Episode 710
Online Ministry Through Instagram – Gloria Hass pt 2
Online Ministry Through Instagram
Gloria Hass pt 2
In this day and time, we all know how social media has taken over the daily lives of so many people. This is especially true for anyone probably less than the age of about 30 or so (although many people twice that age are on social media as well today – me included)!
But when it comes to online ministry, it seems the focus is on the major social media platforms. Facebook and LinkedIn. Some on Twitter. But very few are actually making strides on Instagram.
Well, my guest today has made Instagram ministry her specialty. Gloria Hass has made great strides in using Instagram to reach out to people that most ministries are not attempting to reach. They just do not know how to effectively use the Instagram platform for ministry.
Gloria is a former traveling evangelist and street evangelist. For the last 7 years, she has been helping a ministry to serve orphans and teaching them the Word of God to bring them to spiritual maturity.
You used to be a traveling evangelist. Traveling in an RV. How long ago was that and how did you get started in that very difficult ministry field?
How long did you do that?
And was that in conjunction with the street evangelism?
What kind of street evangelism did you do? I know some that do little “shows” for kids and some that do magic tricks while preaching the Gospel. What did you do to get the attention of the people?
Tell me how you got involved with Instagram instead of one of the other social media platforms?
And you do this daily?
Is Instagram just images and graphics? Or can you do posts with commentary, videos, etc?
You host giveaways on Instagram. What kind of giveaways do you do and what do you “give away?”
Where do you get the items for the giveaway?
Tell me about the orphanage you help out…
How many of those do you usually have to crochet?
This sounds like an awesome ministry, Gloria. If someone wanted to get in touch with you, to ask a question or maybe to send some financial support, how can they do that? How can they get in touch with you?
Folks, here is a unique ministry opportunity for you. We all know dozens of ministries that are on other platforms. They, me and we, all are fighting for space and recognition on Facebook, and Twitter and LinkedIn, etc.
But here is Gloria Hass, who has carved out a spot for her ministry on Instagram! Praise God! And she is making an impact on that platform! Amen!
If there is any way you can reach out to her, let you know you appreciate her efforts, please do so. Go down below and click the link. Subscribe or Follow her on Instagram. Share her posts and let’s turn her ministry into a viral Instagram account! Amen!
And if there is any way you could possibly send along a financial offering to help her out, I know she would greatly appreciate it as well. Who knows, she may just crochet you a prayer cloth for sending in a donation! Praise God. (I’m not committing her to that – I’m just saying…if you can, please send her a financial offering). Amen.
Email: hjwghm@gmail.com
Website: https://gloriahassblog.wordpress.com
Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/ghministries1/
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