Episode 1206
Where is the Light of God - Tom Donnan pt 1
Where is the Light of God
Tom Donnan pt 1
Tom Donnan is back and we are so blessed to have him here with us. Every time Tom comes on to discuss current events in relation to Bible Prophecy of the end days, we are always amazed at how close we really are to the soon return of Jesus. Amen!
Help me welcome back to the program, our good friend, Tom Donnan! Tom, thank you for coming back on, brother! I’ve been looking forward to catching up with you. Amen!
We have a lot to talk about today, so I just want to dive right in to it. You had a dream that you shared with us before. In this dream, the ground is breaking up, houses are sinking and things like that. Recently, you were shown something by God that said, we are now entering the “next phase.” Can you share with us more on this dream and the new phase?
Could this be a dry run to allow our enemy to see what would happen?
I’ve been preaching for a few years now on why the United States is not a major player in the end times. The scenario I have been sharing is now being set up to come to pass. Which is why Russia would invade Israel, with the help of Iran and supported by China – and the USA does not respond. Here is my thinking on this: Israel has discovered oil and has entered into an agreement that in the year or so, they will be sending oil to Europe so they don’t have to buy oil from Russia anymore. This will hurt Russia even more than they are impacted by sanctions. Which results in the Ezekiel 38 war and invasion of Israel. But, to stop America from rushing to aid Israel, I believe an EMP nuclear device will be exploded over America. Experts say that, if that happens, the entire electric grid will disabled for between 2-3 years. That means EVERYTHING is gone. We are living in the 1800’s immediately. No food, no cars, no water through the pipes. Nothing. No ATM’s. No banks. No money. What do you see happening along this line?
Warning About Electricity | Perry Stone - YouTube
Crime has been getting out of control. So much so, have you seen some businesses in Philadelphia hire armed guards to protect his business. Not just regular security guards either. Did you see that?
Did you hear the idea of limiting traffic in Oxford, England? It sounds like something California may adopt.
And So It Begins… (CO2 Travel Restrictions Are HERE) - YouTube
Speaking of England and Europe, did you see the recent news from the CERN collider. Can you share a little about that?
Is This The End Of NATO, EU and Globalization? - YouTube
Tom Donnan
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