Episode 1210
The Kingdom of God is at Hand - Richard Ruhling
The Kingdom of God is at Hand
Dr Richard Ruhling
As we prepare to enter 2023, this world is facing problems and circumstances we have never seen on a scale like we are now. Not just crime and despots running countries or corruption at the highest levels of governments. But spiritually speaking, especially here in the United States, we are drifting as far AWAY from God as we can get and doing so at a faster pace than ever before.
The Bible is clear in Matthew 24:37-40, “As it was in the days of Noah, so will it be at the coming of the Son of Man. For in the days before the flood, people were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, up to the day Noah entered the ark. And they were oblivious, until the flood came and swept them all away. So will it be at the coming of the Son of Man.… And they were oblivious, until the flood came and swept them all away. So will it be at the coming of the Son of Man…”
We are living in those days right now. Everyone is oblivious to what the Bible says, what it means and they definitely are not concerned with the soon return of Jesus!
Well, to help clarify this topic and prayerfully touch the hearts of someone somewhere today with the Truth of the Bible, our good friend, Dr. Richard Ruhling is back to discuss this scripture, as well as some others with us, about just how close we truly are to what the Bible calls, “the end time.”
Praise God, help me welcome back to the program, Dr. Richard Ruhling. Dr Ruhling, it is indeed a blessing to have you back on the program today!
You have been sharing the message of the wedding parables and other scriptures for a number of years. Have you noticed our culture – and more importantly – how many of the churches and church going members, professed “Christians,” are ignoring the warning signs? I mean, Mark 1:15 is very clear in its message, “The time is fulfilled and the Kingdom of God is at hand; REPENT and believe the Gospel.” You share that each of these phrases is applicable to us today, right?
Let’s talk for a minute about the Kingdom of God. Share with us what you have found from Paul’s letter in First Corinthians 10, verses 1-11, as Exodus being an example for us… I mean, even Jesus said He did not come to do away with the Law, but to fulfill the Law. The Old Testament is just as relevant for us today as it was back then, right?
The Bible says, “Out of the mouth of two or three witnesses, let every word be established.” Can you give us a couple of reasons why you think this will be different this time?
You know, every time I have you on, I have to go back to the Wedding Parables. You have such a key Spiritual insight into this teaching. Is what we just talked about reflected in the Wedding Parables?
Jesus gave His disciples a warning about the “leaven of the Pharisees.” Can you give us a couple of examples of unleavened or inappropriate teachings or doctrines today?
You have found a couple of examples in the Book of the Revelation that supports your ideas here, right?
One thing that I know God has promised, from Amos 3:7, He said He would not DO anything without first revealing it to his prophets – and therefor – His people. I believe he is using you, and others, to try and prepare His Bride for what is about to happen.
How can our listeners prepare now for what you see as coming soon? And where in the Bible can you point to in order to support this concept?
Dr. Ruhling, as we get ready to close, I know you released a book detailing some horrific things about to happen in 2023. I’m speaking, of course, about your book, “MegaQuake 2023.” Are there any signs you can point to that this is still building to a “MegaQuake” in the coming year?
How can someone obtain a copy of your book, “MegaQuake 2023?” Is it on Amazon?
Dr. Ruhling this has been, again, so interesting. I could talk to you for hours. If someone wanted to get in touch with you, maybe to ask a question or perhaps do an interview such as this, how can they do that? How can they get in touch with you?
I’ll put links to all this in the show notes below.
Folks, as always, Dr. Ruhling is leaving us with some serious things we need to think and pray about. If you or your loved ones are not right with God, there is not much time left. You need to pray and enter into that place where you are in fellowship with Him. Time is running out. We can see it happening right before our very eyes! Amen!
I also encourage you to drop down into the show notes and click the links there to get in touch with Dr. Ruhling and be sure to order your copy of “MegaQuake 2023.” Get it, read it, preach it! Praise God. And order “The Earthquake and the Seven Seals,” as well.
Email: ruhling7@juno.com
Website: thebridegroomcoms.wordpress.com
Book: “From Lockdown to Knockdown – The Fall of America” – on Amazon
Book: “Mega-Quake 2023” – on Amazon
Book: “The Earthquake and the Seven Seals” – on Amazon
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