Episode 1612
Unveiling the Nephilim Mystery – TS Wright
Unveiling the Nephilim Mystery
TS Wright
Today, Pastor Bob Thibodeau engages in a fascinating exploration of the Nephilim, one of the Bible's most enigmatic topics. Joined by Scott Wright, an insightful Bible scholar, the discussion dives into who the Nephilim were, their potential connections to fallen angels, and their implications for biblical prophecy and end times. The episode raises intriguing questions about the nature of evil, the impact of the Nephilim on humanity, and how they relate to the Great Flood. Scott offers his perspective on the influence of demonic forces in contemporary society, emphasizing the importance of vigilance and spiritual awareness for modern Christians. Listeners will find themselves challenged to reflect on the mysteries of scripture and the ongoing relevance of these ancient narratives in today's world.
- The Nephilim are a controversial topic in the Bible, with varying interpretations regarding their origin and significance.
- Scott Wright emphasizes the importance of understanding the Nephilim's connection to fallen angels and human beings.
- The existence of the Nephilim is tied to the Great Flood, which was God's response to rampant evil.
- Biblical passages, particularly in Genesis 6, provide insight into the nature and influence of the Nephilim.
- Understanding the Nephilim teaches modern Christians about vigilance against deception and the enemy's schemes.
- The discussion highlights that the demonic influence in the end times will likely intensify, paralleling the actions of the Nephilim.
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Welcome to the Kingdom Crossroads podcast with Pastor Bob Thibodeau.
Pastor Bob:Pastor Bob conducts personal interviews with Christian influencers from around the globe, helping Christian authors, recording artists, CEOs, entrepreneurs, nonprofit leaders, and, yes, pastors and ministry leaders to get the word out about what they are doing to impact the world with the gospel.
Pastor Bob:Our podcast has been rated in the top 1/2% of all podcasts in the world by ListenNotes.com so you know your message will be heard.
Pastor Bob:Now here is your host with today's interview, Pastor Bob Thibodeau.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Hello, everyone, everywhere.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Pastor Bob Thibodeau here.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Welcome to the Kingdom Crossroads podcast.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Today we're so blessed you're joining us.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Have you ever wondered about the hidden mysteries in the Bible?
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:The ones that make you stop and just question what you thought you knew?
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:I mean, here's an example.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Who were the Nephilim?
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Were they giants?
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Were they fallen angels?
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Or something else entirely?
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Why did their existence lead to the Great Flood?
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Could their story hold clues about what's to come in the end times?
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Well, stay tuned because in today's episode, we're going to dive deep into one of the Bible's most fascinating and controversial topics.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Amen.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Today I'm joined again by Scott Wright, author of the God Centered Concepts Journal.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Passionate Bible scholar, Scott has a deep understanding of scriptures and its mysteries, and he's here to help us unravel this enigma of the Nephilim and their role in biblical history and their connection to end times prophecy.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Amen.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:So with all that being said, help me welcome back to the program our good friend, Scott Wright.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Scott, it's a blessing to talk to you again today, buddy.
Scott Wright:Hey, great to be here and look forward to a fun, fruitful discussion.
Scott Wright:Amen.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Well, let's jump right in.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:I mean, who or what were the Nephilim and why are they such a mysterious part of biblical history?
Scott Wright:Well, the Nephilim or Nephilim are not mentioned a lot in the Bible and that's, that's part of the issue.
Scott Wright:So there's not a.
Scott Wright:It's really the way that it's written.
Scott Wright:It's assuming the reader already has a foreknowledge of all this.
Scott Wright:And you know, when you start dialing it back to our time, we're far enough away that the stories have faded in, in the stuff that wasn't written in the account of the Bible.
Scott Wright:However, there are things out there like the Book of Enoch.
Scott Wright:Even though some Bibles don't include the Book of Enoch of scripture, some do.
Scott Wright:We you can get in the Canonization of scripture, we can talk about that in 50 episodes and not cover all that.
Scott Wright:But, but here's the bottom line.
Scott Wright:These guys, what they really are, they are a descendant of the mix of fallen angels and human beings.
Scott Wright:So obviously at some point in time and period it was possible for these fallen angels, we call them demons, were able to mix with the human race.
Scott Wright:And so there was a, a way for that to happen in genetically.
Scott Wright:My guess is, is that something.
Scott Wright:And this is just kind of an interesting take on it and there's different theories out there.
Scott Wright:I'm just going to give you what I think is.
Scott Wright:I think Noah's bloodline was somehow not able to, to be able to mix with that.
Scott Wright:And that's why God chose him.
Scott Wright:He had obviously set himself apart by being faithful to God and something about his bloodline, his DNA would not mix with them, which is why he chose to save them.
Scott Wright:And so he chose to say that bloodline and then that's how he would bring about the Messiah is through that bloodline.
Scott Wright:It seems to me, and I've, like I said, I've heard different theories, but I think this is a common theme throughout the Bible in many ways.
Scott Wright:And, and I can hit on some other things this morning if I feel like the Nephilim is, is an attempt by the demonic to try to thwart God's timing and try to make things happen out of timing so it would mess up God's will to mess up the plan of the Messiah.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Amen.
Scott Wright:It always kind of feels, you know, look, sometimes, and I've heard this said, Satan is a great moralist.
Scott Wright:And, and always remember this, he's the perfect moralist.
Scott Wright:He likes to align everything in perfection to God's word except for one fact.
Scott Wright:He wants to take you away from God himself.
Scott Wright:Yeah, you know, he, he masters in the 98.
Scott Wright:2 rule.
Scott Wright:I'm gonna have 98 truth.
Scott Wright:I'm gonna make the picture be perfect.
Scott Wright:I'm gonna make all these other pieces be perfect.
Scott Wright:What I'm going to do is slightly try to remove the element of Christ out of this so I can make people feel like they're doing the right thing, but angle them away from God.
Scott Wright:Satan is perfect at that.
Scott Wright:That is, he is the master of deception.
Scott Wright:The Nephilim is a, is a.
Scott Wright:Another mastery of deception.
Scott Wright:It really is.
Scott Wright:Remember, the Devil's called the father of lies and this is a byproduct of the devil.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Well, what biblical passages specifically reference the Nephilim and how should we interpret those texts?
Scott Wright:Well, that's, that's a great.
Scott Wright:That's a great question.
Scott Wright:So I'm on here right now.
Scott Wright:I've been looking at my.
Scott Wright:My word reading in the Word obviously.
Scott Wright:And I've been.
Scott Wright:I've studied this before and forgive me, my computer's being a little weird this morning, but these guys are mentioned in Genesis 6, and if you look at the first about.
Scott Wright:It's about the first seven verses of chapter six, you're gonna find them.
Scott Wright:Talk about the Nephilim.
Scott Wright:The Nephilim were on the earth in those days, starting with verse four, and afterwards as well, when the sons of God had relations with the daughters of men and they bore them children who became the mighty men of old, men of renown.
Scott Wright:I find that fascinating.
Scott Wright:And it's funny, funny that right after that verse we get verse five.
Scott Wright:It says, then the Lord saw that the wickedness of man was great upon the earth and that every inclination of the thoughts of his heart were altogether evil all the time.
Scott Wright:So I kind of wonder.
Scott Wright:And if you read the Book of Enoch, you get a glimpse of this, that men that did not mixed with the fallen angels, that were not Nephilim, were devising schemes and everything else to fight these methods or to control them, or we're being controlled by them and influenced by them.
Scott Wright:And it's probably all of the above is the way it seems.
Scott Wright:And so it was making.
Scott Wright:It was making the situation so evil that God was like, this is not going to work.
Scott Wright:This does not fit the plan.
Scott Wright:And if I let this continue, then bringing about the Messiah is not going to bring about what my desired result is.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Amen.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Well, is there, like, historical or archaeological evidences outside the Bible that point to the existence of the Nephilim?
Scott Wright:So there's a lot of theories on that.
Scott Wright:I have read some of them.
Scott Wright:I'm not sure what I buy in, so I'm really careful stating publicly what I think on that.
Scott Wright:You know, I will tell you, there's.
Scott Wright:There's obviously been things like Bigfoot, that's, that's, that's one.
Scott Wright:You know, and there's been other things like that where, where people have made.
Scott Wright:That, made some of those claims.
Scott Wright:They have found some.
Scott Wright:There's been skeletons found of weird sizes and stuff.
Scott Wright:And so could that have possibly been the Nephilim?
Scott Wright:Yes, that could have possibly been the.
Scott Wright:That's what they were fighting.
Scott Wright:And they're calling it something else.
Scott Wright:Scientists are.
Scott Wright:So are there potential things?
Scott Wright:Yes.
Scott Wright:I will tell you, the Book of Enoch covers some of this with as well.
Scott Wright:And if you want to use that as historical source.
Scott Wright:Like I said, I'm.
Scott Wright:I'm one of those that I allow people to make draw their own conclusions on that.
Scott Wright:But I do believe it's a reliable source to use to understanding them.
Scott Wright:And the fact that men were making weapons to fight them would have been definitely making them more and more evil.
Scott Wright:I mean that was, that could have very well been.
Scott Wright:And it suggests, infers that that's where the ideas of making weapons came take place.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Amen.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Amen.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Well, what role did the Nephilim play in, in leading to the great Flood and God's decision just, you know, let's just start this thing all over again.
Scott Wright:So because they're great people and they're mixing with people and then the fact that men were not only combating them and becoming more evil, but also adopting a lot of their things and the things that they were doing that were evil.
Scott Wright:That is why, because again I go right back when God's plan is being completely shunned and completely turned.
Scott Wright:A lot of times he has to bring a catastrophic end to something to restart.
Scott Wright:And that's really what this is.
Scott Wright:The flood is a restart for human beings.
Scott Wright:And it is to rid the earth of the, of the different evils that were occurring.
Scott Wright:Just like when the Israelites would go in when they crossed the Jordan and God said, I'm going to fight, I'm going to go in before you.
Scott Wright:When they were going in to take the land and the land of Canaan, what they really were doing, it wasn't that God necessarily wanted to destroy those peoples, but he had to destroy their ways.
Scott Wright:And the problem is, is they were so corrupt in their hearts and been on evil that he had to get, he had to remove them so that he could establish the culture that he wanted so that they would actually worship the one true God.
Scott Wright:And it's the same thing here.
Scott Wright:This is no different.
Scott Wright:And so I always say, I think the Nephilim, just like Genesis 11, the tower of Babel, everything and God's will is always about not just what the white, but this time.
Scott Wright:And it seems like that they are trying to throw off God's time as much as any.
Scott Wright:And that's really what this is, this comes down to, is that the earth is not ready to be basically.
Scott Wright:Basically human beings aren't ready for this level of things and this to be able to deal with this level of evil.
Scott Wright:And the reason they're not is because Christ has not come.
Scott Wright:You know, as Christians, we have the power of the Holy Spirit to deal with these things.
Scott Wright:They didn't, it wasn't there yet.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Right.
Scott Wright:And so they weren't ready to deal with that level of evil.
Scott Wright:And the Israelites and their history proves that even with having God walking them through everything, them not having the Holy Spirit inside them to lead them, they would become corrupt.
Scott Wright:And they were the God's chosen people.
Scott Wright:So think about that.
Scott Wright:I mean, this timing thing is a big deal.
Scott Wright:And I believe that that is the clear message of all this and with the Nephilim is that they were messing up God's timing and people were not ready for this.
Scott Wright:And obviously these angels, these fallen angels, they were in heaven with that.
Scott Wright:You remember, they had been in heaven with God.
Scott Wright:So they would have understood the plan.
Scott Wright:They would have already known all this.
Scott Wright:You know, they were, they're eternal beings.
Scott Wright:So we've got eternal beings, mystic mixing with flesh.
Scott Wright:And they are fallen.
Scott Wright:So what do they, what is their goal?
Scott Wright:It's to mess up everything about God that God wants to mess up as well.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Amen.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Amen.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Well, you know, some people believe that, you know, the Nephilim are connected to end times prophecy.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:How do you see their story tied into eschatology?
Scott Wright:That is a great question.
Scott Wright:And here is exactly how I like to respond to that, is that when think of what fallen angels are doing, they're mixing with human beings, do you think, in some other way?
Scott Wright:In other ways, not in the genetic way, by sleeping with them and creating children and procreating.
Scott Wright:But do you think that demons still influence people?
Scott Wright:Oh yeah, absolutely.
Scott Wright:Well, guess what, think about the end times.
Scott Wright:Isn't that just going to become more and more prevalent?
Scott Wright:Isn't that going to be done at even higher levels than what we've ever seen?
Scott Wright:I think if we read the book of Revelation and we pay attention to all the different end time prophecies that are given throughout the Bible, I think we can, we can infer that that is true.
Scott Wright:There's going to be a greater demonic presence and a greater demonic influence amongst people.
Scott Wright:People are going to buy into it a lot easier.
Scott Wright:And we're already seeing that happen right now.
Scott Wright:And it's just going to get worse.
Scott Wright:It's not getting any, it's not going to get better, it's just going to get more.
Scott Wright:So Matthew, chapter 24, verse 37, as it was in the days of Noah.
Scott Wright:I love that passage.
Scott Wright:Yeah, it really sets everything up.
Scott Wright:And you know, so there's a lot of end time prophecy built Into Matthew, chapter 24.
Scott Wright:Jesus speaking, him saying that relates everything back to that.
Scott Wright:And I think in some Ways he's inferring these demonic presences really taking over and the way people will behave are going to be greatly influenced by demons.
Scott Wright:So there's funny, there's a friend of mine that I was listening, he was speaking to me one time and we were, we were just having a discussion and he said, you know, I listened to a speaker one time and I, I wish I could recall the guy's name, but he said this guy talked about his conversion.
Scott Wright:His conversion was that he was a drug dealer and a pimp, this guy was.
Scott Wright:And he said one night God took the spiritual blinders off of him.
Scott Wright:And he was literally standing there looking at crack houses, prostitution houses in a row.
Scott Wright:And he said God took the spiritual blinders and he saw the demons dragging people into these places to do the drugs, the prostitution, all those things.
Scott Wright:He could see the chains on them, he could see the demons.
Scott Wright:And he said for a moment he saw it all and it scared him and he saw what was around him and it was very scary to him.
Scott Wright:And that's part of, that's a big part of what led to the guys conversion.
Scott Wright:So you know, if God chooses to do that for a moment, it probably would scare all of us if we saw it.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Oh, absolutely.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Yeah.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Amen.
Scott Wright:The Book of Daniel talks about that if we could see the spirit world, it would look very different to us.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Yep.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:I mean we're talking about, you know, modern day stuff like this.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:You know, could all this be tied to what we call UFOs and extraterrestrials?
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:That is, that's the big thing today.
Scott Wright:You know, that's a possibility.
Scott Wright:Here's the thing.
Scott Wright:The Bible says what it says, but there's a lot of things that it doesn't address one way or the other.
Scott Wright:So could what you're saying be possible?
Scott Wright:Absolutely.
Scott Wright:It's, it's not out of the realm of possibility.
Scott Wright:I mean, think about how big the universe is.
Scott Wright:We have.
Scott Wright:Our knowledge of the universe is less than.
Scott Wright:It's, it's not even a pencil dot on a piece of paper.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Yeah.
Scott Wright:You know, you take a big poster board and you put a pencil dot on.
Scott Wright:Our knowledge didn't even equal to that of the universe.
Scott Wright:So what other types of life are in the universe that God has created?
Scott Wright:I mean, what other type of things?
Scott Wright:Obviously things are always in motion and moving.
Scott Wright:I've seen like, I've even seen pictures of our solar system.
Scott Wright:We, we have a visual of our solar system being this big circle that just spins and stays in one place.
Scott Wright:That's not how it works at all.
Scott Wright:It's more like a spiral moving all over the place.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Yeah.
Scott Wright:And so, yeah, it just.
Scott Wright:The spiral of that, of all those pieces stay within the gravity pool of the sun.
Scott Wright:Is all it is, is the sun moves and we move with it.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Yep.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Yeah.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:I've seen someone used the diagram of an atom with the electrons going around it and all that stuff as a good example of our solar system, because like I said, every picture of the solar system looks like concentric circles, you know, around the sun.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:And it's more like, you know, all this.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:That's why it's so, you know, technical.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:But why can't we just, like, shoot straight off to Mars, you know, because in order to get there with our technology, you know, we got to calculate, well, where are we going to be at?
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Where is Mars going to be at?
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:You know, and I read.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:I read something once where it says something along the lines of, you know, when they get to Mars, are they just going to be there for a couple of days?
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Like, you know, they were on the Moon and then come back?
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:And the person who answered said, no, because they have to wait until the next realignment is going to get ready to take place between Mars and Earth.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:It's going to take six months to get there, and everything has shifted by the time they get there.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:And it's going to take them, I think it said, like, two years to realign again before they can come back, you know.
Scott Wright:Wow.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:With.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:With the technology we have today, I mean, it's.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:That's.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:That's just weird stuff, man.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:That's.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:That's way beyond my thought processes, you.
Scott Wright:Know, I mean, that.
Scott Wright:That's why they, that's why they got those genius physicists in there helping all that out.
Scott Wright:I mean, it's.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:That's right.
Scott Wright:And even they don't perfectly know.
Scott Wright:I mean, they don't.
Scott Wright:They're.
Scott Wright:They're just taking the best educated guess and the best knowledge and wisdom that they have about this and saying this is what's most likely would be the best.
Scott Wright:If you want it to work, this is the best way for it to work.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Yeah.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:With the technology we have available today, you know.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Yeah.
Scott Wright:And who knows what.
Scott Wright:I mean, if they do that, if they go to Mars, I mean, not only getting there, but who knows what they're going to encounter.
Scott Wright:Getting.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Yeah.
Scott Wright:I mean, they can't perfectly predict that.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Yeah.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Right.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Amen.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:I remember when they landed on the moon, they're worried that, you know, the, the crust would just collapse and all this stuff they had no clue.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:You know, so hey, man, I mean.
Scott Wright:Hey, Bill Armstrong, the giant leap for mankind.
Scott Wright:I mean, when he jumps, he's like, what is it?
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Amen.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Amen.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Yeah.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:So, you know, with, with this Nephilim, is it possible that they are still here somewhere, maybe under the earth or anything like that, and their own little section waiting for the reemergence to happen?
Scott Wright:I, you know what, that's a great question.
Scott Wright:I can't answer that question.
Scott Wright:Nobody, I don't think anybody totally knows.
Scott Wright:I would say this is that we know there's a demonic presence.
Scott Wright:I mean, we know there's demons that influence people and you can be, you know, you can be attacked by these things.
Scott Wright:And so that part of it is still in existence and just as it was then.
Scott Wright:Are they mixing with people and are there the Nephilim and they arise?
Scott Wright:I don't know.
Scott Wright:I mean, the Bible doesn't say one way or the other, does not give us the clues.
Scott Wright:You know, I always say this.
Scott Wright:The Bible was written when it was written.
Scott Wright:It was written and presented to those people based on what their understanding is.
Scott Wright:God gave them a message based on their understanding of life and what they needed at the time.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Yeah, yeah.
Scott Wright:There's some mystery to it.
Scott Wright:And the Bible's full of mysteries, not just in this, but in many things.
Scott Wright:But that's partly because, I mean, just like going to Genesis 11, you know, why does God scatter all.
Scott Wright:Well, they were trying to be.
Scott Wright:They were trying to become like God.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Yeah.
Scott Wright:And trying to get to the point where they could accomplish anything no matter what.
Scott Wright:That's why God scatters.
Scott Wright:It wasn't time.
Scott Wright:They were, they were trying to do something that they were not supposed to do until the Messiah came.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Yeah.
Scott Wright:You know, every tongue, tribe and nation needed to be brought before God.
Scott Wright:Who does that?
Scott Wright:It's the blood of Jesus.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Yeah.
Scott Wright:It could not be done before them.
Scott Wright:That's why he had to scatter the nations.
Scott Wright:That's why that was done.
Scott Wright:It's because they weren't ready.
Scott Wright:The timing hadn't been fulfilled.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Well, what lessons can modern day Christians draw from the account of the Nephilim and, and their impact on humanity and relationship with God like you were talking about?
Scott Wright:Well, I think exactly what we talked about before, we need to be vigilant.
Scott Wright:And part of that vigilance is that we need to be in the word of God.
Scott Wright:And also part of that vigilance is, is that we need to be aware of our enemy schemes.
Scott Wright:Because if one thing the Nephilim can teach us is that deception comes in many forms from the enemy and that we need to always be aware of schemes so that we're not falling prey to that.
Scott Wright:You know, there's, there's a few, there's a, there's a couple of extremes to this.
Scott Wright:There's one extreme that somebody attributes every little negative thing in their life to.
Scott Wright:Demonic presence.
Scott Wright:Okay, that's going overboard.
Scott Wright:All right, that's, that's overshooting it the other way.
Scott Wright:But then there's also the far extreme that says that doesn't exist and the devil doesn't really exist and all that stuff.
Scott Wright:That's, that, that's being, you're going to be deceived.
Scott Wright:All right.
Scott Wright:That's absolutely nullifying the word of God.
Scott Wright:So the presence is, is that we have to know that they're there and that we understand how to fight them.
Scott Wright:All right?
Scott Wright:You know, and I know that sounds weird, Christians and fighting and all that stuff.
Scott Wright:But, but prayer, we're prayer warriors.
Scott Wright:We're not, you know, we're not me.
Scott Wright:We're not all meek and hum, just humble in that way, in the way that sometimes we think of it is weak.
Scott Wright:All right.
Scott Wright:Yeah, being, being humble should not be a sign of weakness.
Scott Wright:It should be a sign of strength that we block the enemy.
Scott Wright:And how do we do that?
Scott Wright:Through the word of God and through prayer basket.
Scott Wright:Those are the ways that you do it.
Scott Wright:And you know, and then when we use the word of God and we're supposed to, it's like a double edged sword.
Scott Wright:It plays defense and offense for us.
Scott Wright:So these Nephilim are a part of that demonic presence that has been on the earth ever since human beings have been here.
Scott Wright:And we just have to understand that that is part of the devil's scheme and that his goal is to deceive.
Scott Wright:It's to deceive the nations in whatever way he can.
Scott Wright:He knows no bounds and so we have to always be aware of it.
Scott Wright:He's, you know, he's an angel of light.
Scott Wright:Satan, basically.
Scott Wright:The devil and demons, you know, they don't.
Scott Wright:I, I hate the picture of them looking all blood red, ugly and horns.
Scott Wright:That's actually not true.
Scott Wright:God made them beautiful.
Scott Wright:They were angels in heaven.
Scott Wright:He made them beautiful.
Scott Wright:They look like angels of light.
Scott Wright:If you looked at them, they would look beautiful.
Scott Wright:If you, if you hear them, they know how to speak.
Scott Wright:They understand how to deceive.
Scott Wright:You don't deceive people by drawing conflict.
Scott Wright:Do it by deceiving, by saying slick words and you know, and 98 truths that's how you do it.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Let me ask you this.
Scott Wright:I think that's important for people to understand.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Was the story about David and Goliath, was that, was he a nephilim?
Scott Wright:You know, I've often wondered that.
Scott Wright:There's been some, you know, you kind of wonder that.
Scott Wright:And I mean, Goliath was huge.
Scott Wright:And he wasn't the only guy.
Scott Wright:There were.
Scott Wright:There had been other.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Yeah.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:His brothers.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Yeah.
Scott Wright:Yeah.
Scott Wright:You kind of wonder if they weren't some type of a descendant of that, if that had happened.
Scott Wright:Is it possible?
Scott Wright:Yeah.
Scott Wright:I mean, it's not out of the realm of possibility.
Scott Wright:I'm not saying it is, but I'm not saying it isn't either.
Scott Wright:So.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Amen.
Scott Wright:I think you have to leave that possibility open.
Scott Wright:Absolutely.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Amen.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Well, Scott, as usual, it's been a super interesting discussion.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:If someone has a question for you or like, more information, how can they get in touch with you?
Scott Wright: me at gcc God centered concept: Scott Wright:We can do an interview.
Scott Wright:We can talk.
Scott Wright:We can, you know, whatever needs to happen, happen.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Amen.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Amen.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:You know, one more thing before we close up.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:You talked a moment ago about how some people, they try and, you know, blame every little thing on.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:On the devil and, and all that.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:And as you said that my, that's gonna age me.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Now my thought processes jump to Flip Wilson, the comedian.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:The devil made me buy this dress.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:I had to add out a little bit of humor there, but the devil.
Scott Wright:Made me buy her stress.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Yeah, that was his little tagline for his jokes and stuff, you know.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Sure, some people listen to us right now.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Say what?
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:That?
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Huh?
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Go look it up.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:I'm sure he's on YouTube somewhere.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:You'll see what I'm talking about.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Hey, man.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Well, folks, we are all out of time for today.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:I encourage you drop down the show notes, click the links right there.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Get in touch with Scott Wright, order his journal, God Center Concept Journal, and be sure to subscribe to his podcast as well.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Praise God.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Scott, thanks for joining us again, buddy.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:I appreciate your time and I look forward to the next discussion.
Scott Wright:Hey, I look forward to the next one as well, my friend.
Scott Wright:Amen.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Folks, thank you for joining us as we explore this fascinating mystery of the nephilim with Scott Wright today.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:Remember, the Bible holds incredible truths just waiting, being discovered and uncovered.
Pastor Bob Thibodeau:So stay curious, stay faithful, keep seeking God's wisdom, and remember, be blessed in all that you do.
Pastor Bob:Thank you for listening to today's episode of the Kingdom Crossroads podcast, please subscribe subscribe to our podcast so you can be notified when another episode is published.
Pastor Bob: interviews and: Pastor Bob:Please visit our website at www.podcastersforchrist.com.
Pastor Bob:that web address again is wt ww.podcastersforchrist.com for more information.
Pastor Bob:Until next time, be blessed in all that you do.