Episode 1060
Your Marriage God’s Way – Scott LaPierre pt 3
Published on:
18th March, 2022
Your Marriage God’s Way
Scott LaPierre pt 3
Scott LaPierre is the senior pastor of Woodland Christian Church in Woodland, Washington. In addition to his role as a pastor, he is also married and has NINE children! God Bless you! He is an author of multiple books with more to come and is also the host of “Living God’s Way” podcast. His latest book is “Your Marriage God’s Way: A Biblical Guide to a Christ-Centered Relationship,” available through Harvest House Publishers… Today is the conclusion of what turned out to be a great, three part interview! Something that you always hear, mainly young people today, but it could be anyone, is “I’m in love…” You dedicate an entire chapter in your book to “What is Love?” Share a bit about that with us… We are here, talking with Pastor Scott LaPierre, author of the great book, “Your Marriage God’s Way: A Biblical Guide to a Christ-Centered Relationship.” In your book, you also address the, let’s say, controversial topic (at least until you explain it), and actually, there are two of them… So I’ll just ripple off two rounds back up to provide covering fire for you as you explain “A woman’s greater beauty” and then, right after that, “The Bibles’ “perfect” Wife.” How can a marriage that, let’s just say, has a shaky foundation because of a weak or even almost non-existent relationship with Christ… how can a couple strengthen that foundation when the marriage may have actually started separate from Christ? What, and I know what the “Biblical” answer is, but in your book, how do you approach the subject where one or the other spouse may not have the same level of Faith in Christ the firmly believing spouse may have. How does that impact the marriage and how can the faith filled spouse try to carry the load and help the other to come around to that position of faith? Well, Pastor Scott, this has been a fascinating talk. I just love this book and I’d love to have you come back on again in the future and share about other books you’ve written. If someone wanted to obtain a copy of your book, “Your Marriage God’s Way: A Biblical Guide to a Christ Centered Marriage,” how can they do that? Is it on Amazon? You also have a work book that goes right along with this book, correct? So they can obtain both at the same time when they order on Amazon or from whatever book retailer they usually use? Folks, Pastor Scott LaPierre has poured his heart and the Love of Christ into this book in order to bless YOU – in YOUR marriage. What he has written is nothing new. It’s been discussed in the Bible for thousands of years. But his insight, his studies, his time in the Word, has provided a unique, compelling and a very clear understanding of Biblical marriage that most people have not been told about. I highly encourage you to obtain this book, “Your Marriage God’s Way: A Biblical Guide to a Christ Centered Marriage,”and the workbook that goes with it! Even if you’ve been married for years or if you are just contemplating marriage. This book and work book will make your marriage better. It will make it safer and more secure from the wiles of the devil and you and your family will be blessed. Just drop down into the show notes and order your copies today. If you are doing marriage counseling, I would highly, highly recommend this book and workbook to be part of the pre-marriage counseling or even the marriage counseling in trying to repair a broken marriage. That is how powerful this book is. Amen!CONTACT INFORMATION:
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