Now this is the disciples hiding out in the upper room.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:And Jesus makes his appearance is as they thus spoke, Jesus himself stood in the midst of them and said, peace be any.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:In other words it says shalom, right?
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:And they were terrified and afraid, supposing they'd seen a ghost, a spirit.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:And they said to them, why are you troubled?
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Why do these thoughts arise in your hearts?
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Look at my hands and feet, that it's I myself handle me and see me.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:A spirit doesn't have flesh and bones as you see me have.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:And when he had thus spoken, he showed them his hands and feet.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:And while they yet did not believe for joy and wondered, he said unto them, do you have anything to eat?
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:And they gave him a piece of broiled fish and a honeycomb, and he took it and ate before them and said, these are the words which I spoke to you while I was yet with you, that all things need to be fulfilled which were written in the law of Moses and in the prophets, and in the Psalms concerning me.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Then he opened their understanding that they might understand the Scriptures.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:And he said unto them, thus it is written, thus is behoved Christ.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Thus is behoved the Messiah to suffer and to rise from the dead the third day that repentance and remission of sins should be preached in his name among all nations, beginning at Jerusalem.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:And you are witnesses of all these things.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:And now behold, I send you the promise of my Father upon you.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:But you need to stay here in the city of Jerusalem until you are Endued with power from on high.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Then he led him out as far as Bethany.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:He lifted up his hands and blessed them.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:And it came to pass, while he blessed them, he was parted from them and carried up into heaven.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:I'm gonna stop right there.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:This is Jesus resurrected alive.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:And the disciples entered a locked room.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:And Jesus just pops in on them.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Here I am.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:We read another gospel that he walked through the door to get out, and it's a locked room.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:We read to hear that he ascended up into heaven in their eyes.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:We remember the book of the story of Elijah being caught up in a whirlwind and a chariot, fiery chariot, being carried off.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:You have Enoch, who walked with God and was not Moses.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:They never found his body, folks.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Scientists have long been studying the idea and concept and theory about dimensions and portals and things like that.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Oh, brother, Bob, that's not in the Bible.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Well, we're going to go through some of these examples.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:You got to remember the Bible was written, you know, 6,000 years ago and 2,000 years ago was caught up again with the New Testament.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:They didn't understand a lot of these concepts.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:The Bible has long intrigued readers with its profound insights into the nature of God's creation.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:From the very first stories of Genesis and to the prophetic visions of Revelation, Scripture speaks continuously about the realms of everything going on in our everyday experiences.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Amen.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:And the Bible has long spoken of spiritual realities and realms that just transcend our physical world.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:I mean, you, the spirits all around, you don't see them.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:There's angels here in this room right now.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:There's angels with you, but you don't see them, but they're there.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Amen.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Scripture reveals distinct dimensions of existence.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Heaven, earth, spiritual realms like paradise and Sheol Hell.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:These dimensions are often described as being separated by boundaries.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Yet at times, portals, supernatural gateways, allow for divine interaction and revelation.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:While these concepts may seem spiritual or symbolic, like I said, modern science has begun to explore these theories that align with these biblical truths.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Physicists, cosmologists, they've all proposed the existence of multiverses or higher dimensions, realms beyond our observation and observable universe.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:String theory, for example, suggests the presence of dimensions beyond the three physical dimensions that we experience, hidden, yet fundamental to the fabric of our reality.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:These scientific explorations echo the Bible's descriptions of spiritual realms, offering, if you want to call it a modern framework, to consider how the physical and spiritual worlds might intersect.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:In Scripture, portals appear as moments where heaven touches earth.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Jacob's ladder, that's another example.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:The burning bush With Moses, like I said, Jesus, transfiguration.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:They're all vivid examples given to us explained in the language of that day.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:You know, they couldn't talk about space exploration.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:They had no clue about that stuff, right?
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:But science's exploration of these alternate realities, that just adds, in my opinion, a fascinating layer to these accounts is theories like, you know, wormholes and dimensional overlaps.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Folks, if you open your eyes and study the word like this, it resembles the Bible's descriptions of supernatural gateways.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Could it be.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:I'm just offering this as an opportunity for you to think a little bit.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Could it be these things are real?
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Termed a bit differently than conventional Christian thinking and terminology.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:As we study the Bible's teaching on dimensions and portals, we're going to discover that God's Word not only reveals the nature of these realms, but also invites us into and eternal reality of his presence through Christ Jesus, the ultimate bridge between heaven and earth.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:As we dive into these biblical truths, an intriguing concept, I guess you could say emerges, one that suggests the existence, the existence of dimensions and portals that connect these realms.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:In the physical world, we're bound by time, space, and material limitations.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:But the Bible reveals a much broader framework.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:It speaks of heaven and earth and the spiritual places in between, hinting at boundaries that separate these realities.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:However, throughout Scripture, we find evidence of divine intervention when these boundaries are momentarily bridged.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:And these moments where God, angels, and other spiritual beings interact with us humans suggests the presence of portals, gateways that allow for this movement between these dimensions.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Now, this study is not about conjecture, but about exploring the Word of God really with an open heart and mind.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:While terms like dimensions and portals, they are not explicitly used in Scripture.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:These descriptions and events that are recorded just aligned remarkably with the modern concepts that we talk about.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:And the goal of today's broadcast is to understand how God interacts with his creation and what these interactions reveal, really about his sovereignty, his redemptive plan, and the eternal significance of our choices.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Amen.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:So let's look at some concept of dimensions that are in the Bible.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Well, first you have God's dwelling place, heaven, right?
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:I call that dimension number one.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:The Bible consistently describes heaven as the dwelling place of God, a realm of perfection and glory.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Amen.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:That's dimension number one, the ultimate reality where God's throne is established.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:His presence fills all things.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Unlike our physical realm, dimension one is not bound by time, space, or physical law.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:It is the eternal spiritual realm where God's will is fully realized and his sovereignty is evident.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Isaiah, chapter 6, verse 1 is that provides a striking image of this dimension.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Isaiah says, I saw the Lord high exalted, seated on a throne, and the train of his robe filled the temple.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:This vision reveals a transcendent realm filled with God's glory and the worship of angelic beings.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Jesus describes heaven as His Father's house, saying, in my Father's house are many rooms.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:John 14:2.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:This hints at the vastness, the complexity of this dimension prepared with the all for the redeemed to dwell eternally with God.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Hallelujah.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Then go to the end of the Bible.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Revelation 21, verse 3 and 4 describes dimension 1 as the final dwelling place of humanity after the restoration of all things.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Amen.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:In this realm there will be no more sorrow, death or pain, as God's presence will fully envelope his people.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Amen.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Dimension number one Heaven serves as the source and the sustainer of all creation.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Colossians 1, verse 16 and 70 says, for in him all things were created, things in heaven, things on earth, visible and invisible.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:He is before all things, and in him all things are held together.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:This passage highlights the interconnectedness of these dimensions, dimension with dimension.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:With dimension, one is governing over all the others.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Amen.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:However, access to this dimension is limited.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Sin cannot enter this perfect realm that creates a barrier between fallen humanity and God.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Only through Christ Jesus who bridges this gap, can we enter dimension number one.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:You read that in John 14, verse six.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:This dimension represents the ultimate destination for all believers, a place of eternal fellowship with our Father.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Amen.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Then we have dimension number two that's in the Bible called Paradise.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:It's a temporary dwelling place for the righteous before Jesus.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Resurrection.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Those who trusted in God and the anticipated coming of the Messiah entered dimension two, paradise, upon death.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:This temporary realm served as a place of peace and rest for the faithful, separate from the torment of the unrighteous.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Dimension two reflects God's provision for his people, offering them assurance and hope until the fullness of time or the fullness of redemption was achieved.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Jesus refers to paradise when he talks well, when he tells the thief on the cross next to him, today you will be with me in paradise.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:That statement highlights the immediacy of entering this dimension for those who place their faith in God.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Luke chapter 16, verses 19 to 31.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Jesus describes the rich man in Lazarus.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Lazarus, the faithful servant carried to Abraham's bosom his side a depiction of paradise while the rich man suffers in Sheol.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Now this account is really what got me looking at this, because this account emphasizes the separation between the righteous and the unrighteousness.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:The afterlife.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Dimension 2 was ultimately made obsolete at the resurrection of Jesus.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Ephesians 4, 8, 10 describes Jesus leading captivity captive, taking the righteous souls from paradise into dimension one.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:This fulfilled God's promise of eternal life, allowing believers to forever bypass dimension 2 and enter into heaven directly.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Amen.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Don't shout me down when I'm preaching.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Good Hallelujah.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:The existence of dimension two demonstrates God's justice and mercy.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:It provided that waiting place for the faithful, affirming that their trust in God's promises were not going to be in vain.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Though temporary, Dimension 2 played a critical role in God's redemptive plan, bridging the gap between life on earth and the eternal reality of heaven, which could only be obtained by a perfect sacrifice.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:And that was completed in Jesus.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Amen.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Then we have dimension number three, earth, the physical realm that we're all familiar with.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Amen.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:This is where we currently reside in dimension three.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:It's characterized by time, space, and physical laws created by God.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Back in Genesis chapter one.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:It is the stage where humanity's story unfolds.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Originally a place of beauty, complexity, and purpose.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:However, it is also a realm of limitation, isn't it?
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Marked by sin, decay, and separation from God's perfect presence.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Genesis chapter 1, verse 1 and 2 describes the creation of this dimension.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Now, I want you to see this.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:You know, some people will say, when did God exist?
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:If he's eternal, who created him?
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:How you know, if there has to be a beginning somewhere?
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Well, there is.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:There is a beginning somewhere.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Genesis chapter one says, in the beginning that established what we call time.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:The earth was formless and void, empty.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Darkness was over the surface of the deep.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:This account highlights God's intentional design in forming a world suitable for us humans to habitate God's command, let there be light.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:In Genesis 1, 3 signifies his glory, entering dimension number three.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Because God is light, transforming chaos into a semblance of order.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:This act underscores God's sovereignty over the entire physical realm.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Psalms 24:1 affirms God's ownership of this dimension.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:The earth is the Lord's and everything in it, the world and all who live in it.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:While dimension number three was created as a place of relationship and stewardship.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:That's the original plan.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Humanity's fall introduced sin, disrupting the harmony between God and his creation.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:That's in Genesis 3.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:As a result, this dimension became a battleground of spiritual warfare, where Satan operates as the God of this age or God of this world.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Second Corinthians 4, 4.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:And despite dimensions three, fallen state, it retains a critical part of God's plan.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:It's here that Jesus entered dimension three, lived, died, rose again in order to redeem all of humanity.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:John, chapter 1, verse 14 says the word became flesh and made his dwelling among men, illustrating Jesus willingness to step into this limited dimension to save us.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Dimension 3 serves as the proving ground for faith.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:The choices we make here determine our eternal destination.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Then, whether in Dimension 1 or Dimension 5, hell, which we'll get through through faith in Christ Jesus, we can overcome the limitations of this realm, Dimension 3, and prepare for the glory of the next.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Amen.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Amen.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Which let's take a brief look here at dimension number four, Sheol, a temporary place of torment, the unrighteous, just as we had dimension two as paradise, a temporary stopping off place before we proceed on to heaven, which has now been done away with through the resurrection of Jesus, is no longer needed.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Dimension four is still there.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:It's a temporary place for the unrighteous.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Dimension 4, often referred to as Sheol or Hades in Scripture, is the temporary realm of torment for the unrighteous, who are now awaiting their final judgment.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:It is a place of separation from God's presence, characterized by regret, despair, anguish.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:This dimension emphasizes the gravity of sin and the consequences of rejecting God.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Luke chapter 16, verse 23 and 24 describes the rich man in Sheol in Hades, where he was in torment, he looked up and saw Abraham far away with Lazarus by his side.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Now let's look at this.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:This account reveals the conscious suffering of those in dimension four and their awareness of what they have lost.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Psalms 9, verse 17 warns us, the wicked go down to the realm of the dead, all the nations that forget God.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:This underscores the just nature of Dimension 4 as a holding place for those who reject God.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:And Revelation, chapter 20, verse 13 speaks of Sheol giving up the dead at the great white throne, judgment transitioning Souls from Dimension 4 to their final destination in Dimension 5.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Dimension 4 also serves as a reminder of the mercy extended to those in Dimension 3, US.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:While it is a place of torment, it is not yet the final judgment, giving those on earth the opportunity to still repent and avoid that fate.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:And then we already talked about dimension number five, hell, the final destination of separation and torment.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Dimension five, often referred to as Hell or the lake of fire or eternal torment, is the eternal destination of separation and torment for Satan and his fallen angels and all unrepentant human beings.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Unlike dimension four, which is temporary, dimension five represents permanent and irreversible judgment.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Revelation chapter 20, verse 10 describes the devil's fate.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:The devil who deceived them was thrown into the lake of fire where the beasts and the false prophet have been thrown, and they will be tormented day and night, forever and ever.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau: Jesus warns us in Matthew: Pastor Bob Thibodeau: Revelation: Pastor Bob Thibodeau:The smoke of their torment will rise forever and ever.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:There will be no rest, day or night forever.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Dimension number five is the ultimate expression of God's justice where rebellion and sin are forever confined.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:It is the place of eternal regret, where those present are fully aware of their missed opportunity for salvation forever.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:While this dimension highlights the severity of sin, it also underscores the hope of salvation that's offered only through Christ Jesus.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Faith in Christ ensures that believers bypass dimensions four and five forever and secure their eternal life in dimension number one.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Now let's look at the creation of our present reality.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Dimension number three, the physical realm.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Genesis one that begins with the foundational statement, in the beginning, God created the heavens and earth.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:This verse establishes the creation of our reality in dimension number three, the physical realm in which we exist.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:The heavens in this context refers to the framework of our universe, the vast expanse that contains stars, planets, and galaxies.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:The earth represents the physical environment designed to support life.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:There was nothing, absolutely nothing, called time, before this dimension was created.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Because God dwells in eternity.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:No beginning and no end.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:So the statement in the beginning establishes what we call time.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Initially, this dimension was formless and empty, darkness covering the deep.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:God's spirit hovered over the waters, preparing to bring order and structure to the chaos.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Now, this preparatory phase emphasizes God's sovereignty in shaping a world where life could thrive.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:It also highlights the intentional design of where we live in Dimension 3 as a space governed by time, physical laws, and boundaries.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Genesis 1, verses 6 through 8 describes the creation of the sky, a vault or a firmament above us, separating the waters above from the waters below.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:This act establishes the breathable atmosphere which we currently have, ensuring Earth's suitability for life.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:The sky also serves as a boundary within dimension three, mirroring the larger boundaries that separate the dimensions.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Okay, now.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Well, I'm gonna get ahead.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:I don't want to get ahead of myself.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:We just continue here.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:This pattern of creating and separating reflects God's meticulous plan to establish a world capable of sustaining his creation.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:God's light enters this dimension.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:The introduction of light in Genesis 1, 3, 4, is a pivotal moment in the creation narrative.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:And God said, let there be light.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:And there was light again.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:This light is not the physical light of the sun.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:No, that was created later in verses 14 to 19.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Instead, it represents God's glory and his presence entering the newly formed dimension.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Hallelujah.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Don't shut me down when I'm preaching.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Good glory to God.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:This divine light dispels the darkness that was previously dominating Dimension 3.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:The separation of light from darkness symbolizes more than the transition from day to night.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:It reflects the establishment of order over chaos and the distinction between realms of God's presence and his absence throughout Scripture.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Lights associated with God's glory and truth all over Scripture.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:I don't even go through it.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:By introducing light into dimension three, God asserts his authority over the physical realm and establishes himself as the source of life and order.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:This act also foreshadows God's ongoing involvement in Dimension 3.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:While humans are bound by the limitations of time and space, God's presence transcends all these constraints.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:His light serves as a bridge between Dimension 3 and Dimension 1, reminding us of his constant interaction with and the oversight of his creation.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Amen.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Now Genesis 1 also highlights a reoccurring theme of separation, emphasizing the establishment of these boundaries within dimension three and between the different dimensions.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:For example, day and night, the division of light and darkness.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Genesis 14:5 introduces the cycle of time, anchoring humanity in the rhythm of days and nights.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Then there's land and sea.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:God separates the waters to reveal dry ground, creating distinct environments capable of supporting life.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Excuse me.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Sky and water.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:This vault separates the waters above.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:That's the clouds in the atmosphere from the waters below.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Oceans and rivers and all that.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:And ensuring a habitable climate for us.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Amen.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Excuse me.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Now.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:These boundaries reflect the ordered nature of God's creation.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:They also hint at the dimensional divides that distinguish realms like heaven, earth, sheol, hell.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:While humans are confined to dimension number three, these boundaries remind us of the existence of the other dimensions governed by God.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:The establishment of seed bearing plants introduces the concept of perpetual provision.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:The cycle of seed, time and harvest reflects God's sustaining power, ensuring Dimension 3 remains a place of abundance for his creation.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:This cycle mirrors the spiritual truths of knowing and reaping found throughout Scripture.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Galatians 6, I think 6, 7.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Right there in that area.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Further linking the physical and spiritual dimensions.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Right.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:So Genesis 1 provides us the detailed account of God's creation of Our Dimension, Dimension 3, emphasizing its intentional design and order.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:The introduction of light, the separation of elements, the establishing of boundaries all reflect God's sovereignty and his plan for a habitable world.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:However.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:There's always a however in there.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:However, these boundaries also hint at the existence of other dimensions and the potential for interaction between them.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:The creation narrative sets the stage for understanding how Dimension 3, where we live, interacts with realms like Dimension 1, heaven.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:God's light entering this realm demonstrates his active presence, while the ordered structure of this physical world reveals his meticulous planet planning and care.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Genesis 1 not only describes the origins of our universe, but also lays the foundation for the dimensional realities that permeate Scripture.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:This understanding, folks, invites us to explore how these dimensions interact, how God bridges the gaps between them, and what this means for us in our eternal destiny.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:All right, now I think I laid that foundation.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:I hope you're staying with me.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Now I want to transition to what we would call portals.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Okay.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:I'm trying to use common grammatic or that a lot of scientists are using and all that, because I believe this will help you in connecting scripture with what science is talking about and understanding the importance of why we're doing this study.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:All right?
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Portals are intersections between dimensions.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:That's all it is.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Throughout the Bible, we find instance after instance after instance where the boundaries between dimensions momentarily dissolve, allowing interaction between heaven and earth and other realms as well.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:These occurrences are often marked by divine intervention, suggesting the instance of portals, supernatural gateways that enable beings, angels, you know, messages and visions to traverse the dimensional portals or dimensional realms.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:These portals are not physical structures, but spiritual phenomena under God's sovereign.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Get me now.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:God's sovereign control, not aliens and all this other stuff.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:God's control.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Portals reveal the interconnectedness of dimensions while maintaining distinct boundaries.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:These serve as mechanisms through which God can communicate, deliver instructions, and reveal his glory.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:These intersections underscore the truth that while humans are confined to the physical dimension, in dimension three, God actively engages with all of his creation.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Biblical accounts of portals range from visions of heaven to angelic visitations and God's direct presence.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:These moments serve specific purposes to guide, to encourage, to discipline humanity at times, while also demonstrating God's supremacy over all of the dimensions.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:By examining these instances, we can gain a deeper understanding of how God's plan transcends time and space, emphasizing his active role in both the physical and spiritual realms.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:There are other accounts that indicate that we today, right now, would consider portals.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Let's look at.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:I mentioned this in the opening.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Jacob's Ladder.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:That's a portal of divine connection.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau: Genesis: Pastor Bob Thibodeau:He had a dream which he saw a stairway resting on the earth with his top reaching to heaven.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:And the angels of God were ascending and descending on it.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Jacob's dream at Bethel is one of the clearest examples of a portal in scripture.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:In this vision, Jacob sees a stairway connecting dimension three to heaven.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Dimension one.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Angels are ascending and descending the ladder, symbolizing the continuous interaction between God's realm and humanity.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:This portal appears in a pivotal moment of Jacob's life.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Fleeing from Esau, facing an uncertain future, Jacob receives the reassurance of God's covenant promises.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:God speaks to Jacob from the top of the ladder, affirming his plan to bless Jacob with descendants and establish them in the land.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Amen.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:And this interaction highlights the purpose of portals to bridge that gap between dimensions and delivered God's guidance and reassurance.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:The stairway also symbolizes Jesus Christ as the ultimate bridge between dimensions.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:In John 1, verse 51, I think it is, Jesus says, very truly, I tell you, you will see what heaven open and the angels of God ascending and descending on the Son of Man.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:This statement connects Jacob's vision to Jesus role as the mediator between God and humanity.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:The ultimate portal, Praise God, through which salvation is made possible.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Portals like Jacob's ladder remind us that God is not off in the distant and can't be touched or approached.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:He is actively engaged with his creation, ensuring his promises and his purposes are fulfilled.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Amen.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:They also affirm that the spiritual and physical realms are intricately linked with divine interventions often guiding the course of human history.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Amen.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Don't shout me down, I'm preaching.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Good shout.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Amen.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Somebody, somewhere.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Glory to God.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Let me know you're out there.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Praise God.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:The burning bush, that's another one of God's manifest presence, right?
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Exodus 3, where the angel of the Lord appeared to him in flames of fire within a bush bush.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Moses saw that through that though the bush was not on fire, it never burned up.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:The burning bush is a striking example of a portal where God's presence intersects with the physical realm.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Moses, just tending sheep out in the wilderness, came across this bush that burned without being consumed.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:That's the presence of God.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:The supernatural phenomenon captured Moses attention, drawing him closer to God.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Amen.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:And through the bush, God speaks directly to Moses, revealing his plan to deliver Israel from Egypt and commissioning Moses as the leader of this mission.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:The bush served as a physical manifestation of God's presence on the earth in dimension three, bridging that gap between dimension one and dimension three, heaven and earth.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:The fire, often symbolic of God's holiness and power, reflects the intensity of his presence.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Yet the bush's preservation demonstrated his control and grace.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:This event highlights the dual nature of portals.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:They reveal God's transcendent glory while making his presence accessible to humanity.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Glory to God.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:I'm.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:I'm preaching myself happy.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:I don't know about you, but I'm preaching myself happy right now.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:The burning bush.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Hallelujah.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Also emphasize the sanctity of portals.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:God instructs Moses to what?
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Remove your shoes, take off your sandals, because this ground is holy.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:That underscores the encounters with God through portals are not casual, but actual sacred moments that require reverence.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:This event sets a precedent for how God uses portals to communicate his will and to empower his people.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:The burning bush reminds us God is both near and holy, actively working within the physical realm to fulfill his purposes.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:And I love this next example I'm going to share.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Oh, it's very clear, if you're willing to accept it.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Of Isaiah Of Isaiah seeing a portal open up.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:It's Isaiah's vision of God's throne that we opened with Isaiah, chapter 6, verse 1.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:In the year that King Uzziah died, I saw the Lord high exalted, seated on a throne, and the train of his robe filled the temple.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Isaiah's vision of God's throne room offers a profound glimpse into dimension one.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:In a moment of divine revelation, Isaiah seeing the Lord in His glory, surrounded by seraphim, proclaiming holy, holy, holy is the Lord God Almighty.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:The whole earth is full of his glory.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:This one vision is more than a glimpse into heaven.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:It's the portal to which Isaiah experiences the majesty and holiness of God.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:The temple setting symbolizes the intersection of heaven and earth, where God's presence dwells among his people.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:This portal serves to commission Isaiah as a prophet, purging his sin, empowering him to deliver God's messages.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Isaiah vision underscores the purpose of portals as moments of transformation.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Encouring God through a portal reveals his holiness and his glory while exposing human inadequacy.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Isaiah's response woe to me, I am ruined.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:I am dead.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Reflects the impact of encountering the perfect divine in our sinful states.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:This event also highlights the accessibility of God's presence through portals.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:While dimension one is distinct and holy and pure, God occasionally opens his boundaries to communicate his will.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Isaiah's vision reminds us that God's glory transcends dimensions, that his interactions with humanity are purposeful and redemptive.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Now the Bible offers a profound narrative of God's creation and constant interaction with humanity, revealing the existence of dimensions and Portals that bridge these realms from the very beginning.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:In Genesis, we see God's creating dimension three, Earth, where we live right now, as the physical realm for humanity, intricately designed and sustained by his power.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:The creation of these boundaries, light, darkness, land and sea, hints at the distinct separation of dimensions, yet also their potential for interaction through Scripture.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Portals serve as divine intersections between the physical and the spiritual realms.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Jacob's ladder, the burning bush, Isaiah's vision of God's throne, all provide vivid examples of these gateways, demonstrating God's active engagement with his creation.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:These portals are not random occurrences, but intentional moments where God reveals his glory, communicates his will, fulfills his redemptive purposes.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Now, we've also discussed the reality of dimensional boundaries for spiritual beings.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Satan's fall from heaven to earth, one example, kicked out of dimension one, cast down into dimension three.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Think about that.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:That's why darkness was on the face of the day.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:This was where he was cast out of.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Jesus talked about, I.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:I watched as Satan was cast out of heaven like a bolt of lightning down to the earth.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Think about that.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:He was stuck here, him and his demons, and there was nothing.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:It was just an empty dimension.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Think about it.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:It wasn't, you know, he was cast down to the earth and was swimming around in the waters and all this stuff to land.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:No, there was nothing here.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:He was cast into a dimension of nothing, nothing.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Think about that.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Don't shut me down.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:I'm preaching.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Good.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Think about it right now.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:What happened then?
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:He was cast down here into dimension three.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Now, I guess you could say at the time, there was only two dimensions.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Heaven and then here.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Okay, at the time, I'm like, I'm labeling how they are right now, as far as this is how I am.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Brother Bob's mind, as simple as it may be, that's how I have these things separated.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Dimension one's heaven, Dimension two was paradise.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Dimension two is no longer in existence.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:We bypass that.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Dimension three is where we live.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Dimension four is where the demons and the unrighteous are awaiting the final judgment.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Dimension 5 is the final judgment.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Okay?
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:That's how, just how I have things, these things separated in my mind.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:That's why I'm sharing it like this with you.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:All right, but what am I trying to point here?
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Dimension one is our eternal home, our eternal destination for those who place their faith in Jesus.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:The existence of these dimensions and portals underscores a profile.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Truth.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:God is near.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:He's actively working to guide and transform and redeem his people.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:The choices we make here in dimension Three have eternal significance and determining whether we will dwell in God's presence forever or face eternal separation.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Now, we are going to continue this study next time because I am going to be talking about the purposes of these dimensions.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:We are going to be talking about the permanency of these dimensions.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:And as we do that, I just want you to stop and think about the story that we talked about in the beginning with Lazarus and the rich man, alright?
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Both die.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:The angels escort Lazarus up into dimension two.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:The rich man taken down to dimension number four.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:What does the Bible say in torment?
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Why torment?
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Well, now, one, you know, you read the scripture and it, it alludes to the fire of torment and all that, but.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:And we're going to study this next time, the true torment.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Everyone awaiting judgment can look up and see dimension one.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:At this time they could only look up and see dimension two.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:And the rich man looks up and sees Lazarus with Abraham and others in Dimension 2.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:And he knows he missed it.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:He missed it.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:And to this day, Those in Dimension 2 who died without receiving Jesus as savior look up and realize they missed it.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:That is the beginning of torment, an eternal torment.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:They know they have no shot at ever achieving what they can look at on an eternal basis.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:At the same time, in this scripture that we're talking about, we see that interaction between the two.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:And he says, send Lazarus here.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Just put a drop of water on my tongue for I'm in torment here.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:And he says, we can't get to you and you can't get to us.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:There is no inner travel unless God initiates it.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:But this is the permanency now of these dimensions, folks.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:They're real, forever tormented, knowing I could have been there.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:And they'll replay in their mind every opportunity they had to repent of their sins and receive Jesus as their savior.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:All the people that witnessed to them along their path of life and they made fun of them, rejected them, and they know now it's permanent.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Those in Dimension 2 can look down and see their loved ones knowing they can't do anything for them.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Which is one of the reasons we'll get into this next time.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Why when everything's all wrapped up.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Now let me back up.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:I misspoke there for a second.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:I said Those in Dimension 2 right now, Dimension 2 no longer exists right now, okay?
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:That Dimension 2 was when Jesus was still on this earth.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:After his resurrection, he emptied dimension two.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Everyone's now in dimension one and dimension two has been wrapped up and it's no longer in existence.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Okay?
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:So now presently we have dimension 1, 3, 4 and 5.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Let me just clear that up before I mess it up, okay?
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Because paradise no longer exists.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Once we die here and we are born again, we are with Jesus Christ immediately in heaven.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:And where is he at?
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:You know, it's not in dimension two.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:He's in dimension one.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:He's in heaven, seated at the right hand side of God at the throne.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:And the Bible promises us when we die, we are with Him.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Amen.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Praise God.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Don't shut me down.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:I'm preaching good glory to God.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:But the point I'm trying to make here now, Those in Dimension 4 see Forever what they missed.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:They can no longer communicate back and forth like they did between four and two.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Because now we're up in heaven.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:We.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:I don't know.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:I know the Bible says that God will erase all tears from our eyes when we're there.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:And I believe that is he's going to make it impossible for us to see the torment of dimension five after the judgment.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Because how would you like to go through eternity constantly looking at your loved ones suffer?
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:So that's why God has to do that.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:He's going to wipe all tears away.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:He does that by blocking our memory of anything that has to do with anybody that was lost.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Because for us, the only reality at that time is going to be heaven forevermore.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:And that promise is made to us.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:That promise is made to us.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Whether we accept it or not is an individual choice.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Amen.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Now the good news is the Bible, it says God made a way for us to bypass the torment of dimension four and eternal separation in dimension five.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Through Christ Jesus, we are offered direct access.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Direct access to Dimension 1 now where we will live in eternal joy, free from sorrow, pain and death.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Jesus himself declared, I am the way and the truth and the life.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:And no one comes to the Father.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Where's the father at Dimension 1, no one comes to the Father except through me.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:What does that symbolize?
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Through me means a portal.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:From what we've been talking about, Jesus is the portal to heaven.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Nobody can get into heaven any other way but through Jesus.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:God's love for you is so great.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:He sent his son.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:He physically not only went back in Genesis 1, he became the light that entered our dimension.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:He physically took on the role of a human being through Christ Jesus to take the punishment for your sins.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:My sins?
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:To bridge the gap between our broken dimension and his perfect one.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Romans 10, verse 9 says, if you declare with your mouth Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the Dead, you will be saved.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Because that's where Jesus went.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:He went down into dimension four.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Some believe he even went down into dimension five.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:I don't know for sure.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:I know he paid the eternal price those three days in hell.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:But the point I'm trying to make is he paid the price.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:He paid the price.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:You don't have to.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Today you have the opportunity to accept this gift of salvation just by placing your faith in Jesus, just by doing that, your sins are forgiven, your spirit is made brand new, ensuring that at the moment of your death, you are ushered immediately into God's presence in heaven.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:2 Corinthians, 5, 8.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Amen.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:If you feel the Holy Spirit prompting your heart right now, don't wait.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Don't wait.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:This is the time.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Just pray this simple prayer with me right now.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Heavenly Father, I come to you acknowledging my need for a Savior.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:I believe Jesus died for my sins and rose again.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:He died to forgive me of my sins and give me eternal life.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:I accept you, Jesus, as my Lord and as my Savior.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:And I surrender my life to you.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Thank you for your love.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Thank you for your forgiveness.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Thank you for doing this for me and thank you for the promise of all eternity with you.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:In the presence of our Heavenly Father and Father, I give you honor and glory and praise in Jesus name, Amen.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:And Amen.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Praise God.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:If you pray that prayer, email me@brotherbobtfm.org let me know.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Amen.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Next time we're going to continue this study, okay?
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Next time we're going to explore Satan's fall from Dimension 1, Heaven, down to Dimension 3, Earth, and the boundaries that were placed on his access to all these other realms.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Oh, this is interesting.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:This is something I've been thinking about for, gosh, six months.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:And I've been studying this out and I was moved upon by the Lord to go ahead and share this with you.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:So that's what we're doing.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Praise God.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Hallelujah.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:We're going to dive into how his rebellion, how Satan's rebellion shaped the spiritual battle in our dominion dimension.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Right now we're going to examine his temporary activities in dimensions three and dimension four.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:And then we're going to uncover the ultimate fate awaiting him in Dimension 5.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:And unfortunately, it's not just going to be for him.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Amen.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Which is why you need to go back, rewind this recording here and pray that prayer again.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Amen.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Glory to God.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:This studies, folks.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:I believe this study will deepen our understanding of God's justice, Satan's limitations, and the eternal victory that's just promised to all of us believers because that's what's important.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Amen.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Glory to God.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:That's all the time we have for today.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Let's see if I can get this going here.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Here we go.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Amen.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:It's all the time we have for today.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Till next time, it's Pastor by reminding you, be blessed.
Pastor Robert Thibodeau:You have just heard a message of encouragement from anointed pastor and teacher Robert Thibodal with Freedom Through Faith Ministries in Baltimore, Maryland.
Pastor Robert Thibodeau:For more information on the Freedom Through Faith Ministries or to invite Pastor Thibodal to your church, please Visit our website, www.ftfm.org.
Pastor Robert Thibodeau:that's FTFM for Freedom Through Faith Ministries.
Pastor Robert Thibodeau:Again, that's ftfm.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Org.
Pastor Robert Thibodeau:Until next time.
Pastor Robert Thibodeau:When we gather together around the Word of God, be blessed and remember, we serve an awesome God.