Episode 559
Increasing Knowledge and Signs of the Times – Tom Donnan
Increasing Knowledge and Signs of the Times – Tom Donnan
Tom Donnan had an encounter with God when he died in an ambulance after a “widow maker” heart attack. He had an encounter with God & then he was back! He has been fulfilling that calling ever since. In this series of interviews, we discuss many events happening right now that are possible indications of “The End Times.”
Tom has the unique insight to identify interesting phenomenon that is occurring around the world and compares it to signs of the End Times. Most of the things he shares with us is not being covered by the news.
Help me welcome back to the program, Tom Donnan! Tom, thanks for coming back on the program today!
Now, for the benefit of those listeners who may not have heard any of our prior interviews, briefly tell us, “Who is Tom Donnan?”
Now, the scripture tells us, in Daniel 12:4, that in the last days, “Knowledge shall increase.” Some people say that knowledge has always been increasing. It’s impossible for knowledge NOT to increase.
But the really big news in this area, is not that knowledge is only increasing, it is the intensity of the increase. In his 1992 book, “Critical Path,” R. Buckminster Fuller estimated that up until 1900, human knowledge doubled approximately every 100 years.
According to his (and other research pretty much confirms these estimates as well), by 1945, knowledge doubled every 25 years. Then by 1982, it was doubling about every 12-13 months. We can credit the development and wide availability of the computer for helping in that. But, here is the kicker…IBM now estimates, that by 2020, just a few months from now, the amount of knowledge that we, as human beings have access to, will double – not get this – every 12 hours!
Think about that!
Every single day, knowledge basically squares itself. So if we had X amount of knowledge right now. In 12 hours, it is 2x. Tomorrow morning, it is 4x and the next day it is 8x. By the end of the week, it is 64 times what we started the day with one week ago.
I do believe this is the fulfilling times of Daniel 12:4. And if that is so, we are definitely living on the edge of Jesus’ soon return. It is a clear fulfillment of the times in which we live.
Now, before I get into some of the news items I want to get your opinion on. To add credence to what I just said, I have discovered some statistics that will also back up what we just talked about.
In 2018, these are the the things that happened on the Internet. Let me give them to you and then you take a guess as to the time frame we are talking about.
973K Facebook log ons
18 million text messages
4.3 million video views on YouTube
375,000 apps downloaded on Apple
174,000 Instagram messages
481,000 Twitter messages
- million swipes on Tinder
187 million emails sent
$862,000 spent online
266,000 hours spent watching on Netflix
3.7 million Google searches.
Those numbers were all accomplished…every single one of them simultaneously done – IN ONE MINUTE OF TIME (on average)!
“Signs in the sky” is also one of the prophetic events that signifies the end times. And that is what we will talk about today.
First up, let’s talk about two asteroids that were recently in the news. One was a near miss. Passing so close to the earth, basically between the moon and the earth! And we did not see it coming until just before it passed.
Did you see that report?
What about the asteroid that exploded near Puerto Rico in the daytime. Nobody knew about it until a satellite image clearly identified that it had happened. Scientist seen it coming a few days prior. But even with all of the computer software available now, they still could not tell “where” it was headed.
Same story but from Fox News.
Now, here is an interesting topic. 99 years ago, Einstein released his theory on relativity. He theorized that there were, basically, waves in space. Caused by variations in the gravitational fields of black holes and massive objects in space. For years, scientists had people lined up on both sides. Some agreed, many did not.
But did you see the recent report that they have developed a way to detect those gravitational fields – and have! Proving Einstein was right all along?
Gravitational wave detectors, secular view of origin of universe,
One of the most recognizable and large bodies in the night sky is the planet Jupiter. Scientists have been noticing the size of the Red Spot is getting smaller in diameter. Did you see that report?
Talks about Jupiter’s changing red spot with detail. From 22-28 minutes in the video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qu1XYOTYej0
Now, I want to get to this quickly, as we are about out of time. Did you see that China may have developed the ability to use Quantum Physics to develop possible communications methods that cannot be, basically, tapped?
Humanity’s Quantum Leap video:
And finally, talking one more time about freak weather phenomena…it seems like we always find at least one item to talk about every time we get together. But did you see the freak hail storm that dumped 3 feet of hail on Guadalajara, Mexico in July?
Freak Hail storm hits Mexico July 1, 2019
Tom, we could talk for hours about this. I know there is a lot more for us to discuss, but we are out of time for today. Will you come back on again soon to keep the conversation going?
If someone wanted to get in touch with you, to ask a question or maybe to do an interview such as this, how can they do that? How can they get in touch with you?
And, although we did not get a chance to talk about them today, you have some books that will be a blessing to people as well, correct?
I’ll put some links in the show notes for those as well.
Thanks, again for coming on the program today.
Folks, that is all the time we have for today. Go to the show notes below and get in touch with Tom Donnan. And be sure to get his books, available through the links below as well.
For Tom Donnan and myself, this is Pastor Bob Thibodeau reminding you to BE BLESSED IN ALL THAT YOU DO!
Chat About Jesus with people: www.chataboutjesus.com
Facebook: Healing the Nation Ministries
Email: healingthenation1776@gmail.com
Amazon:Tom Donnan Author Page
The post Increasing Knowledge and Signs of the Times – Tom Donnan appeared first on Kingdom Cross Roads Podcast.
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