Rise Up Kings – Skylar Lewis pt 2


Skylar Lewis pt 2

Skylar Lewis is back for part two of a great interview.

Skylar Lewis has built multiple multi-million dollar companies and has mastered the art of systemizing businesses. His book which is in pre-launch, “The 2 Day a Week CEO,” describes his journey from being consumed in the business to creating an incredibly profitable company that is run by its employees.

Skylar is the founder of “Rise Up Kings.” This is a three day Faith-based business boot camp and professional network of Christian business owners to help men become more intentional with God. The program has now helped men in over 40 states.

What are the Four Pillars of Purpose that you teach in your course?

  • Faith
  • Family
  • Fitness
  • Finance

I notice Faith and Family are at the forefront. Why is Spiritual growth an essential part of personal development that is lacking in so many professional development programs today?

I was watching some of the videos. It looks like BUD’s Training in some of the videos. Is this training inspired by the SEAL training?

You teach your clients how to use the right words to correct their mindset. Can you go over a few phrases that men can put to work right away?

Between finding the right mindset, the proper vision, building associations and having people to hold them accountable – how does all of this fit into the transformation and change that your clients seek or need?

On your website, at riseupkings.com, you have several testimonial videos, etc. What is one of the major things someone tells you after completing the three day event?

All of this is so fascinating. But, I think we should bring out, this is not just an open invitation. The people that want to attend must apply and be deemed as a fit for the goals of the program, correct?

Who should consider applying to the “Rise Up Kings” program and how can they find out more information?

Folks, I encourage you, if you fit the description that Skylar Lewis just shared, you need to check out the “Rise Up Kings” website. Go to the link down below in the show notes, at riseupkings.com and check out this unique program. It can change your life, your business and strengthen your faith and your family. Go to riseupkings.com for more information.


Email:  skylar@riseupkings.com

Website: http://www.riseupkings.com/

Email: jake@riseupkings.com


Rise Up Kings Podcast: 

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