Prayer 2021 – February 25 – Praying in Tongues Can Give You Strength

Scripture of the Day:  

Exodus 10:18

“Moses then left Pharaoh and prayed to the Lord…”

Praying in Tongues Can Give You Strength

We have been focusing these last several days on the importance of praying in other tongues. I want you to have a complete understanding of the scriptural importance of this very vital method of prayer and communication with God.

Tongues is also a means to build yourself up spiritually. We have read 1 Corinthians 14 before, but in verse 4, the Apostle Paul says, “He that speaks in an unknown tongue edifies himself.”

That means he builds himself up spiritually. Amen!

Jude 20 tells us, “But you, beloved, building up yourselves on your most holy faith, praying in the Holy Ghost.”

This verse does NOT say “praying in the Holy Ghost will GIVE you Faith…” It DOES SAY that praying in the Holy Ghost will build up your most holy faith!  There is a difference!

Praying in tongues will build up your spiritual strength and make stronger the Faith you already have! It is a means of spiritual edification! Glory to God!

I have witnessed too many miracles that have occurred, in my presence and yes, after I prayed that can ONLY be attributed to God. And every single one of them involved the Holy Spirit.

I can do nothing of myself. I want to make that statement right up front. These people did not get healed because “brother Bob prayed for me.” No. I do not take any credit. I do not the strength to do any of this on my own.

I give ALL credit to God and to Jesus our Great Physician. I was a tool, used by the Master. Amen!

Some of these involved close family members. Some involved friends. Some were on their death beds. Some were facing life changing surgeries.  But ALL of them were healed by the God, not me! I want to make that clear.

Speaking in tongues is a way we can magnify God. Acts 10:46 even says, “For they heard them speak in tongues and magnify God!”  Amen!

When we magnify God, that means we are putting ALL of the focus on Him, not us. That way, whatever happens, people will give HIM the Glory and the Praise. Amen!  And that is the way it should be. Speaking in divers tongues allows God to operate in ways that only He can achieve.

I want to pray with you right now to allow God to use YOU to reach other people. To increase your spiritual strength in the face of adversity. It may or may not involve healings. It just may be a prayer of intercession. It really does not matter to YOU how God uses you. The main point is making yourself available TO BE USED.

It is like a soldier in World War One. Radios were just being invented and the fastest way of communication was to send runners through the trenches. It was a dangerous job. They usually selected the lowest ranking person to be the runner. They would have to expose themselves to enemy fire while crossing the trenches. It was an extremely dangerous job.

But yet, if you think about it, that runner had the most important job!  He did not have the strength or the training to win the battle on his own. But he carried the strength of information with him! Without the information that was being relayed back to the headquarters, the commander had no clue what was taking place out on the front! If the commander had no idea what was going on, he could not maneuver his forces to counter an attack or launch an attack. It was the RUNNER that enabled the commander to win the battle.

It works the same way with praying in tongues. YOU are the person whom God can choose to speak through. YOU are the person who puts themselves in position to be used by God to bless others. IF YOU do not make yourself available, IF YOU do not yield yourself to speak in divers tongues when prompted by the Holy Spirit – there is someone, somewhere that could be lost forever and spend eternity in hell…because YOU thought it was beneath you to pray in tongues and let God impart something to you.

How do you think that will turn out for you when it is time to reap your Heavenly rewards?

I want to pray for you right now to yield yourself to be used by God. To yield yourself to the Holy Spirit to speak in divers tongues. Just in your private time… just start there. You may feel silly at first. But do it anyways. Just 15-30 seconds.

I can guarantee, after a few weeks of doing that every day for 15-30 seconds, it will not seem so silly. You will actually begin to TELL that speaking in that unknown language IS building up your most holy Faith! Amen!

Let’s Pray!

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