Episode 958
The Peacemaker’s Path – Jerry Zehr pt 2
The Peacemaker’s Path
Jerry Zehr pt 2
We see division all around us today. We are divided politically, socially, racially, economically. We are divided religiously as well. Even Christians are divided amongst ourselves in various denominations. And even denominations are divided. You have, for example, the Baptists, the Southern Baptists, Reformed Baptists, Independent Baptists – I could go on and on.
The point being, with all of this division going on, is there any wonder we are seeing the turmoil in our society? We need to come together around commonality. We need to come together in unity.
In order to do that, we must begin to TALK with each other, commune with each other and try to understand each other on a deeper level than just what divides us.
My guest today has been on the front lines of doing just that.
Jerry Zehr has served as a pastor and leader in interfaith ministries for over 30 years and has helped in creating four interfaith organizations. He is the author of the book, “The Peacemakers Path: Multi-Faith Reflections to Deepen Your Spirituality”
Why do you believe there is such division and polarization between different religions today?
You also wrote a book titled, “Blurring the Lines” that shares about your time working in the entertainment industry. How did that book and what you shared in “Blurring the Lines,” shape what you are doing today and develop the content of your book, “The Peacemaker’s Path?”
How did you begin the process of building the bridge amongst the other Faith leaders of various Faiths?
Have you experienced any criticism from other pastors and ministers, Christian or otherwise, for the work you are doing in trying to bring together mutual understanding through your inter-faith work?
Why do you think some people claim to be “spiritual” but not “religious?”
Jerry this is all so interesting. I know God wants us to get along with all people. I believe He is blessing the work you are doing to accomplish that.
I mentioned in the opening that you appeared on the “Johnny Carson Show.” How did that happen?
How can someone obtain a copy of your book, “The Peacemakers Path: Multi-Faith Reflections to Deepen Your Spirituality?” Is it available on Amazon?
What about your book, “Blurring the Lines?”
If someone has a question or wants more information, or possibly wants to do an interview such as this? How can they do that? How can they get in touch with you?
Folks, there is no doubt that the devil is doing his best to destroy our society today. And one of the main tactics he employs is division. You can see it every single night on the news. Jerry Zehr is doing his best to bridge those walls of division, mistrust, etc. in bringing together people of different backgrounds, different beliefs and different faiths. He is not doing this to magnify the differences, but to accentuate the commonalities, traits where we are alike. Amen!
That is what this is all about, especially in this day and time in which we live. We need more of this and we need more organizations to embrace the work Jerry and others like him are doing. I highly encourage you to go down into the show notes below, click the links and get in touch with Jerry Zeher. Ask your questions – but more importantly, order your books!
I believe this is one book you definitely need to add to your reading collection. In fact, order TWO BOOKS! One for you to read and one to pass out to someone you know whom you believe would be blessed by it. That’s right, order two or more copies and be a sower. Be a blessing to someone else today! Amen!
Email: jerryzehr1@gmail.com
Website: http://www.jerryzehr.com
Book: “The Peacemakers Path: Multi-Faith Reflections to Deepen Your Spirituality” - on Amazon
Book: “Blurring the Lines” – on Amazon
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