Episode 1297
The Plans He Has for Me - Rose Ann Forte pt 2
The Plans He Has for Me
Rose Ann Forte pt 2
Alcohol is something that will make you do things you thought you would never do; take you places you thought you would never go and then keep you there longer than you thought you would stay…
I know. I was a functioning alcoholic for about 25 years. But for God and His deliverance. It’s now been over 30 years of living a great life alcohol free. Praise God.
Our guest today has also struggled with alcohol and found herself in a place where she did not want to be. But for God and His deliverance. Amen!
Rose Ann Forte was a “C Suite Executive” and a ministry leader in her church. She was also a working mom and had the casual social drink along the way. But over the years, the problems of a difficult marriage and stresses of life caused her health and emotional wellbeing to be challenged. After the collapse of her marriage, her drinking further escalated and she felt like a fraud at church. But, during the COVID lockdowns, she realized what was happening, and what alcohol had stolen from her life and decided to make a change, with God’s help. Amen!
Rose accepted a call to document what she learned and is the author of “The Plans He Has for Me: A Twelve Week Daily Devotional for Freedom from Alcohol,” which is available on Amazon. She also has a coaching program to help you titled, “Say Goodbye to Alcohol Coaching Program.” She is also a podcaster! Praise God! Her podcast is called, “Say Goodbye and Imagine!”
This is part two of an amazing interview!Did your friends question “why” you quit drinking? Did they try to get you to “just have one drink with me…?”
I’ve them say, “Well, will it bother you if I have a drink?” My response was “No, that’s not going to bother me at all. That’s between you and God.” You should see the look I got…
Have you ever the urge to go back and have “just one drink?” Maybe in a situation, out to dinner or something?
Let’s talk about your book, “The Plans He Has for Me: A Twelve Week Daily Devotional for Freedom from Alcohol,”Why did you write this book?
Why twelve weeks? Why not six weeks or eight weeks?
You also help people with your coaching program now. Does this program follow the book?
Rose, in the few minutes we have left, share a little bit about your podcast, “Say Goodbye and Imagine,” with us?
What kind of format is your podcast? Interviews, teaching, testimonies?
Rose, this is all so interesting. I want to say “Thank You” for all that you do to help those addicted to alcohol. Many are not aware they are addicted and we need to pray for God’s revelation to come to them. How can someone order a copy of your book, “The Plans He Has for Me: A Twelve Week Daily Devotional for Freedom from Alcohol”? Is it on Amazon?
If someone wanted to reach out to you, get more information, to ask a question or maybe do an interview such as this, how can they do that? How can they get in touch with you?
Folks, the problem is out there – all the time. The temptation is there – all the time. It’s been 30 years since I quit drinking. But I drank a lifetime of alcohol in those 25 years I was drinking. Just because you quit today does not mean there is no further temptations for “just one taste. I know for me, if I were to just take that one sip… “One would not be enough and two would be too many.”
That’s me…
I urge you, drop down into the show notes and reach out to Rose Ann Forte, right now. Right NOW, while you are thinking about it. Just take that very first step and she will be able to provide you with information on the second step. And the third step.
If you don’t want to go all in on the coaching, order her book. Put the information in your hands right now! Amen! You need to get this book! If not for yourself, I know… I KNOW – you know someone who needs this information. Amen!
Order two or three copies. Provide one to your church or your pastor. He can use it as a resource when he is providing counseling to someone in this area. Amen!
Be that type of Blessing to others! Even other you may never meet!
But if we have hit a nerve today and you feel like the Holy Spirit has been talking to YOU… I urge you to take that next step and get in touch with Rose Ann Forte today. Amen!
Email: roseann@theplanshehasforme.com
Website: https://theplanshehasforme.com
Book: “The Plans He Has for Me: A Twelve Week Daily Devotional for Freedom from Alcohol” – on Amazon
Podcast: “Say Goodbye and Imagine”
Coaching Program: https://theplanshehasforme.com/coaching/
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