Episode 1207
Where is the Light of God – Tom Donnan pt 2
Where is the Light of God
Tom Donnan pt 2
Tom Donnan is back and we are so blessed to have him here with us. Every time Tom comes on to discuss current events in relation to Bible Prophecy of the end days, we are always amazed at how close we really are to the soon return of Jesus. Amen!
Help me welcome back to the program, our good friend, Tom Donnan! Tom, thank you for coming back on, brother! I’ve been looking forward to catching up with you. Amen!
This is part two of our great, two part interview, with Tom Donnan on this subject!Did you see the recent report of how NATO may be reorganizing into, what could be described, as the first steps to the “revived Roman Empire” as discussed in the Bible to happen at the end of days?
Is This The End Of NATO, EU and Globalization? - YouTube
This all relates to how governments are trying to control their populace. We’ve discussed how the COVID thing was, in addition to the medical concerns, a practice run for the government to train us in how to obey when commanded, basically. It all relates to control. Did you see recently the issues with Tik Tok. China is not only trying to control their own populace, but want to influence our people and spy on us through Tik Tok. I know our Governor, in Maryland, is one of many Governors that have said no state employee can have Tik Tok on their state issued phones or computers. Have you seen any of this?
Gov. Abbott: TikTok 'poses a danger' in America - YouTube
We talked about transhumanism before. We shared information that discussed by Pastor Jimmy Evans on this topic. But now, seems like it might be closer than anyone thought possible. It’s basically playing God – and I don’t think God will appreciate this – which could lead to very serious ramifications. What do you think?
Covid 19: The Plandemic | Tipping Point | End Times Teaching | Jimmy Evans - YouTube
I recently watched a YouTube video that discussed a minor step in that direction using a Neuro-link. Did you see information on that as well? https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=rlqS-kd9kmA
Did you see the YouTube video by Carol Arnott on the “banquet hall of heaven?”
What I Saw in Heaven's Banquet Hall Shocked Me! - YouTube
You recently went on a cruise. Share with us some of the things you experienced on this cruise and how it relates to what we’ve been discussing today about the apathy of the current society?
Despite all of these things, we still are not finished with our work here on this earth. In fact, God is still preparing and raising up leaders to fight the good fight of faith. I believe one is Governor DeSantis in Florida. What do you think?
DeSantis calls for grand jury to investigate COVID-19 vaccine wrongdoing - YouTube
Tom, this has all been fascinating. If someone wanted to reach out to you, to ask a question or maybe do an interview like this, how can they do that? How can someone get in touch with you?
I’ll put links to all of this in the show notes below.
Folks, as we wrap our discussion with Tom Donnan today, I want to emphasize, we are not doing this to instill fear, but hope. Hope in the Jesus. Hope in the Word. Hope that unbelievers do not have and are incapable of having – UNLESS they become a believer in the Lord Jesus Christ and what He has accomplished for us.
If that’s you today… if you have a desire to have that type of HOPE, Tom can you lead that person in a prayer that will help them to receive this HOPE through Christ?
If you prayed that prayer, get in touch with Tom. Email me, too. I would love to hear your testimony. Amen!
Tom, I do appreciate you taking the time to come back on and join us today. I look forward to our next interview as well. Amen!
Folks, that is all the time we have for today. For Tom Donnan and myself, this is Pastor Bob reminding you to BE BLESSED IN ALL THAT YOU DO!
Tom Donnan
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